Come live in our world for a day.

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

We have been banned from feeding the birds here in the complex.

Next will be a letter banning us from feeding the animals and I was also banned from taking photos in the complex.

So, no more photos of the dwarf chameleons or any of the other amazing wildlife here at home. Thankfully our own little garden is very busy and even though there are many eyes on us, I don't care, so come and have a look at a lovely surprise this morning.

Harry and Sally are back and he said, "Say dude, remember us? Don't sit there gawking at us and tell Marian that we want to see her".

Of course the squirrels had to get out of the way, as Harry is known as a fighter.

Marian gave the couple some bread with a tear of happiness and sadness in her eye because we couldn't put the normal tub of water out for them. (Too many eyes watching our garden)

This brave little guy was watching the geese, ready to flee, but desperate for a nut.

Little Robbie the Robin was also very weary of the big new chickens, as Harry and Sally were gone for a long time.

Now how can one refuse to feed a little angel like this?

Sad I know, but such is life over here and that is why we are searching for another free standing place to stay. We are not people that can live in a complex with all of their silly rules.
The mistake that we made when we moved in was to try and befriend and help everyone, but there is much disunity about.
Of course I am sad to leave the animals behind, but rather this than seeing Marian cry every day.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures.

Thank you for supporting a post by @papilloncharity


The squirrels are so cute! Somehow you never seem to mention the bad stuff that is going on in your life, and I know nothing of your behind the scenes aggravations. But I know how you feel, NZ is turning into a lunatic asylum (all of it). Hang in there.

Thank you and I always try to lift others up with my posts as it makes me feel better.

We all have problems in life and at times it really sucks, that is also the reason why I only do occasional posts about our charity work, as no need to harp on the poor that have things much worse than us.

The secret is to stay positive regardless of what happens around us and to us. Not easy at times, but it really helps.
So yes, we will with sad hearts leave here and I will show a post of our animal family that we have to leave behind in the next hour.
But life goes on.

Btw. Incidentally I put a good word in for you a little while ago to this post that mentioned you and us.

Stay well and take care.



BEERHey @frot, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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I feel for you. Hope you soon find a new place

A real heartsore story Lady Fiona, but as usual we forgive and I am sure that we will find our place of peace.

Thank you for the care.


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Why have u been banned feeding the birds as well as taking photo? There are already not more animal lovers. For instance, I am the one who feed and care the cats in my street. I would love to feed those beautiful animals in your pics.

Such is life my friend as people see things differently. I take photos of nature, but others are scared that I take photos of their houses and their children.

Yet others don't want us feeding the birds as the birds poop on their roofs 🤣
Something that we find hilarious.

Nope, they will not allow you to feed anything here. The one said that people are more important than animals.


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People are so weird!!!

That's why I stay away from them, I truly hope some birds will drop some deuce on your neighbours 😁

Hahaha, the weird people will think that they are normal and that your are weird.

They do spread the duece and I think that the birds think the same as us.


good birds!

BEERHey @edprivat, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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Asinine rules was the last straw at the old apartment complex. Thankfully the house buying process had already started so I just ignored their stupid rules and empty threats 😆 I would definitely do all you can in finding a place of your own as soon as possible, it's well worth it.

Good for you and we will be taking the same steps. The sad thing is that we will have to leave our animal family behind, but we take solace in the fact that we will build a new family.


BEERHey @theb0red1, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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Prying neighbours, wagging tongues, sad when it boils down to this that one must do what we do, get out and find somewhere new.

Free standing home now matter how small does alleviate all the problems you encounter, sad fact is the suburbs are no longer what one remembers either.


Oh yes, the very first night when we we moved in here a woman came to attack us about little Troy's barking. The past 2 years has been hell here, but we blindly carried on living our own lives. All things over too long on a hot stove will explode and such a time has arrived for us now.

The spraying on the farms doesn't agree with us, else we would move back there, so we are stuck here in the suburbs. The only good thing about this place is that we are close to the doctor and the hospital as we are still recovering from our last burn-out.
But such is life.


No one has been locked up like this previously, many are on the move suddenly realizing the area they live in no longer counts like they thought it did. Yes remote living also comes packaged with problems one has to think about before making any hasty decisions.


Amazing how these forced lockdowns have tripled the anxiety levels in people. They look at everybody with mistrust and fear in their eyes. A crazy new world.
We will wait patiently before we make a decision my friend.


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BEERHey @papilloncharity, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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Fantastic creatures you've got on your garden. Why on earth would they ban you guys from taking photos out there and feeding the birds?

People are people my friend and many want to have total control over others.
I am sure that you have also at one time or another had the same experience.

You are right.
Yeah, sometimes, while walking on the road, if I spot a particular stuff or place to capture, I could feel reluctant to do so because of what people would say or because it could be restricted to be taken shots. I just had to let go and move on.

Oh yeah and that's why I concentrate mainly on nature.
Sad to see interesting things and having to ignore them, but such is life.


Yeah, really sad.
Have a great week buddy👍

You too my friend.

BEERHey @maxwellmarcusart, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Feel so sad for the animals there...

Thank you and yes we also have sad hearts my dear friend.


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They look so beautiful

Thank you.