Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
Welcome to the 179th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.
The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.
The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)
Obviously, there is no way for me to verify whether the photo that you submit in the challenge is really fresh or if it was even taken by you so I am relying on your honesty guys. The prizes for the winners (as described below) are more symbolical than overly motivating so I don´t expect too much fraudulent behavior in this challenge anyway.
I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:
Only one entry (photo) per person per round.
The photo must be yours and not older than one week.
Add a few words about the photo, at least where and when you took it.
You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round. If you want to create a separate post as your entry, you can do that but please always remember to submit your entry in the form of a comment here in this post as well. I only check the entries submitted here as comments.
Prior to publishing the next round post, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvote on their entries and feature them in the next round of the challenge. I also give some smaller upvotes on the other entries too so that all participants get rewarded for their engagement.
I usually host the challenge on Thursday but when needed for some reason, I can host it on some other day so better check my blog regularly not to miss out on it ;)
To keep up with you guys, I submit my own fresh natural photo to every round´s post too :) Here is my contribution to start out this round:
I managed to go for some little hikes and walks in nature in the past couple of days and I did take some shots for this challenge while out there as usually but yesterday, when I was in my room, checking out posts by my fellow Hivers. nature actually came to visit me here in my Prague apartment! :) This curious feathered fella landed on my window sill. He looked into my room to check on me and knocked on the window glass with his beak. I looked back at him and knocked on the window from my side. He actually seemed to enjoy this little conversation of ours and was not afraid at all. Then, he knocked me a goodbye and flew off. I took many pictures of him during this unexpected encounter but unfortunately, the window glass was not clean enough to be fully transparent (there were some water drop stains on it after the morning rain) so most of the pictures of the bird turned out to be out of focus. The one above is quite ok but for some reason, the bird looks like a cross between a pigeon and a magpie in that shot while in fact, it was a 100% magpie :)
In the last round, we had 14 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:
@himalayanwomb with this entry from India:
So this is my first entry. Not even a week had passed since it did not rain in North India for a day, so I moved my body which had been lying in one place for many days and thought that lets go to Sahastradhara today. So I left with a little money in my pocket and a black umbrella in my hand. I reach Sahastradhara by local bus. There are dark clouds in the sky and it seems that it might rain anytime. The name of this river which is visible in the photo is Sahastradhara, I used to come here everyday in summer to swim, today I am surprised to see the strong current in it. Out of habit, I sit on the bank of the river and watch the clouds, the forest, the flying bird, the bumblebees sitting on the flowers near me, and my lovely river flowing with purpose as if it will join the sea today itself. I look at the river and think. Some questions about life, some about myself, some about the future. Light drops of rain bring me out of my thoughts. Since it has started raining heavily now let's go back. I have always liked to sit by the rivers, once I stayed in a tent on the river bank for 2 months, well that story again sometime.
@friendlymoose with this entry from France:
Very cool shot @phortun. It looks a bit surreal with those flowers. Your comment on my post reminded me to join this cool contest again. We have moved from the Garda Lake in Italy to the Jura Region in France. That is where I took the following picture during kayaking. Photo taken yesterday.
@franzpaulie with this entry from the Philippines:
Today's hike highlight in Valencia Mountain, Philippines. Stunned struck by this very unique knight-looking grasshopper. I'm pretty sure that there are many other animals and insects zoologists haven't even met.
Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries :)
I am looking forward to what you will come up with in this round.
Have fun and appreciate the beauty of nature!
I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Spotted this beautiful pink dragonfly 2days ago when I was rock climbing in Forest Camp Valencia, Philippines. Glad it poised calmly 😊
Wow, spectacular close up! Thank you :)
It is not a butterfly, but a dragonfly! Beautiful!
Thank you for the correction @stayoutoftherz , I appreciate it. Why I didn't see that? : ) I already edited its name.
It looks like he is thinking: What are you looking at?Nice shot of that bird @phortun
Today is our last day of our holiday in Italy and France.
