autumn berries (Amazing Nature thematic challenge) - 20 foto

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago (edited)

Berries.This post goes for #AmazingNature Thematic Challenge. This week the given topic was:

Being a vivid macro photographer, I happily took this challenge and put my dedicated macro lens to my backpack yesterday.

I love autumn, this is my favorite season - and for the most part, precisely because autumn is a ripening time, a time to harvest ... a rich time! these fruits appear on the branches and hang around, pleasing to the eye - even if they are not edible and cannot please our mouth and stomach :)

And besides, as we remember, nature is an outstanding decorator, and in the fall it releases all the brakes ...


Amazing, isn't it? Well, in fact it was not the nature of the solo that created this piece, I also participated, because above is the processed version of the photo. And below is the automatic version, as how the camera saw it.


A bit more pale and less catchy, less magic, isnt it? Feel the difference.

Ok, it was only a lyrical prologue to my post.


I entered our local park - one of two that I have in the foot distance from my house. Oops! a step back, it wasnt really the start of the story.

When I looked out the window in the morning, I was stunned - the weather decided to cloud our heads, which made me absolutely happy! Great surprise. After a quick breakfast of coffee and fried pancakes with a liver, my daughter went to school with her mother, and I went with the camera ... no, not to the office to do my work, but to the park to enjoy the foggy views.


That is it. The for was all around. The fog is really a precious, amazing gift the nature can give to a photographer, and I was very happy I can spend an hour looking at it, thru my camera viewfinder.

I planned to catch two hairs at once: find some berries and take the pics for the challenge, and enjoy the foggy landscapes. Thats why I borrowed two lens with me. (Well, actually three, but the fisheye I dudnt use at all). So, all of the pics below in my post are taken with wide-angle Canon 16-35mm 2.8L and Sigma 150mm.



No, these are not berries ofc -- its acorns. Beautiful, magnificent, attractive acorns. They are maybe useless (in same way as chestnuts that we have growing here), but I've seen so many folks collecting them -- just for the pleasure of touch their glossy skin, to enjoy these gifts that autumn brings us.


And although I hunted for berries, of course I could not pass by and not photograph this autumn beauty. And below there are chestnuts. I couldn't pass by them either, closing my eyes and turning the camera in the opposite direction :)


So, berries. Our park do not have something exclusive, like sea buckthorn or northern Siberian kiwi varieties. All the most common and very common in my area. Here's what I was able to find: rowan, barberry, shiny cotoneaster, snowberry, hawthorn, rosehip (one of the species). I also add juniper to the post (I took the photo from my archive, because it grows in another park, so I was not able to take photos of them yesterday).

Итак, ягоды. Наш парк не имеет экзотики навроде облепихи или северных, сибирских сортов киви. Все самое обычное и распространенное в моей местности. Вот что я был в состоянии найти: рябина, боярышник, барбарис, терновник, шиповник (один из видов). Я также добавляю к посту можжевельник и виноград (фото взял из своего архива, потому что они растут в другом парке, я был не в состоянии сделать их фотографии вчера).


Rowan!!! Tonns of rowan berries this year, the trees are bending under the weight of the rowan harvest. (Folk omens claim that this means in practical terms - a cold winter. Well, will see!).

Рябина !!! Тонны ягод в этом году, деревья гнутся под тяжестью урожая рябины. (Народные приметы утверждают, что в практическом смысле это означает холодную зима. Ну, поживем - увидим).


If theres a rowan trees growing next to you, and you have a telephoto lens, wait in December-February for guests: Fieldfares. Spectacle and beautiful photos are guaranteed!

Если рядом с вами растет рябина, и у вас есть телефото объектив - поджидайте в декабре-феврале гостей: дроздов-рябинников. Зрелище и красивые фото гарантированы!


More hawthorn. These berries hung on a small tree, it was convenient for me to photograph. There were no thorns on these branches.

Еще боярышник. Эти ягоды висели на маленьком дереве, мне было удобно фотографировать. Ягоды очень похожи на терновник, но терновник имеет длинные шипы, а боярышник - нет. У них также различаются листья. На этих ветках не было шипов.


Another type of hawthorn - this tree had sparsely located solid thorns 4 cm long. Different types of hawthorn differ in berry color, leaf shape, crown size, frost resistance ... this makes some species more attractive for use in gardens for decorative purposes.

Другой вид боярышника - это деревце имело редко расположенные солидные колючки длиной 4 см. Разные виды боярышника отличаются цветом ягод, формой листьев, размерами кроны, мороустойчивостью... это делает некоторые виды более привлекательными для использования в садах с декоративными целями.


