Ornithological Park🧠🧭 / Parque Ornitologico🌏🐦🦉

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago (edited)
Hello nature lovers, today I bring you a post full of beautiful photos we are going to see many birds that are endemic to many parts of the planet, we will also see others that are specialists in "invading" territories and that is why we see them in many countries! but the most beautiful thing the park has to offer us is learning about the feathered ones! Anyone who knows me knows that they are specialists in them and visiting an orthological park is something you don't see every day! join me on my adventure!🐓🦆🦢

Hola amantes de la naturaleza, hoy les traigo un post lleno de lindas fotos vamos a ver muchisimas aves que son endemicas de muchas partes del planeta, tambien veremos otras que son especialistas en "invadir" territorios y por eso las vemos en muchos paises! pero lo mas bonito que tiene el parque para ofrecernos es aprender sobre los emplumados! quien me conoce sabe que son especialistas en ellas y visitar un parque ornotologico es algo que no se ve todos los dias! acompañame en mi aventura!🌲🌿🍀👨‍🏫

Let's learn about the Park🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🦢/ Aprendamos sobre el Parque🤯🐦🌏

How incredible to be able to travel more than 200 kilometers to visit the ONLY ornithological park in Portugal, it is located in the parish of "Lourosa" in the northern region of the country, about 20 minutes from Porto, it is a space intended for education and entertainment for the public usually! It is open every day to the public and you can "schedule some activities" such as "rappelling" or feeding the birds at specific times! That being said it is worth the experience! you barely pay 4 euros per person!🤯😲😁
Que increible poder viajar mas de 200 kilometros para visitar el UNICO parque ornitologico de Portugal, esta ubicado en la freguesia de "Lourosa" en la region del norte del pais a unos 20 minutos de Porto, es un espacio destinado para la educacion y diversion al publico en general! esta abierto todos los dias al publico y puedes "agendar algunas actividades" como "andar en rapel" o alimentar las aves en horarios especificos! dicho esto vale la pena la experiencia! apenas pagas 4 euros por persona!🌏🧠👨‍🏫🦉

hahaha I love this photo, despite being old I have fun like a child! and I thank @zullyarte very much for this nice invitation, I came to spend a mini vacation and visit this excellent person I think we are the only Portuguese in HIVE xD, she, like me, had a lot of fun! and her husband has a lot of admiration for birds and I noticed that he learned a lot, of course I took advantage of my skills as a biologist to give them some explanations! Did you know that there are countries where a person can make more than 5 thousand dollars smuggling exotic birds? and this is very bad since together with deforestation they are the main causes of the extinction of these animals!😁😅
hahaha adore esta foto, apesar de ser viejo me divierto como un niño! y agradezco mucho a @zullyarte por esta linda invitacion, vine a pasar unas mini vacaciones y visite a esta excelente persona creo que somos los unicos portugueses en HIVE xD, ella al igual que yo nos divertimos mucho! y su esposo tiene mucha admiracion por las aves y note que aprendio bastante, claro aproveche mis dotes de biologos para darles unas explicaciones! sabias que hay paises donde una persona puede hacer mas de 5mil dolares contrabandeando aves exoticas? y esto es muy malo ya que junto con la deforestacion son las principales causas de la extincion de estos animales! 😁😎😋

Macaws are very intelligent animals and are the first to appear on our journey, some species are capable of repeating sounds, their beaks are their tool that makes them stand out among other birds, they are specialized for feeding on fruits, some have so much "power" in their beaks that can break very hard seeds! some are from africa, but most are from the amazon jungle! many of them are in danger of extinction due to illegal trafficking!🧠👨‍🏫
Los guacamayos son animales muy inteligentes y son los primeros en aparecer en nuestro recorrido, algunas especies son capaces de repetir sonidos, sus picos son su herramienta que los destaca entre otras aves, son especializados para la alimentacion de frutas, algunos tienen tanto "poder" en sus picos que pueden quebrar semillas muy duras! algunos son de africa, pero la mayoria son de la selva amazonica! muchos de ellos estan en via de extincion por el trafico ilegal!🦜🦜🦜

A variety of species👨‍🏫🦜

Bien!! Continuing with the description of the ornithological park in its facilities there are more than 500 specimens of birds, and more than 150 species from all over the world! this is reduced to more than eighty types of different habitats, let's remember that birds must be exhibited in spaces that resemble their natural habitat or they end up getting stressed or worse they don't reproduce!😲🦉🌲🦜🌏
Continuando con la descripcion del parque ornitologico en sus instalaciones hay mas de 500 ejemplares de aves, y mas de 150 especies de todo el mundo! esto se reduce a mas de ochenta tipos de habitats diferentes, recordemos que las aves deben exhibirse en espacios que se asemejen a su habitat natural o acaban por estresarse o peor no se reproducen!👨‍🏫🧠