I took the following shot at the Cascades du Hérisson in France yesterday.
We climbed 4 kilometer with an elevation of 200 meters along a couple of beautiful waterfalls like the one below.
Thanks for another amazing greeting from France! Stunning place :)
Currently there is rainy season in Venezuela, therefore everything is green; by the way this green tone is particular of this latitude, since the green of the vegetation that you find in higher latitudes is very different. You can see that the mountains are covered with vegetation. I consider that these colors are very soothing to the spirit.
The photo was taken in Caracas, at the north-east border of the city.
The mountain to the left is the Naiguatá, it is the highest this mountain range.
This is part of this post:
Wow! That´s a spectacular scenery, thanks for sharing it with us :) So you are on a Venezuelan trip now? :)
Yes, I am currently in Venezuela.
Let’s join in again too 😉😎 it always was so much fun! I have a bit more time now all the moving is done (for now)
Such a great experience you had with that bird, cool it truly interacted with you. They can be very curious… great capture of it and your window isn’t that dirty hehehe 🤭
For today’s entry I show you this snail 🐌

It has been raining almost non stop since last week here in western Ireland 🇮🇪
We did go out… not for long walks, but drove around a bit to see new areas that would look interesting for future walks. We ended up on the coast last Sunday… as there were some lighthouses and the mist looked just awesome. We got out of the car… got a bit wet in the rain 🌧️ as we followed a path along the water front.
On the path I found a few snails 🐌 crawling along… minding their own business 🐌🐌🐌🌧️🌧️🌧️ in the rain. I took a few photos of this one. Love it when their feelers are out and you see the eyes.
Nope… no lighthouses in the mist and rain today, I save them for a long post 😂😎
But… I just had to share this cute little snail crawling over the path from one side to the other one, where it disappeared later into the grass.
Happy Thursday @phortun 👋🏻😊 enjoy your day.
Hey there Little Bee! So nice to see you here again! :) Really glad to know that your moving is finally over and you can hopefully have some peace and quiet at last :) Thanks for sharing this picture of this cute little fella with us! Greetings from sunny Czechia to rainy Ireland!
For now this rental house will do. Until we find a cottage or plot to buy… then we move again… but that will mean we will settle down for a bit 😉
Happy to share 🐌 it was so cute crossing the path.
Greetings from rainy Ireland 😎 enjoy the sun ☀️Hey @phortun 👋🏻😊 thanks a lot. Happy to be around more and more again.
A little bee took a picture of a little snail, haha! Nice shot!
She did hahaha 🤣 had to share this cutie 🐌
!PIZZA Thanks! Hope you are having a great day @friendlymoose 😊 enjoy your evening!
Last weekend, I enjoyed a lot of fun in my beloved Jeseníky mountains (Czechia). Among other things, I came across this precious and protected little flower, Campanula gelida, which is actually endemic! If you wanna admire it like this little wasp(?), you must simply come to Jeseníky 😁
What a special (and endemic :D) sight to behold! Thanks for this great entry mate!
My pleasure to contribute with this unique entry (😁) to your contest!
First congrats to the winners! Secondly, I'm back as promised! Haha.
I took this pictures on Sunday when we celebrated the birthday of my mother in the woods, far away from daily routines and traffic noise. And since our family enlarged a bit if we count Sky (my little tomcat), it was a pretty good opportunity to spend some time in nature in the complete formula. ❤️
23rd July 2023, Valea Stezii (Sibiu county, Romania)
Yay! What an honor to have Sky, the kitty star of Hive, in my challenge :) Thank you Gabriela!
There were some great photos shared again last week. Good choices.
I wanted to be the second entry this week. I took this photo on the way to my village Turkey, Karaman, my favorite part of my village is that it is natural and the air is very clean. I took that one 6 days ago. Whenever I see this view I feel peaceful and happy. The turquoise lake in the photo, I think it got its name from its color :)
Wow! What a view :) Amazing shot, thank you. Can you just add where and when you took the picture please? I´m pretty sure it´s from Turkey, just like your fellow countryman @videoaddiction above, but just to be sure ;) Thanks!
