Greetings my dear Needleworkers! Welcome to a new creative Monday. I am pleased to greet you again and share with you a new crochet project. This time it is a case to carry makeup in your purse.

A few weeks ago I found a box with some yarns and wools that I brought from Peru that I didn't remember I had. I was very excited when I found 3 balls of this mixed material that I love so much. It is a wool of three strands of different thickness and texture that together create a very nice material to knit projects like bags, purses and cases.

As I was tidying up my room I was thinking about what I would like to do with this material. It had to be something that I could use and make the most of, since this type of thread is not available in my city. So, when I realized that my makeup case was already a bit deteriorated, I decided to get down to work and knit myself a new cosmetic case with this beautiful material.

To make the fabric firmer and therefore much more resistant to the case, I decided to weave it using a cotton cord inside the fabric. As the material has three strands, I had to use a number 4 aluminum needle to be able to knit it in a more fluid way. I knitted the whole cosmetic case in a spiral using only single crochet, until I reached the desired height and to close I knitted three rows in a fuchsia color to give it a more feminine touch.

The woven part is now complete, just need to add a sturdy lining and a good zipper, but I will be completing that later in the week. The nice thing about this project is that I was able to knit again after several weeks of rest. I really missed being able to pick up a needle and create something from scratch. I'll say goodbye for today, wishing you a great week full of blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en Canva.com
Uso traductor Deepl

i appreciate your work and itsa beautiful make up holder its very useful
Thanks so much.
Ese tipo de hilo es hermoso y combina muy bien con el fucsia, usted hace trabajos muy lindos amiga la felicito 😊, saludos 🥰
Gracias @marlynmont apreció tu valoración. Saludos 🤗
El estuche está muy lindo y el hilo me encantó
Gracias amiga, me alegra que te guste. Saludos 🤗
Muy lindo este estuche, el color parece que tuviera piedras, y el contraste con el fucsia lo hace ver hermoso 💚
Me alegra que te haya gustado, el hilo tiene un algunas hebras brillantes y eso hace que parezca que tiene piedras. Es un lindo material para este tipo de proyectos. Gracias por pasar. Saludos.
You make a beautiful make up holder 💗
I like the way how you make it 💞
I really appreciate your work 🤗
Thanks so much.
Always welcome my friend ❤️
S eve muy bonito ese tejido cambiando de color.
What a cute useful pouch.. i would love to have one @kattycrochet
Muy buena idea la de ponerle el algodón en el interior del tejido. Lo tendré en cuenta para mis próximas cartucheras o piezas para los muñecos. No tengo idea de qué hilo es (jaja), la idea es que está muy bonito para hacer accesorios. ¡Gran combinación de colores!.
Hola @inici-arte, tampoco sé como se llama este material, lo cierto es que cuando lo vi me enamoré de la excelente combinación que forman las tres hebras, lo compré en un almacén en Gamarra antes de venirme a Venezuela. Lo único malo es que a pesar de tener 100 gr solo alcanza para algo pequeño. Gracias por pasar me alegra que te guste mi proyecto. Saludos.
Wow this is really lovely