Wanna know the most challenging thing about running a challenge? It’s being disciplined to join in and lead by example.
Yea, it’s always easy for me to present a challenge to the community. I then try to visit as many of your posts as I can and comment on them. All the while keeping track of participation and the entries coming in.
The hard part is when it comes time for me to take on the challenge.
Speaking for the WIPs is one thing but actually taking the time to get the work done is another.
As I sat on my bed this weekend staring at this eggpron I thought about all of your entries and how much you’ve been pushing to get your projects done. I thought about my words to you on how we are in this together and that we can accomplish our goals. This is what truly gave me the push to get going.
I don’t want to just say I’m going to something and then come up with an excuse of why it didn’t get done. I actually want to push myself just like you all have. 😊
My husband walks in the room and sees this look of despair on my face and says
Do you regret starting this challenge?
I said
No, this challenge is what brought me here to this moment but I do regret letting this project sit for so long.
I remember making mental notes while working on the first eggpron. There were things I did differently from the pattern that would have been good for me to know this time around. Of course I didn’t write them down but I hope those things come back to me while I’m working.
This was one of the main reasons I stared at the project for so long. I had to find a way to jump back in and remember where I left off. It’s always hard getting that momentum going again.
So there you have it folks. Please don’t think because I present the challenges that I don’t have my struggles too. Thank you for the motivation you gave me to get to work. 😉

The first step I had to do was mark the places for each row of pockets.
I took two bobby pins for each row and used them to mark the bottom of each end. I kept placing each row onto the eggpron to make sure my spacing was right.

I circled the end corners where I placed them above the bobby pins so you can see.
Afterwards, I sewed in the ends of the middle row before I went further. You know how we love those yarn ends, right @neumannsalva 😜😄?! No but seriously I like getting that out of the way as much as possible so I won’t have tons to do at the end.

Next part is whip stitching the bottom row of pockets on. I started at the bottom and will work my way across and then up to the sides. The key is to do so only at the top of the stitches so the yellow yarn won’t show up at the back of the eggpron.
I have quite a bit a ways to go across. I remember this was one of the reasons I dreaded continuing this project because it took forever to get these pockets sewn in 😫. No worries though, I am in this to finish! 💪🏽😃

Once I get the bottom and sides sewn on I’ll be making the egg compartments. Hopefully by next week I’ll have some photos of that to share and then I would have moved on to the second row. It’s always good to state our goals to give us something to work towards. ☺️
There is one more thing that’s motivating me to get this done and that’s my middle son. It’s his turn for a crocheted toy and he is waiting patiently for me to complete this. Remember the 3-headed dragon he wanted? Well he ended up asking me to make two ninjas for him to play with…I like that request much better. 😅
Let’s see what everyone did this week! I look forward to your progress reports. It has been very encouraging seeing how well you all are doing with finishing your WIPs.
Keep it up team! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Three things I love about your content!!@crosheille Am always so in love with content!!
This three things captivate me. Just look how you made this post. Always on point, your posts are always top notch!!
Thanks for sharing @crosheille
You just made my Monday! This is the best comment ever Smiles! 😊
It really means a lot when people take the time to express that they love my content and why they do. I thank you for taking that time to do so because it's very encouraging. I've really worked hard these past few years to express myself in a signature way and build up a style that is me. Thanks for admiring what I do and how I do it. It's really greatly appreciated ~
@crosheille that’s the honest truth, you’re an amazing person and your content too are always top notch ☺️☺️😊
Thanks again so much! 😊
Ah but I think most of life's most challenging area is discipline!
I would have to agree!
Wow, I must say you are a good leader ma'am. You always make every effort to get involved in the challenge yourself out of your busy schedule.
Glad to see this eggpron in progress👍.
I have a passion for needlework but then, I think I am lazy to take up a big project🙈. I have done some little needlework for my kids in the past. Right now, I am having a shift in my mindset to kill that laziness and join the needlework challenge.🤩
Thanks for always motivating me👍🤗
Thank you, I try my best. ☺️
Oh wow! What type of needlework do you do? I see you’ve been holding out on us. 😮😄
Please do join us!! We’d love to have you.
🤦🤦🤦😀😀😀, don't mind me oo...I am coming on board now!
I did a small-sized pom pom rug for the kids last year. I used wool, formed the shape, and sew it on the base I used. They have been using it in their room though it's getting old now. I also did their bottle water holder and I do some needlework on their torn house clothes as well.