Of course, I'll edit my entry right now 👍
Awesome, thank you :)
This is from a walk close by my home, in Vienna, a few days ago.

In the past this was a two lane forest road but since the area is not used economically anymore and no cars are driving here, nature has gained back some territory already. In a few years this road could be disappeared completely.
Great entry with an interesting write up, thanks! Eventually, nature always prevails over humans ;)
Many thanks!
Hi @phortun mate
I took the photo on Sunday inside a forest, a recreation area where people go for picnic or other weekend activity. It was better to go there rather than staying at home during the hot days. Location, Istanbul, Türkiye.
You can check my post here;
Thanks! It seems that every time you go out to nature, it´s either for a barbecue or for a beer session haha :D But it´s ok! Being out there in the fresh air is what matters :) Greetings to Turkey my friend!
We did both barbecue and beer :)
I can't believe I found mushrooms in the ground in the middle of summer! incredible but that's how it was, perhaps because despite the season, it has been raining relatively often. Not without food, nor poisonous, I found them at the foot of a "coroba" tree, while looking for plants for my garden.
Thanks for joining the challenge. To make your entry valid though, please read and follow the rules. You should add some info about the picture, at least where (location) and when (to make sure it´s not older than 7 days) you took it.
good night, I took it last Tuesday outside of the Botanical garden (///caño.playa.colgar) located on Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela. (location using www.what3words)
Thanks for adding the required info :)
You're welcome and I'm sorry, this is my first time.
"cariaquito" flower, a plant 🌿 quite common in my area, according to the popular Venezuelan legend, that the purple cariaquito is excellent for removing "kettle and witchcraft".. I took this photo two days ago in Ciudad Bolivar Venezuela, around my house located in 🔗
Thanks for joining the challenge. To make your entry valid though, please read and follow the rules. You should add some info about the picture, at least where and when you took it.
oh OK thank you
My summer vacation hike on "Frýdlantské cimbuří" (North Bohemia). Beutifull morning after rain...
No paráda, vítej v mé fotografické soutěži :) Fotka skvělá, anglicky to máš taky, což je super, tak jen poprosím o doplnění stáří fotky. Je třeba, aby nebyla starší než jeden týden. Díky :)
Aaaha, tak tahle zrovna starší než týden je :). Tenhle jsem zrovna moc přírody neviděl, tak zkusím příště ;)
V pohodě, dík za čestný přístup a rád tě tu uvidím třeba v příštím kole :) Mimo soutěž ti to samozřejmě upvotnu i tak, je to moc pěkná fotka ;)
Wow. Isn't that cool😎
Seems like the sky(thick cotton wools) is going to fall on these plants sooner than later hehehehehe
I took this on my way back from work on Friday, in Edo state, Nigeria.
Interesting capture, thank you! Hope you didn´t get wet :)
Thank you😃
No I didn’t I got home before it started pouring.
This time I will participate with an image that I think conveys a lot.
The picture was taken this Friday in the village of Bulci in Arad county, I was there to visit a deserted castle and a folk music festival.
I was impressed how such a castle is not valued by its owners and is left to self-destruct and secondly I was amazed by the concept of the festival in Bulci where you could participate and moreover you had the possibility to set up your tent in a special place.
We were very lucky to catch a fairytale sunset there, how else could it be in such a place.
I think the village of Bulci is also amazing, after all, here leading a quiet life with almost 100 inhabitants, yes, you read it right, the village is a very small one.
Friday 28.07.2023 village Bulci, Arad county, RomaniaFirstly congratulations to the winners for their very good entries and secondly to you @phortun for this concept.
Great entry with an interesting write up, thanks buddy! :)
I always participate with great pleasure😉
Congratulations to all the winners!
And this is my entry for this round.
