Hook and Stitch Marker Pouch || Crochet

in NeedleWorkMonday4 months ago
Recently I have been putting in a conscious effort to make my blog post sound like me and less robotic or some AI powered text. So hi there I'm Doreen Ikot, a 20 year old crocheter and social media manager.


Most of this information a lot of you already know but it has never been a bad idea to reintroduce yourself from time to time seeing that the person I was 6 months ago is definitely not the same period I am right now as I'm typing this post.


If you read my posts from months ago you'll attest to tge fact that they sounded more formal and I only started typing with my head voice recently. Don't get me wrong I did type all those posts but let's say I was not as comfortable as I am now.


I am a creature of habit and this has something to do with today's post. I like things in a certain way almost 99% of the time and I have a schedule to I follow that makes it less difficult for me to flow with my daily activities and so far so good.


As a creature of habit change is something that takes a long time before I fully adjust and get comfortable with it being a part of my schedule. That brings us to today's work. I used to own a kit basically where I had all my hooks in. I don't clearly remember what happened or how I lost that little purse or what made me stop using it butttttt my hooks were scattered so we're my stitch markers and they usually icked me anytime I had to work and they weren't all in one place like they used to be.


I also have a procrastination problem so I try my best to get my tasks done in the Heat of the moment because after that I may procrastinate or basically forget that they even exist at all which is usually a huge problem especially when it comes to work.


So I finally remembered to make this pouch for my hooks and another for my stitch markers. I didn't really think it through. Or decide on a mix or anything as all these decisions may make me postpone making it. Especially if I want it to look a certain way and the yarns I have in handy can't produce that look for me.


Then again it might just look like I'm an overly complicated person and honestly that's okay. Everyone is different and it's just the way it's supposed to be.


I got to making the case for the hooks and you know I would definitely try to mix two colors that I've never seen together and this was it. Purple and pink. I just did this to make it look fun sort of since everyone says I mostly do plain dull colors. And I actually love how it came out.
I forgot to measure tge size so I'll be sure that it will fit my hooks so immediately I finished I rushed to check if it'll fit all my hooks and luckily it did.


Went straight to making a pouch for my stitch markers as well. Bigger than the lost one I had so I was so happy I could get it all done in one go. Was a productive day for me. I got rids of two things that icked me and still had time to work.

Things I used to make this:
5.0 mm hook
Stitch markers
1 40g yarn
Measurement tape

Ps: these pictures belong to me and we’re taken with my mobile device.


If everyone was the same how boring would that be!
It is a great idea to try to connect with your audience. When I write I do try and have a sense of humour in what I write and try to get the reader into my blog.
So yes Doreen I can confirm you are not a robot!

This means a lot. And yeah, if everyone was the same, that would just be exhausting.

Hehe exhausting, I love some of the words you use!

Now I'm flattered. I rarely converse with people so I guess I just try to use them up here before I lose em all.

hehe use it or lose it! I like it, well feel free to use your dictionary on me.

My pleasure. But we're basically texting in a comment section right now. 😅😅 I fear we might get arrested 😅

 4 months ago  

Hi Doreen. Congratulations on your relaxed post, this is definitely the style we prefer to read in this community! Less tutorials and more personalized blogs from the authors while we see the cute projects they make :) This case and its color combination are very cute.

I send you my regards, happy weekend!

I'm so happy I finally got to do me. Was starting to take too long. Lol