The "lourosa" park opened its doors to the public in "1990", from that date until today new species of birds have been integrated into its facilities! Previously they had birds of prey but they ended up removing them from the park! they are quite complex animals besides being carnivores! It started out as a private park but years later the parish acquired it due to mismanagement of exotic animals! Despite being the only ornithological park in the country, it is also quite exclusive at a European level since there are not many like it in Europe!❓🤯👨‍🏫
El parque de "lourosa" abrio sus puertas al publico en "1990", desde esa fecha hasta hoy han integrado nuevas especies de aves a sus instalaciones! anteriormente disponian de aves de rapiña pero acabaron por quitarlas de parque! son animales bastante complejos ademas que son carnivoros! comenzo siendo un parque privado pero la freguesia años despues lo adquirio por mal manejo de animales exoticos! apesar de ser el unico parque ornitologico del pais tambien es bastante exclusivo a nivel europeo ya que no existen muchos como el en europa!😲👨‍💻

Importance of the park in Europe🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🦢/ Importancia del parque en europa🤯🐦🌏

Ecological contribution👨‍🏫🦜

Bien!! I understand that many people prefer to see birds in freedom than in cages! and my ethical sense tells me that it is the right thing to do, but parks like these try to recover the damage that we do to the ecology of the feathered, for example this park has some programs for the conservation and reproduction of birds in danger of extinction, yes you want to learn more about the work they do here then check this out: "EEP- European Endangered Species Programmes", plus the park contributes to a global bird census or registry!😲🦉🌲🦜🌏
Entiendo que muchas personas prefieren ver las aves en libertad que en jaulas! y mi sentido etico me dice que es lo adecuado, pero parques como estos tratan de recuperar aquel daño que nosotros le hacemos a la ecologia de los emplumados, por ejemplo este parque tiene algunos programas de conservacion y reproduccion de aves en vias de extincion, si quieres aprender mas sobre el trabajo que hacen aqui entonces investiga esto: "EEP- European Endangered Species Programmes", ademas que el parque contribuye a un registro o censo de aves a nivel mundial!👨‍🏫🧠

learning about nests🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🦢/ Aprendiendo sobre los nidos🤯🐦🌏

Cuando avanzamos en nuestro recorrido por el "Zoo" llegamos a una estacion donde nos explican los tipos de nidos que son usados para las aves del parque! muchos no saben pero las aves son muy exigentes a la hora de reproducirse, y los nidos tienen una gran influencia en su "cortejo" y puesta de huevos", por ejemplo si el espacio es pequeño o grande lo rechazan, si el agujero es pequeño o grande tambien lo rechazan! xD los emplumados son animales prehistoricos pero muy exigentes en cuanto a su "nido"😉😏⛔💖
When we advance in our tour of the "Zoo" we arrive at a station where they explain to us the types of nests that are used for the birds of the park! many do not know but the birds are very demanding when it comes to reproducing, and the nests have a great influence on their "courtship" and laying of eggs", for example if the space is small or large they reject it, if the hole is small or big they also reject it! xD the feathered ones are prehistoric animals but very demanding in terms of their "nest"🐦💖🐦

Owls are carnivorous birds that only hunt at night because their morphology is adapted to conditions with very little light and they have a very advanced hearing system! According to scientists there is a kind of "owl" that can hear a pin fall to the ground...🤯🦜
Los buhos, lechuzas son aves carnivoras que solo cazan en la noche porque su morfologia esta adaptada a condiciones con muy poca luz y tienen un sistema de audicion muy avanzado! segun los cientificos hay una especie de "buho" que puede escuchar un alfiler caer al suelo...😮🧠

incredible physiology👨‍🏫🦜

Here we see the famous (Caracara cheriway) together with Sarcoramphus papa these two birds were studied in my master's degree, and they are very intelligent animals that also make a great contribution to the ecosystem, they are scavengers and help the decomposition process and eliminate bacteria and diseases ! the gastric acid of a vulture is the most powerful in the animal kingdom capable of melting iron!😲🦉🌲🦜🌏
Aqui vemos al famoso (Caracara cheriway) junto a Sarcoramphus papa estas dos aves fueron objeto de estudio en mi maestrado, y son animales muy inteligentes ademas que hacen un gran aporte al ecosistema, son carroñeras y ayudan al proceso de descomposicion y eliminan bacterias y enfermedades! el acido gastrico de un buitre es el mas poderoso del reino animal capaz de derretir hierro!👨‍🏫🧠

These are very famous birds, an ostrich! when we see it we imagine that they are modern dinosaurs, despite not being able to fly they developed very powerful muscles and are the fastest flightless birds, I remember that my teacher had a preserved ostrich egg in her office and they are very large xD😲😲
Estas son aves muy famosas, un avestruz! cuando lo vemos imaginamos que son dinosaurios modernos, apesar de el no poder volar desarrollaron musculos muy potentos y son las aves sin vuelo mas rapidas, recuerdo que mi profesora tenia en su oficina un huevo de avestruz conservado y son muy grandes xD 💖🦉🦆

The most dangerous bird in the world?🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🦢/ El ave mas peligrosa del mundo?🤯🐦🌏

