new life! - sunflower sprouts macros - 10 photo

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago


This post goes for #AmazingNature Challenge #2/5/22. (this round had no special given prompt).

What is hidden in this plastic jar, covered with a dirty rag? probably something amazing, since I dared to make this my entry for the challenge?


Yes, you are right. It is an amazing thing. It is a celebration of life!


But let me begin the story from the start,


I am terribly fond of sunflowers - this is one of my favorite plants and flowers! To my great regret, I live in the northern part of my vast country, and I am deprived of the pleasure of trampling, touching and inspecting sunflower fields - they simply are not here, they are not planted and grown, because in more southern territories its yield is higher. Therefore, if I want to enjoy these flowers in some other way than buying packages of ready-made seeds in a store or jars of sunflower oil ...


...then I have to take care of it myself!



That is, plant them yourself. Not a whole field, but at least a few pieces, which I will enjoy in my country house. Alas #2 - I don’t live in the country all the time, on the contrary - I appear there quite rarely. So if I will plant seeds in June, I will only see them flowering in October - which is unsuitable, I dont visit my summerplace after the summer season is finished.... and ripening of the seeds and having even a small harvest is out of the question too!

The solution is simple: I plant seeds in advance, in April, and get seedlings, which I transplant into open ground in June. Profit! So, I assorted about 30 seeds (I counted them later: 32, to be precise).

I put them into this wide plastic jar, added a small amount of water and covered it with this piece of fabric, to prevent the fast evaporation.

And I forgot to mention, that I didn’t have to visit the store to get them -- I already have some in stock (we bought a huge pack to feed the tits and sparrows in winter). Of course, these have to be natural seeds, inviolable, not fried ones :)

And very soon - in two days - I noticed the undoubted progress: the seeds came to life and hatched. Life broke through them from the inside and climbed out, with great force. It is curious to observe that some seeds contain more vital force, and some less, their sprouts are more stunted. This is normal and natural, it is always like this: some are stronger, others are weaker, in nature there is nothing the same.

Although you do not ask me about this, I will answer: out of 32 seeds, I got 16 sprouts! that is, the germination rate was 50%. I don't know if it's a lot or a little... probably, these numbers are different for each plant.


A week passed, and I decided to transplant the seeds into the ground. My wife bought a special pallet in the store (it is also plastic .. alas! plastic, plastic is everywhere! we litter the planet ..) and one fine evening we transplanted 14 seeds with sprouts into the ground. 2 more seeds fell into a coffee cup, there were not enough trump spots in a large container for everyone :)


And next morning I took the next photos. Just a proof pick... and of course, to watch how bent, twisted sprouts straighten up and "lift weight", stand firmly on their feet - a very touching sight.


location: St.Petersburg, Russia May 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv.



tags: macro summer flower amazingnature


Увидев фото я подумала что это твоя дочь опыты делает :-)

Интересно будет узнать их дальнейшую судьбу.
Большого урожая!

а кстати, было бы неплохо! но увы... под лежачий камень...

а вдруг :-)

судьба планируется быть высаженными в открытый грунт, расти, цвести и хотя бы 3-4 из них радовать нас цветением..... и послужить натурой для фотосъемки :=)

и послужить натурой для фотосъемки

хотелось бы

Beautiful collection of these sunflower seeds 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
That they may grow nice and tall.

thank you little bee for pollinating my little photo story, and for best wishes too -- a !PIZZA back

Anytime… love to read and see your photos in the posts 🤓
Have a great evening/ night!That’s cute @qwerrie 🐝🐝🐝🌼🌼🌼 hahaha you are welcome 🤗 could not just fly by…

Maybe to late at this hour…
Would work too 😉

the pizza courier is still at work or have gone to sleep, the probability is 50-50% right?


Yep… think we need to wait a little hahaha lol 😂 more like 60 / 40 %

Night night @qwerrie 😴😴

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 107 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

🌱💦🌿🌻 🌻 🌻🌿💦🌱

A beautiful post about how science and nature work together in harmony to regrow and reproduce food that would occur naturally in the wild. It will be fun to see yours mature.

How tall will the sunflower plants grow,
if known? @qwerrie

I had to smile as this reminded me of a science project I prepared in the 5th grade comparing and contrasting dicot (dicotyledon) and monocot (monocotyledons) seeds. Funny how some random things stay in one's memory!

Have a good rest of the day/night!

🌱💦🌿🌻 🌻 🌻🌿💦🌱

How tall will the sunflower plants grow,

I'd say about 1.5-2m, depending on conditions.... there are also some special decorative species which are 1.5m and not more.

The things stay stuck in our memory when at the certain moment of time they were connected with / huge emotional trigger was involved. that rush of adrenalyne or other hormones, imprint thoughts/ events / details in our memory forever....

I am happy you enjoyed the visuals - a !PIZZA back, as always


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
qwerrie tipped ninahaskin (x1) @qwerrie tipped @littlebee4 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Awesome photography and amazing post thank you very much for creating life and more flowers...

thank you! lets hope at least some of them will mature up to the bloom phase. 🙏

 3 years ago  

Thank you for entering the competition.
I once did a little "experiment" with two bean seeds.
The beginning was the same as your seeds.
One bean germinated more and the other bean did not want to germinate. I chose this for my experiment.
Within a week, I spoke on the bean, put my hands to it, and encouraged it to grow.
In a week of such "care", a bigger plant grew out of the beans than the one that germinated faster :-)


Nice article! Hope to see more sprouts!! 😉


ha! the "natural selection" passes before my eyes at the moment, and there are less and less sprouts day by day... I pray for at least 3-4 blooming sunflowers at the finish .... eh. well, lets see.

I would love to see the blooming flowers!!