shandalar (63)in Česky! • 14 days agoHive games earningsKolik mi Hive hry momentálně vynáší je nepodstatné. Podstatné je, že mi to určuje fázi trhu.shandalar (63)in #hive • last monthMy 1st powerup day🎉A year has come and gone and this is the fifth year I've been surfing the Hive blockchain. ...and this is my first The first two years were all about Splinterlands and dCrops playing. The third year Ishandalar rebloggedbravetofu (71)catin Splinterlands • last monthEarning In SplinterlandsEarning In Splinterlandsshandalar (63)in #cesky • 2 months agoHiveweb brainstormingTak jsem se do toho pustil... už jsem o tom psal, že by to měla být taková onboarding platforma do Hive ekosystému. Něco, co by síť přiblížilo nocoinerům, kde by našli nějaký ucelený souhrn informaci odshandalar (63)in #lego • 4 months agoBig lego postFor the last few years, the internet has been trending about how buying Legos is a great investment opportunity. But will there be opportunities for 2024 and beyond? In this article, I'll share with youshandalar rebloggeddalz (80)in Hive Statistics • 7 months agoHive Inflation for July 2024 | Running Hot for a Second Months in a Row!How did Hive did in July 2024 from an inflation standpoint? Let’s take a look! The projected inflation for Hive for 2024 is 6.0% on a yearly basis, or around 0.5% on a…shandalar (63)in #dcrops • 7 months agodCrops burn4recipes mechanismThis topic is elaborate of chapter "biggest problem", from my previous post about dCrops Beta balancing needs. It's a part of my suggestions and can be used as a draft for the upcoming balancingshandalar (63)in #dcrops • 7 months agodCrops Beta balance suggestionsI was quite sceptical about the initial information before the Beta collection was released and I was not sparing any criticism. In hindsight, I have to say that the expansion is quite fun - an effortshandalar rebloggedsplinterlands (80)in #splinterlands • 8 months agoSplinterlands DHF ProposalThis proposal and request is being written by @yabapmatt, co-founder & current President and CEO of Steem Monsters Corp., the company behind the blockchain-based game…shandalar (63)in #ai • 8 months agoRise of the machinesThis text is about machine translators on Hive and is written in Czech. If you are interested in this topic and do not speak Czech, please use the services of some machine…shandalar rebloggeddalz (80)in Hive Statistics • 8 months agoWhen Do Hivers Post and Vote the Most? | June 2024What is the time when Hivers post and vote/curate the most? Which days of the week? What hour of the day? Let’s take a look at the latest data from June 2024. Having in…shandalar (63)in #cesky • 11 months agoMaking my splinterlands portfolio great againPár dní jsem teď ležel ve fundamentální analýze Splinterlands a podělím se s Vámi o shrnutí, proč bude tento projekt i pro nadcházející bullrun opět fenoménem. Krom toho jsem přikupoval nějaká SPS, v čemžshandalar (63)in #cesky • last yearHo ho hooo!Je to tady přátelé... svět na prahu 3.světové války, největší ekonomiky balancují na hraně recese, rekordní úrokové sazby, inflace, obrovská nejistota a zmatky na trzích... a máme tu bullmarket. S&Pshandalar (63)in #dcrops • last yearOlives or not [ENG/CZ]In a few hours, a special promo card "Olive Tree" will be on sale. The number of prints on sale is limited to 1000 and the price has been set at 25.000 DEC. shandalar (63)in #splinterlands • last yearMonday CL Statstrack 15.1.2024Today is Monday, 15th January and welcome to my section where I keep track of Chaos Legion card stats. shandalar rebloggeddcrops (66)in Hive Gaming • last yeardCrops Update: The Much Awaited Farmer's Market Is Now Live!Step into the Farmer's Market - Where Harvest Meets Opportunity Greetings dCrops players! We are thrilled to release the newest addition to the dCrops universe - The…shandalar (63)in #palnet • 2 years agoMTG Alters/Alternování MTGEveryone probably knows the card game Magic the Gathering. I decided to go back some time ago after 15 years. Rather to the position of a collector, as I don't have much time to play anymore, unfortunately.shandalar (63)in #cesky • 2 years agoMoje medvědí strategie u NFT herNa Hive jsem přišel v počátcích, po jeho forknutí skrze NFT projekt Splinterlands. Ani jsem tehdy vlastně nevěděl, že kupuji NFTčka, jen jsem chápal, že herní ekonomika může fungovat jen díky blockchainovéshandalar (63)in #cesky • 2 years agoPodrobné seznámení s dCropsdCrops jsem prapůvodně bral jenom jako finanční spekulaci. Vlastně mě k ní přivedl jeden zajímavý člověk, kterého znám ze Splinterlands. Jednoho dne přišel na discord a napsal, že možná něco našel. Žeshandalar (63)in #cesky • 2 years agoPodivuhodná cesta tam a zase zpátkyByla to zvláštní doba. Strach vyjít na ulici, frustrace ze zákazů a komoušské manýry... nebylo to za normalizace, ale na začátku Covidu, ve 21.století. Svět se změnil, všechen shon byl pryč a místo něj