Oh I'm gonna hold you to it. 😂
That's so cool! Yes, come onboard amongst others needle artists who would love to support your endeavors. Okay so when should we expect you? 🤣🤣🤣
I’m marking this on my calendar! 😆😄
No more escape route for me this time 🤩, oh my God!..lolz
Okay, next Monday ma🤩
Thank you 🤗
Right no more excuses. 😉
Yay!! Okay I'll be looking for you! 👀😄
well done, my dear, for not giving up! you will end up with an amazing thing and we are all looking forward to it! 😀
Thanks so much for the encouragement Tali. It feels good to have gotten started. Now I am extra motivated. 😁
A (Neumannsalva - hearing the words „yarn end“ is hiding behind a table right now, because not only does she write about herself in the third person, no she also got this week done exactly nothing 😱 not a single yarnend, button or collar 😱)
B did you ask your son how many heads the Ninjas should have??? 🤣
C Now the serious answer: WOOOOOW I love that you tackled this project. I remeber the design of it and that I love it. But I also feel your struggles, there is a lot of sewing and this often is less relaxing (as crocheting would be) more work in my mind. But it will be worth it. The design is special and the colors you have choosen too.
Have you ever tried to sew crochet with the sewing machine? I am asking because i so often have pondered to try it out (for knitting). I know that people do it in steeking (when you cut a sweater in the middle to later insert a buttonband) but I am still to cowardly to try it out….
Hahaha I thought hearing that word might make you hide 😂. Lol that's okay, there's still more weeks to go...don't be too hard on yourself.
Lol I hope only wants one head for each! 😮😄
Thank you for your words. There is a lot of sewing involved but you’re right, it will be worth it.
Oh gosh no I have never tried that. I’m too cowardly too for that. 😳
I hope I could learn that too someday.. I was curious about the challenge though 😅
She's currently learning how to crochet and doing great at it. There's so many great tutorial vids and of course you have us here too if you have any questions ~ 😉Hey Jane! You should try it! You can just learn the basics and make things from those beginning stitches. Ask @devyleona how her journey is coming along.
I will.. Just waiting to have more time..I really love watching videos about crocheting...
Hi , wow you are in quite a challenge, not only because you are participating with a wip project, but you read all the posts and comment on them and that is hard work!
Keeping us motivated is very important, and knowing that out there, in another country or in our own, there is another knitter with her own challenge, motivates us. We know we are not alone!
As for me, I didn't post last week, and yesterday I resumed knitting. I hope to be able to make a post of my progress this week. Last night I was happy to see that I'm on my tenth doll and I'm working on another project, so if I have time, I'll make a post this week!
Come on, if we can do it, we can all do it together!
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Hi Tibaire! Yes, it is very challenging but I do my best to get around as much as I can to support everyone. It definitely keeps me on my toes. 😄
I agree. It's great that we have this opportunity to relate and connect with one another and to know we aren’t in this alone.
Oh my gosh your tenth one 😃?! That’s amazing!! You are on a roll, keep it going!!
Now, that’s a lot of hard work, but you’re up to the challenge. Excellent 🤗❤️💕
Yes I am! 😁
Thanks so much for stopping by ~ ☺️
Hi @crosheille keep on working to our wip projects!
I also found difficulties in making mine, i needed to start over last night but i haven"t finished it until now
But i will keep on progressing it as you will do too :)
Thank you! That's great, we must continue on even through the difficulties. We will see this through! 😃😉
Smile! I love the question your husband asked your boss about whether you want to quit the challenge and at the same time love your answer because I good leader shows an example for others like us to follow. Am happy you did something good. On another way round, is not easy to go through other works in this community as you do and still create time to work. More strength boss.
Aww thanks a bunch for saying that. I really want to be a good example. ☺️
Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. It's a pleasure making time for the community ~
You are always welcome boss.
Hi, how are you? the development of the work looks like it will make a beautiful product. I liked the reflection.
I'm doing well for the start of the week, and you?
Thank you, I'm getting more excited about seeing it through. 😉
Well @crosheille thank God, very well excited about this new challenge that I undertook today, I hope with the help of the Almighty to achieve my new goals.
You really have a lot of work, thank you for giving us your time ❤ Your eggpron is looking great! It's a long job to do and you've already done much of it
Yes, I have quite the task on my hands but I'm so motivated by being amongst you all. 💗
Thanks so much. I know it'll be worth it in the end ~ 😊
Wow this look so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Please @crosheille how can I get a label of a member of #NeedleWorkMonday. Is it through application or what
Hey @mosesessien! We assign the member role upon our discretion.
