Blessed day, friends and fellow NeedleWorkMonday crafters, I send you a warm greeting from my little creative space. Today we have had quite a rainy day in my city, due to this there have been some electrical and internet connection failures. When these things happen that prevent me from working, I take the opportunity to take my knitting materials and advance some of the projects I have on my list of things to knit. I must say that the list is a bit long because I am always adding new things that I would love to knit.

Para comenzar con mi lista de obsequios me decidí por un proyecto sencillo, rápido y fácil de elaborar. Se trata de un pequeño estuche portacosméticos tejido a crochet. Este portacosméticos será el regalo para una de mis hermanas quien cumpleaños el 7 de Julio. Ella es muy coqueta y siempre le gusta estar bien arreglada, por ello se me ocurrió tejerle un estuche donde llevar algunos artículos de maquillaje en su cartera.
It seems to me that this year is going by too fast, we are already in the middle of June and that made me think that next month I have many family birthdays, so I must start to elaborate my gifts. I always like to make handmade gifts, I feel that with each detail I am giving something more than a material object, because I dedicate time and love to each thing I weave.
To start with my list of gifts I decided on a simple, quick and easy to make project. It is a small crocheted cosmetic case. This cosmetic case will be a gift for one of my sisters who has a birthday on July 7th. She is very coquettish and always likes to be well groomed, so I decided to crochet her a case to carry some makeup items in her purse.

Para iniciar debí tejer 4 granny squares siguiendo el patrón básico para granny y alternado los colores.
As you all know, I'm a big fan of granny squares, so I decided on a project made with grannies. I worked with white, wine and pink wick yarn in addition to the ecru color.
To start I had to knit 4 granny squares following the basic granny pattern and alternating the colors.

Para finalizar coloqué un forro de tela en la parte interior y un pequeño cierre.
When I had the 4 squares completed, the next step was to join them in pairs, and then start knitting the edges in single crochet. After knitting the edges, I joined both sides by knitting two rounds of single crochet.
To finish I placed a fabric lining on the inside and a small zipper.

The pencil case is the ideal size to carry just what you need and can be carried in a small bag. The fabric lining on the inside makes it firmer and also prevents the pencils from slipping out through the spaces in the fabric. I can say that I really liked the final result, what I liked the most is how fast it can be knitted. Tell me, what did you think. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en Canva.com
Uso traductor Deepl

Saludo me encantó tu cartuchera tejida los colores hermosos ella son muy útil para guardar nuestros accesorios a mi sobre todo se me pierden mucho, te felicito 🌹
Que lindo, me encanto el resultado. Yo creo que a su hermana le va a encantar mucho este lindo detalle de su parte. En serio que le ha quedado muy bien.
Estos días que no han sido mas que lluvia yo también he aprovechado para tejer un poco, tejer en momentos así es muy relajante y divertido. Para mi tejer es algo que me parece adictivo, siempre quiero tejer jajaj.
Saludos :D
I like the color combinations of your granny squares Katty. I saw this kind of design also in Pinterest I think when I'm scrolling for inspirations of granny squares and thinking of doing it but have no chance for now. You gave me an idea to write down every thing you want to knit to track those ideas we have. Sometimes I tend to forgot some of those. 😅
Los cuadritos de la abuela don tan versátiles, me encanta la elección de colores
Gracias por compartir