Saludos querida comunidad, desde ayer he estado enferma del estomago y mi energía se me ha caído al suelo, pero decidí mejorar mi ánimo tejiendo sin presión alguna porque esto ayuda a mejorar mi estado de ánimo e incluso mi salud física, decidí hacer una figura sencilla, una foca , esta vez procedí de manera diferente pues no elaboré un patrón sino que busqué referencias Internet y me encontré con el hermoso trabajo hecho por la señora Esperanza de la página Tejiendo Perú y quise hacer una foca similar, solo varíe algunas cosas porque yo uso hilo delgado y aguja # 4 de 1.25mm por lo tanto mi deseo era hacer una foca de mucho menor tamaño que la que vi en esa página.
Greetings dear community, since yesterday I have been sick to my stomach and my energy has fallen to the ground, but I decided to improve my mood by knitting without any pressure because this helps improve my mood and even my physical health, I decided to make a simple figure , a seal , this time I proceeded differently because I did not make a pattern but I searched the Internet for references and I found the beautiful work done by Mrs. Esperanza from the Weaving Peru page and I wanted to make a similar seal, I just varied a few things because I I use thin thread and a #4 1.25mm needle, so my wish was to make a much smaller seal than the one I saw on that page.
I used dark gray yarn just for the beginning and the first two rounds because this is the seal's snout, then I proceeded by making increases and then working straight through then doing the neck decreases, for the body increases you do only in the middle of the total number of stitches, in order to create the belly of the seal, then work straight and begin to decrease little by little until you reach the point of the tail or fin.
At the end the stitches must be divided to work each flap separately, the flaps are made with increases on the external side and decreases on the internal side, then straight and decreases are made on the internal side until reaching 6 stitches and it is closed.
The dorsal fins are started with chains instead of rings, this to have a flat appearance, also the angle of inclination is achieved with increases in one corner and decreases in the other. When these fins are finished, they are stuffed just a little and sewn to the body.
The last thing I did is embroider the nose and sew the black pearls for the eyes, I think that this type of simple amigurumis makes me very happy, I really enjoy making them and they make me smile, I hope you like them.
Imágenes tomadas con dispositivo Samsung A12.
Pictures taken with Samsung A12 device.
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If you want to support my art you can also make donations for the value of a coffee (Ko-Fi)
Espero les haya gustado. Les invito a leer mis próximas publicaciones y siempre estaré dispuesta a responder sus preguntas y comentarios, también pueden seguirme y contactarme en cualquiera de mis redes sociales. ¡Muchas gracias!
I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you!
Discord: irenenavarroart#0361

Hola @irenenavarroart que te mejores pronto, que foca más cuchi, es tan tierna, siempre quedo encantado con tu tejido, tengo una petición para que la tengas entre tus futuras creaciones y si ya la hiciste me indicas en enlace para verla, se trata de Chimuelo el dragón jajaja, si soy una señora que le encantan las películas infantiles. Un abrazo y bendiciones para tu hijo.
Muchas gracias @jessiencasa no he hecho a Chimuelo 😁 gracias por la sugerencia
Beautiful needle work. I really love wat I am seeing
Thank you 😊
El arte sana. Te quedó bellísima la fokita. Mejórate pronto.🎇
Muchas gracias @afrikablr 🥰🤗
Gracias 😊
Amazing thanks for sharing beautiful creative content 🥰
Thank you very much ☺️
Amigurumi creations never disappoints as always, love it.
Thank you very much 😊
You're welcome (^_^)
Sorry for your health dear. Hope you get better. Your design is always great and I would love to learn more from you. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you 😆
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.
Thank you so much 😊
Hola, está muy linda la foca, parece real. Justo ahora estoy viendo videos de Tejiendo Perú. El tejer de alguna manera alivia el cuerpo y la mente. Gran trabajo.
Muchas gracias 🥰
So cute and neat amirugumi as always @irenenavarroart