An amigurumi giraffe

in NeedleWorkMonday8 months ago

Me encantan las jirafas y cada vez que tengo la oportunidad me propongo y tejo una. A pesar de que he tejido varis jirafas, no había tejido una en los colores que se asemejen a los colores de las jirafas.


I love giraffes and every time I have the opportunity I set out to knit one. Although I have knit several giraffes, I have not knit one in colors that resemble the colors of giraffes.

jirafa amigu.png

Creo que aún no le llego a los colores de la jirafa, creo que el amarillo debería ser más claro y el marrón tampoco es. Más creo que seguiré intentado llegarle a los colores. Sin embargo estos colores me gustan también.


I think I still don't get the colors of the giraffe, I think the yellow should be lighter and the brown isn't either. But I think I will continue trying to get to the colors. However I like these colors also.


A medida que voy obteniendo las piezas, coloco alfileres para simular la unión de las partes del cuerpo de la jirafa, y así ver cómo va quedando. Esta parte me encanta, ya que me motiva a seguir tejiendo y así poder obtener el resultado del muñeco, que en este caso es una jirafa.


As I get the pieces, I place pins to simulate the union of the parts of the giraffe's body, and thus see how it turns out. I love this part, since it motivates me to continue knitting and thus be able to obtain the result of the doll, which in this case is a giraffe.


Ya se puede observar en la imagen a continuación que ya tengo todas las piezas de las jirafas. Para mí, también el uso de los alfileres es clave en el momento de unir las piezas, ya que me garantiza que las piezas queden en el lugar indicado.


You can see in the image below that I already have all the giraffe pieces. For me, the use of pins is also key when joining the pieces, since it guarantees that the pieces are in the right place.


El unir las piezas es un trabajo minucioso y de mucha paciencia, puedo haber tejido las piezas por separado con un resultado exitoso, más si esas pieza no son unidas en la forma adecuada, el resultado final del muñeco, no será lo esperado. Por ello es fundamental, usar alfileres y tener mucha paciencia y dedicación en esta parte de la labor.


Joining the pieces is a meticulous and very patient job, I can have woven the pieces separately with a successful result, but if these pieces are not joined in the proper way, the final result of the doll will not be what was expected. Therefore, it is essential to use pins and have a lot of patience and dedication in this part of the work.



Una vez completada esta jirafa, la llevé al parque para tomarle unas fotos. Mientras tomaba las fotos, varias personas se acercaron maravilladas a preguntar sobre la jirafa, me encantó ver sus caras fascinadas e impresionadas de ver cómo este muñeco, este amigurrumi tiene tanta personalidad.

He quedado feliz con el resultado, aún falta hacerle su outfit, cuando lo haga se los comparto.


Once this giraffe was completed, I took it to the park to take some photos. While I was taking the photos, several people came up in wonder to ask about the giraffe. I loved seeing their faces fascinated and impressed to see how this doll, this amigurumi, has so much personality.

I am happy with the result, I still need to make her outfit, when I do I will share it with you.



Gracias por dedicar un espacio de su tiempo para leer la publicación. Si hay alguna pregunta, por favor pregúntame en la sección de comentarios a continuación.

Thank you for taking the time to read this publication. If there are any questions, please ask me in the comments section below.

Texto e imágenes: Por @jicrochet

Text and images: By @jicrochet


I think the colours are perfect, and the outcome is impressive, and very neat as well, you are indeed talented in this art, well done, looking forward to the dressmaking.

Thank you very much for your words, I have perceived the enthusiasm in it. I am in the preview of how I will make the outfit.

Thanks for comment

Que ternura de jirafa y que colores más hermosos. Eres una de mis artistas favoritas. Amo todo lo que haces y como has legado eso a nuestra princesa. Gracias por tanto. 💕

Me alegra te haya gustado... Y más me alegra que nuestra princesa amé el tejido, ese de mis mayores regalo de esta vida. Un abrazo inmenso

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Se ve muy linda la jirafa. Los colores están bonitos. Me gustaría empezar a tejer amigurumis grandes 😄 una jirafa está en mi lista.
Bonito trabajo.

Hola @creacioneslelys, un gusto enorme leerte. Recibe mi cariño

Me alegra te haya gustado, esta jirafa se teje rápido, es sencilla de hacer. Tengo el patrón, si me compartes tu correo, con todo gusto te lo envío.

Un gran saludo e infinitas bendiciones

Hola. Siiiiii. Claro. Te dejo mi correo por aquí ⬇️ Muchas gracias 😌

[email protected]

I also really like seeing people look fascinated when they see my works. This is really pretty . I like how the giraffe has crossed his leg. She’s a lady, hahah

The particular thing about this giraffe is that it has personality, it allows itself to be accommodated and transmits the pose in which I have placed it. Thank you very much for appreciating my content.

You’re welcome

 8 months ago  

You must have had a lovely time doing this. This giraffe looks sexy haha
I practically love this and wish that I can decorate my bed with this. Your choice of color to mimic a real giraffe 🦒 was incredibly perfect.

The giraffe is perfect and has personality. It is a doll that you fall in love with and want to have close. Thank you for your words and for expressing your pleasure in the result.

Infinite blessings.

Wow, you really come in to this world with a nice and beautiful talent, I love this in you, it a nice skill, I can even imagine the days and times you spent in crocheting this beautiful Amigurumi giraffe, good work 👍👍👍 keep it up dear

I confess something, without reading your words I had already been moved, and when reading it I was very moved. Thank you for understanding my art and enjoying it. infinite thanks

This is so adorable! I was watching my daughter crochet today and wishing she could make animals instead of just a potholder. She's happy and so is her sister, because it will go in her toy kitchen. Maybe I should encourage her to figure out some simple animals she could make. This project is so cute!


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