I took this picture 2 days ago.
It's a just simple morning. I woke up early and enjoyed the fresh air after a long rain in the evening.
From Vietnam with love and rain 😅
Nice one! Greetings to rainy Vietnam from currently also rainy Prague! :D
My father-in-law's garden. Summer be praised! Last Wednesday.
Hromadí se mi Ecency body. Zaregistroval jsem, že Ti je @godfish posílá. Nechceš i od nás? Asi budeš mít vyšší úspěšnost s jejich udáváním než já...
P.S.: Trautenberkovi se daří víc, než jsem čekal. Baví mě to a dost jsem se naučil...
Díky za soutěžní příspěvek. Na výhru to asi nebude, tak tě nebudu ani zatěžovat s doplňováním lokace... Pokud se ti body hromadí a nevíš, co s nimi, klidně nějaké pošli.
Posláno 2x500 ecency bodů. Ode mě a od krakiho.
Díky, postupně vám to vrátím skrze TipU.
Už jsi nám těch tipáků poslal dost. Dělej s ecency body, co uznáš za vhodné. Díky.
hi community. I went to the mall and I can't resist the urge to take pictures to their beautiful garden just in the middle of it all. Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela

Thanks for your entry. When did you take this photo please?
June 27,11 a. m. in a mall called "shopping Center mall" located at ➡
Awesome, thanks :)
thanks to you Sr!
My entry is here!
Hi @phortun mate , https://ecency.com/hive-131609/@tahastories1/rain-is-calling
Clicked on 24 july 2023 when i was going to city hafizabad.
Interesting entry. Thanks for adding the required info.
Thanks 😊
Congratulations to winner
Here is my entry for 179th round
Thanks for joining the challenge. To make your entry valid though, please read and follow the rules. You should add some info about the picture, at least where and when you took it.
I have given detail in blog. Should i also give detail here?
Yes please.
If you want to participate in this challenge, please read and follow the rules. Thank you.
Congratulations to all the winners, how do you guys take great shots like this?
It's just a matter of taking a lot of photographs. Framing the image before you grab your camera.
I have done a free online course once, but I still learning from othwr photographers.
There are a lot of great photographers on Hive!
You can already see that in this contest every week.
This is something I need to pay attention to.
Yeah I totally agree with you that there are lots of great photographers on Hive.
(1/1) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily@ibbtammy, @friendlymoose
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoSkills & passion I guess :) The last round was really good with many great submissions. Will see what the current round holds. Thanks for swinging by :)
Oh I see. It's always nice to see Hiveans take great shots.
Congrats to the winners!
Thanks for checking out their entries! It was a very good round with as many as 14 participants :)
Thanks for the retweet!
Congratulations to winners. They have shown their skills very beautifully.
They did indeed. Thanks for checking out their entries :)
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.
Thanks for your support man! Much appreciated :)
Haha super fotot😍👀
Dík :) Třeba přijde paní straka dneska zkontrolovat tebe :)
Congrats to the winners, they presented really beautifuls photos of nature! i loved them!
They did! Thanks for checking out their entries my friend. Cheers!
Congratulations all the participants for participating, speciall congratulations to the winner.
Thanks for leaving your comment here for them!
Jak jsi byl blízko? Vypadá to, jakoby seděla půl metru od objektivu :-)
za použití #aroundtheworld
(1/5) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily@phortun, @bucipuci
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoAle kdeže půl metra, dělilo nás doslova a do písmene jen těch pár centimetrů skla :) Byl to zjevně velmi zvědavý a nebojácný exemplář :)
:-). Pokud se ti leskl objektiv, tak se nedivím. Straky mají lesklé věci rády.
Prostě přiletěl na parapet, nakoukl mi do pokoje, párkrát zaťukal zobákem na sklo, já na něj zaťukal zpět, vyměnili jsme si několik zvídavých pohledů, rozloučili se a zase letěl :)
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Yay! 🤗
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