This little friend, despite being pretty, has a very "difficult" temperament, it is about the (Casuarius), they are very intimidating and large and can reach almost 2 meters, there are records where this bird has killed people in New Guinea, it has a beak powerful and can live more than 30 years! They are listed as the most dangerous birds in the world.😲😨
Este amiguito apesar de ser bonito, tiene un temperamento muy "dificil" se trata de los (Casuarius), son muy intimidantes y grandes pudiendo llegar a medir casi 2 metros, hay registros donde esta ave ha matado personas en nueva guinea, tiene un pico poderoso y pueden vivir mas de 30 años! estan catalogados como las aves mas peligrosas del mundo😓

Diversity of bird beaks🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🦢/ Diversidad de picos de aves🤯🐦🌏

As you can see, birds have different beaks, and it was something studied for many years by Darwin, and it is that the bird's beak is designed for a specific type of food! and I remember in my advanced ornithology class we had to study the ways to recognize when a bird had a diet: insectivorous, granivorous, frugivorous, carnivorous.😮😮
Como puedes ver las aves tienen picos diferentes, y fue algo estudiado por muchos años por Darwin, y es que el pico del ave esta diseñado para un tipo especifico de alimentacion! y recuerdo en mi clase de ornitologia avanzada debiamos estudiar las formas para reconocer cuando un ave tenia una dieta: insectivora, granivora, frugívora, carnivora.🦃🐓🦆🦚🦉🐦

As you can see, the park has artificial lagoons and this recreates an aquatic ecosystem where different types of specialized birds live to feed on aquatic life, such is the case of ducks, geese, flamingos, pelicans.🧭🦞🦀🦐🐡🐟
Como puedes ver el parque tiene lagunas artificiales y esto recrea un ecosistema acuatico donde habitan diferentes tipos de aves especializadas para alimentarse de vida acuatica, tal es el caso de patos, gansos, flamencos, pelicanos.🌅

diversity of plumage🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🦢/ Diversidad de plumajes🤯🐦🌏

Personally, for me, birds are the most beautiful animals in the animal kingdom, their plumage is unique and has different functions, from avoiding the cold to reproductive! In the Amazon, male birds must compete strongly against other rivals to show the female who has the most beautiful design! therefore the feathers are the most important thing that the bird has when courting and always keeps them well groomed and free of parasites xD🤩🤩
Personalmente para mi las aves son los animales mas bonito del reino animal, su plumaje es unico y tiene diferentes funciones, desde evitar el frio hasta reproductivo! en el amazona las aves machos deben competir fuertemente contra otros rivales para mostrar a la hembra quien tiene el diseño mas bonito! por tanto las plumas es lo mas importante que tiene el ave al momento de cortejar y siempre las mantiene bien arregladas y libre de parasitos xD😃😃

walk + learning🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🦢/ Paseo + aprendizaje🤯🐦🌏

A very interesting and fun day👨‍🏫🦜

Bien!! For me there is something that cannot be bought and that is happiness. Imagine enjoying yourself with important people and combining it with learning... You end up enjoying a very special day, without a doubt I am very grateful for the invitation from my two great friends! without zully I would not have discovered the place so I am very grateful! and as you can see she really enjoyed the day!😎👨👩🧑🦉🌲🦜🌏
Para mi hay algo que no puede comprarse y es la felicidad, imagina disfrutar con personas importantes y combinar con aprendizaje... Acabas por disfrutar de un dia muy especial, sin duda estoy muy agradecido por la invitacion de mis dos grandes amigos! sin zully no hubiese descubierto el lugar por tanto estoy muy agradecido! y como pueden ver ella disfruto mucho el dia!🙂


This message is very important and I think it's good that they instill it in children, respecting nature is a duty and obligation of us! I lived and studied in South America for many years and there is a lot of illegal bird trade, even if you are anywhere in the world, do not buy birds from street vendors! go to a pet store! much less capture wild birds since you contribute to the extinction or introduction of invasive species!😟🤨
Este mensaje es muy importante y me parece bien que lo inculquen a los niños, respetar la naturaleza es un deber y obligacion de nosotros! vivi y estudie en sur america muchos años y alla se comercia mucho el trafico ilegal de aves, aunque estes en cualquier parte el mundo no compres aves a vendedores de calle! dirigete a una tienda de mascota! mucho menos captures aves silvestres ya que contribuyes a la extincion o introduccion de especies invasoras!😱😠


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This post is entirely my own, the information shown here is from my experience with more than 15 years in birds, I have a master's degree and two specializations in birds, and some scientific publications!

https://www.zoolourosa.com/o-zoo/ (Park information) ""


@oscurity your really the type of person that likes to explore and view beautiful places and things which is nice and I appreciate it.

 3 years ago  

,,thank broo

What a great park and what beautiful species, I think the same as you regarding the captivity of birds but looking at it from the point of view you explain of endangered birds and getting them to stay and reproduce in a safe environment is a great job to preserve the existence of them 😉

 3 years ago  

Thank for the comment :*

It was a pleasure to read your post 😉.

What a beautiful park spectacle, all very beautiful photographic shots. HugQué hermoso espectáculo de parque, todas una tomas fotográficas muy hermosas. @oscurity un abrazote.

A good place. We definitely don't have that. There are places in the protected area where there are signs and a board with a description of living birds and their approximate number. And I understand this is something like a zoo for birds?

Que lugar tan hermoso, me encantó. Gracias por mostrarlo por acá.

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