well, if we talk of survival, ofc they are extremely good! 😂
but it will be difficult to eat them even with good teeth. therefore, acorn flour leshes should certainly be considered as the main and optimal recipe ... however, I have doubts about the final balance: how much energy one can get by eating such cakes - in comparison with the amount of energy expended a) for grinding acorns into flour, and b) the digestion of this food by the body ... fortunately, for me this is an academic question. ...
но будет трудно съесть их, даже имея хорошие зубы. поэтому лешешки из желудевой муки, безусловно, должны рассматриваться в качестве главного и оптимального рецепта... правда, у меня есть сомнения насчет итогового баланса: сколько энергии один сможет получить, кушая такие лепешки - в сравнении с суммой энергии, затраченной а) на помол желудей в муку, и б) на переваривние организмом этой еды... к счастью, для меня это вопрос академический . . .
Probably the best strategy would be to pile the acorns under a deadfall trap to see what sort of rodent you could catch for dinner. It would definitely taste better as well lol.
😂 so, this or that, acorns are useful. everybody should be happy to stumble upon it during your survival sessions in the local forest, right?
Just don't stumble into another's deadfall trap looking for acorns lol.
Again I am truly amazed at your mind's creativity, my friend. I would upvote your comment with shiny juicy CCC tokens, if I'd was a CCF curator!
🧐 😁