I thought this is another type of hawthorn: it has black berries, different leaves, and grows in the form of dense bushes, not trees. The hedges in the park are made from this species. It has a very decorative look in autumn - decide yourself :)

Думаю, что это еще один вид боярышника: он имеет черные ягоды, другие листья, и растет в виде плотных кустов а не деревьев. Живые изгороди в парке сделаны из этого вида. Он имеет очень декоративный вид осенью - смотрите сами :)

named in Russian 'Кизильник' - the Latin name is Cotoneaster lucidus,UPD. thanx to @eto-ka, now we know what it is! actually not a hawthorn, but a different plant, aka the shiny cotoneaster, or hedge cotoneaster. Its really nice to rise your learning curve from day to day. TNKS @eto-ka!



Maple's seeds. Can be quite fascinating. But nothing can conquer to maple's leaves!


Feathered Friends community. For example: "Bird's Breakfast". Or: "Bird's Diet in the fall."Barberry. I stopped by a several barberry bushes ... and took many different photographs with varying degrees of zoom. Alas, one post is not enough to display everything worthwhile! By the way, three starlings were foraging near this certain the barberry bushes - I think I'll save these photos for the possible corresponding theme of the SMAP challenge by @nelinoeva and

Барбарис. Я останавливался у нескольких кустов барбариса... и сделал много разных фотографий с разной степенью приближения. Да, одного поста мне никак не хватит, чтобы показать всё стоящее! Около кустов барбариса, кстати, паслись скворцы - я пожалуй приберегу эти фотографии для соответствуюей темы СМАП-челленджа. Например: "Птичий завтрак". Или: "Птичья диета (меня) осенью".


More barberry beauty, and now on to the rose hips - the end of my photo folder ... is not visible yet!

Больше барбарисовой красоты, а теперь перейдем к шиповнику - конец моей папки с фотографиями... еще не виден! :)))


The pond. (A contra-punct to the red berries)


Rose-hips. Their berries age and become wilted in such a great photo-friendly way!



Few plants are as amazingly cold weather resistant as the Snowberry (in Latin: Symphoricarpos albus). Its large berries, densely clinging to bare branches without leaves, continue to firmly adhere to the branches even under a layer of snow! We have no snow yet, but the berries are already ripe and decorate the pictures. There are about 15 species in this family. They are quite familiar and often used to decorate city lawns and park alleys.


And these are juniper berries - took this capture a few weeks ago, for the previous A.M. challenge. Here we go!

location: St.Petersburg, Russia October 2021 raw-conv.
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm Canon 16-35mm 2.8



tags: macro summer flower amazingnature


Trees and berries all so different to what we see, perhaps the acorn is the only one I recognize, really enjoyed seeing the fog and park.

Thanks for descriptions on each, helps when one is not familiar with the Northern Trees and Berries.

@tipu curate

perhaps the acorn is the only one I recognize, really enjoyed seeing the fog and park.

oh! indeed... well, then my post is double and triple useful, for the Hiveans from the southern hemisphere. TNKS a lot for the tipu curation, its a pleasure to see good content getting a decent support.
PS > are you planning to join the challenge this week? would be intresting to see what you've got around there, under. and here is a !PIZZA and !BEER for you.

First photo definitely pops with colour, only one berry in the garden ripening at the moment I will have to think if I have any others on record.

That being said I am busy helping on a contest, let me see how time goes, I have not been so good of late with time! Have yourself a wonderful weekend, it is a privilege to share.

 3 years ago  

It would be interesting to see what berries grow in South Africa :-)

Few berries ripening now, mostly come out January/February in full summer.

 3 years ago  

Some topics cannot be combined for all climate zones.

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С черными ягодами - это кизильник. Недавно тоже его показывала. Не знала, что это, поискала в интернете.

ого! ценный комментарий, спасибо.
живём-живем, а простых вещей не знаем.
зы. из возможного - я еще хотел бересклет найти, в фотках, потому что по дороге забыл его сфоткать (уже просто замерз под конец, и было не до фото - а он у нас там есть!).

О, бересклет очень интересный, да.

Супер фото))

я тоже так думаю, что неплохо получилось. спасибо за комплимент!

The only good way I've ever eaten acorns was when they were turned into flour and cooked as a bread.

good?... did you say good?... ehehe. I am not sure... I slightly suspect that breat would have an awful taste, isnt it so?.. of course acorns have use cases; they can be harvested to feed pigs ... and kind of a coffee was brewed from acorns during the war and severe years of privation ... but this is a 'mala vida' , as they say in Latin America.