When deciding we consider the overall participation and interactions as far as posting habits, comments and supporting others within the community.
You are doing well with being active here sharing your work as well as commenting. I will however suggest just be careful that your comments aren’t too repetitive. Meaning, if you repeatedly just comment “this is beautiful thanks for sharing” it can eventually be seen as spam or a comment that is not genuine. May I suggest you take more time to go into details about why you think something is beautiful or why you thought a certain post was nice to read. It’s easy to see who puts effort into their comments vs. someone just commenting for the sake of commenting. 😉
We’ll be reviewing more needleworkers soon to assign the member role but please keep in mind what I’ve shared.
Thanks for your question and attention to this ~
Thanks so much for such a detail reply I really appreciate I will take everything you said to practice, thanks once again
It’s no problem at all. I love seeing people do well here and that’s one thing I’ve noticed. Thanks for listening and taking heed.
Thank you for sharing this amazing post on HIVE!
non-profit curation initiative!Your content got selected by our fellow curator @rezoanulvibes & you just received a little thank you via an upvote from our
You will be featured in one of our recurring curation compilations and on our pinterest boards! Both are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within and outside of the DIY scene of hive.
Join the official DIYHub community on HIVE and show us more of your amazing work and feel free to connect with us and other DIYers via our discord server: https://discord.gg/mY5uCfQ !
If you want to support our goal to motivate other DIY/art/music/homesteading/... creators just delegate to us and earn 100% of your curation rewards!
Stay creative & hive on!
Thank you so much for this support and recognition :)
You have amazing handiwork and handcraft mam @crosheille. Just looking at your piece made me wonder if I can do this too? The patterns are very hard. How long does it take before to finish it?
Thank you @dennnmarc! Well you can choose according to the difficulty level of a pattern. This one is intermediate level and I’ve put it away for awhile and just now getting back to it. I’d say this will take me another 2 weeks to finish.
Thanks for checking it out :)
Omg, I truly feel for you.
The multiple tones of the wip challenge post you have to read and comment while thinking about your own wip.
I guess its just a challenge for us but a double challenge for you, you must be strong to be able to participate regardless of how inconvenient it might be.
Now I equally understand the part where one forgets the idea that could have completed a project, sometimes I have to device other means myself if those ideas never come back and I hope that yours will come gracefully.
My very best wishes for your wip and this challenge you have started for the community.
It will end in praise.
We are proud of you. ❤
Thanks Monica I appreciate your words. It does get challenging trying to keep up at times but so worth it. I love reading all of your posts so much. 💓
Thanks so much ~ 😊
This is really lovely and nice how I wish I could have idea about this I would probably have the opportunity to take part in stitching lol.
Hahaha! 😄
The process of crocheting is so fascinating to observe...
It takes a lot more than people think
Even though I don't crochet, it's still something that interests me
And I gotta say, your WIP is looking nice so far👌🏾
Great work on the challenge,
And for us that are not participating but following, we're supporting you
Take care of yourself and great work!🤗
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a warm message. Your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated ~ 😊😉
A good leader understands the emotions of his people. He wears the same shoe they wear. That way, he works better because his psychology is defined to theirs and then he aligns with them perfectly.
If you don't put yourself in their shoes and push the same way they do, you may not understand the energy they put into their work.
@crosheille you are a leader and I applaud you for that. Well done
Thanks so much Joy! I love your input and agree with how a good leader should put himself in their shoes and how he understands their emotions.
Thanks so much for adding on to this and sharing your thoughts ~ 😘
Good job getting that momentum again. !HBIT
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The community has spoken. The smallest HBIT unit is the quark!
Thank you!! 😃
I feel a commitment to finish my WIPs with all my fellow artists, but it has been hard to get back to them, especially in terms of time. I hope to be able to complete them.
I understand you so much, on the subject of cutting the threads to not have so much work at the end, in that the same thing that made you not follow the work reappears. Surely, you are going to finish, I perceive it in your words.
So beautiful your son, yes surely it is easier to make ninjas🙂
So sorry I'm just now replying, I think I missed this comment. I definitely understand about the time factor. 😉
Yes, I have been able to push myself to get through a lot of the sewing, I’ll be updating you all on Monday ~
I really love seeing your works, they are really good
Thanks so much for your comment. I’m glad you enjoy my crochet work ~ 😊