Yeah it wasn't that good compared to just normal flour and it did have lots of sugar in it lol. More of a desert bread. I suppose they are good to collect if you are surviving in the forest without food.

well, if we talk of survival, ofc they are extremely good! 😂
but it will be difficult to eat them even with good teeth. therefore, acorn flour leshes should certainly be considered as the main and optimal recipe ... however, I have doubts about the final balance: how much energy one can get by eating such cakes - in comparison with the amount of energy expended a) for grinding acorns into flour, and b) the digestion of this food by the body ... fortunately, for me this is an academic question. ...

но будет трудно съесть их, даже имея хорошие зубы. поэтому лешешки из желудевой муки, безусловно, должны рассматриваться в качестве главного и оптимального рецепта... правда, у меня есть сомнения насчет итогового баланса: сколько энергии один сможет получить, кушая такие лепешки - в сравнении с суммой энергии, затраченной а) на помол желудей в муку, и б) на переваривние организмом этой еды... к счастью, для меня это вопрос академический . . .

Probably the best strategy would be to pile the acorns under a deadfall trap to see what sort of rodent you could catch for dinner. It would definitely taste better as well lol.

😂 so, this or that, acorns are useful. everybody should be happy to stumble upon it during your survival sessions in the local forest, right?

Just don't stumble into another's deadfall trap looking for acorns lol.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

 3 years ago  

Thank you for entering the competition.
I have to appreciate your diligence :-). Again a great article and photo.


Did you use a 28mm lens for this? The colors are very thick. Really like the compositions. Specially the reds and browns come out really nice.

thank you. I guess i'd range the priorities like this:
color > composition > objects itself (for the landscape shots).
I dont have 28mm lens, this time I borrowed 3 lens with me:
16mm fish eye (great great splendid manual lens - super fun to play with it creating 'artsy' visuals and compositions, but I didnt use it this time) , Canon 16-35mm 2.8L (expensive one! L series) and 150mm macro. So most of the wide panorams especially close-ups to the object, are done with 16-35. the macro close-ups and distant panoramas is my 150mm to blame, it is heavy and would suit tripor mor ethan my hands, but I like it.

thanks for the compliment! not sure if I still have any pizza but lets check the !BEER fridge.

ps. "colors are very thick". - do you mean, thick = good? or what?.. I tend to improve colors in photoshop, yeah. not necessarily try to get 100% same to what it was at the spot, just try to make it look cool and delicate.. or intense. camera does it mechanically most of the time - and not in the best way. (check two 1st pics - edited and as seen by the camera - imo it says it all about my editing intentions).

BEERHey @yangyanje, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEERHey @yangyanje, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

These photos are just amazing, the perfect example of the magnificent, colorful fall season.

my pleasure to please you. you have the same pictures painted by nature all around you, I bet!

Yes, we are having the same atmosphere here, it is my favourite season but unfortunately, I can't take bright pictures with depth like you :D

I can't take bright pictures with depth like you

why so, if you let me to ask?

for bright pics you need a) sunny day +smartphone, or b) cloudy day + camera raw, to edit the pics in LR or Photoshop.. (plan B also require time, and is time-consuming...)

or you was speaking about macros? with macros, I have a spooky feeling that smartphones - giving less quality - also provide FAR BETTER depth of field, then my camera and dedicated lens.. which ofc is shame for me ... ofc, maybe theres smth I am doing not correctly...

you was speaking about macros? with macros, I have a spooky feeling that smartphones - giving less quality

Yes, because normal wide angle I can take or landscape sceneries, but for macro, my phone does a very bad job. I do work on lightroom, it's fun but macro photos are my wish :D

but macro photos are my wish

well, agree, its a lot of fun. did you obtained any 'extra lens asset' for smartphone?

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

wow, what you share this time, is really amazing, in my country that tree doesn't grow, I will wait for the next episode my friend..

NB: Hiveans do the voting thing to choose the winners, mind it. democracy! I warmly welcome you to go to Amazing Nature discord channel and vote - choose the winners of the challenge... and ofc join the next week(s) as participant!@bucipici who host the challenge will publish the next week Topic on Tuesday.. or Monday. I cant join all of the topics given (like, I had to skip waterfalls) -- but it gives a room for your creativity still there are ways to go. It is very nice challenge, and lots of fun along the way!

Really nice photos! I liked the ones with the chestnuts!

Grazie Mille! chestnuts are the universe, one could takes pics without end - they are touchy... and horny :)

@ qwerrie , That's right, to enjoy the benefits of nature. Sapere aude.

Sapienti sat.


Я вижу, что очень классно сработала "прогулка" в киношку. :) Хорошая фотопрогулка получилась.

Я вижу, что очень классно сработала "прогулка" в киношку. :) Хорошая фотопрогулка получилась.

это правда, но я бы сказал что еще лучше сработала поддержка от оуэсде :=)

Суперские фото!
На 4-м фото снизу случайно не осминог на ветку влез? :-)

ага! он самый - сбежал с тарелки где лежал под кутчупом, а цвет поменять обратно забыл :))

Wow awesome photos!
Now I really would love to go outside with my macro lense.


oh, you are a macro-addict, that cool! what have you got, if I may ask? just curious.

(personally, I posess Sigma 150mm and Tamron 60mm)

and I would say: !PIZZA is never enough 👍

I got a sigma 105mm macro lense. I am a huge fan of Sony because my first camera ever was a Sony (Alpha 57).

Now I am mostly shooting with a Sony Alpha 7 Mark3 and a Sony Alpha 7S Mark 2. I only have the kit-lense and a 1.8 85mm lense.
I understimate the prices of a full frame lense for those kind of cameras 😅😅😅

Let's have a pizza fest hahaha


as for me, I never used a sony but I was run thru a demonstration made by my friend @bambuka (we share the same city of St.Petersburg) and I was impressed and enchanted... if only I would venture into the trade from the scratch, I definitely would go after Sony full-frame... but I am already made my connections with Canon arsenal and it wont let me go so eaily, haha. I am actually very poor and cannot put my family budget into photo-hobby, all of my lens and cameras (except of the 1st Canon 350D) were second-handed, dated, and cheap.

Sigma 105mm is a decent gadget! I actually thinking maybe I made a wrong decision going after 150 instead of 90-100, for macro... I just could not invest my little money into what I really wanted (Canon 1002.8L is the top, but the prices are meh... my triple salary).

PS. speaking of the fest -- there will happen the 2-nd Hive virtual festival, in case you are not in the know. Dont miss it! Once in a lifetime -- !BEER

I see. Tbh my very first camera is still my favourite. Even with cheaper gear you are able to take awesome shots. And as far as I can tell you do a hell of a job!

I never had a lense with such a focal length so I can't tell if you made a mistake. But for me you have a nice blurry background and the subjects are nice and sharp! So I would not call it a mistake :)

Ah, thanks for letting me know! I will try to attend it :)

So I would not call it a mistake :)

heh.. yes and no. before I used it .. you never know, right? it is my fave! before that for years 50mm 1.4 was my fave. recently I enlarged my arsenal, and finally have got the top wide angle 16-35mm and a manual soviet 16mm fish-eye, all of them in a way are my faves. BUT, getting 150mm macro still was slightly a wrong decision - now having it I cant plan to change to smth else. actually: the minus is its too heavy, more tripod-intended, and the long 150mm focus means I cant do short timings from hands.. well, I do but anything less then 1/125 can be very questionable, for macro that is always a problem. so all in all thats a great lense, I am a fan of using it for street photos and doing paparazzi job, it has a pleasurable bokeh and light-power, the 'pro's are obvious. but still it has some 'contras' too. thats all for me today. no more !BEER left probably - time to go sleep :P
thanks for conversation, and acquaintance! laters.

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chrislybear tipped qwerrie (x1)
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Nice macro shots. Maybe you would like to join Macro Photography tribe?
Find it here:

Posted via

then, after the communities were arranged, i tried to share my photos via the few macro-communities I discovered on Hive, but it looked like to me, that nobody is following there, except of the groups owners-founders. Did the thing changed up to the moment?hmm, I am not sure, actually. I remember checking #macro and #macrophotography (and #blackandwhite) was kinda my very first step after joining Steemit...

Thanks for the link, I will check it, if community alive it would be very nice to send my photos there, for the 'target audience' to see them. PS> I also used to create focus stake images, from time to time. Tho they arent very impressive, not a 'fly's eye created from 150-200 frames', not this type of stuff. thanks, again! - !BEER

PS. checked it. I already in the know of this place, as you may see my comments in the intro post. dont think this community is popular and 'alive' - actually, it just kicked off 3 days ago... but I can say, so far, there was no successful takes on creating a specialised Macro community. Perhaps, for a reason?.. What do you think. @onealfa