Straight lines and squares – sewing a laptop bag

My closet is overflowing with silk dresses and linen trousers I barely wear, meanwhile I am not even owning a decent backpack to pack it all into.

Maybe because I rarely sew anything practical.

When it comes to imagine dresses and garments, I am all in and do not shy of in front of hours of dedicated work time and potential failure. But when it comes to making myself things I really need, such as a backpack or any pouch to store important things in, I rarely seem to find the motivation to even start sewing.

Is sewing squares and straight lines putting me off?

I was preparing for a trip by bike, so I really had not excuse left to sew anything clothes-related, nor did I have the time. Sadly, I even had to abandon some projects.

Have you ever realized that anything outdoor or waterproof related is hugely overpriced?

Bike bags for example!

A few squares and latches, one bungee rope and it costs you over a hundred bucks, easy.

There really was an opportunity to make some of that gear myself. But I rather spend my time cutting and sewing silk strips together.

Luckily, I found some second hand options of all those expensive bags, saved some money and I didn’t have to make them all myself.

Nevertheless, I digged out an old north face bag and a bike-poncho, both made from waterproof fabric. With the intention to sew some little useful things for that trip.

One little important need is to protect my laptop.

I don’t want to drown my hive posts in the rain.

I should manage one square-sewing-session for that purpose.

As in most upcycling moments, I first took apart a few seams.

Cut some straight lines.

Had a few great ideas.

That I changed in the next moment.

The yellow bag didn't find its way into the project.

Ran out, hoping I didn’t already throw all that stuff that could come in handy now.

Intention or luck, I didn’t.

Before I realized I started to really enjoy myself sewing squares.

How refreshing not having to take in consideration all the complex and individual shapes of a human body.

Straight seams and clean cuts.

The design is just a tube, basically. On each end there is some black lace with a loop and a hook. Every side can be rolled three times and then the hook in the loop, closed.
Laptop and cables just fit in.

Bright orange is not going to make me loose it ever. Including a little reflective strip from back when it was a rain poncho.

It works, my laptop is safe, even in the forest and the rain. I can keep on writing about my ideas and encounters. And I rediscover, that sewing bags and pouches is a very satisfying way of making the needle work.

Thank you all to pass by another time. I appreciate all your support! Have a lovely week!

All photos and words are mine, taken and written by me.


I guess we have some in common. I just realized that I did all stuff I could ever think of with crochet and all were intended to sell and making something that I could use wasn't my priority. I couldn't even crochet my own top. 😅 But I wanted to wear one.

Anyway, the bright orange bag you sew looks like the one we could buy on stores. It was neatly done and has a good quality. I even like the color you used. 🥰

Sometimes we just get too carried away with all the ideas and possible things there are to make! I am glad you can relate😅
And thank you for your lovely words!!💕

I can't fully agree on "I'm not sewing practical" sentence, you do more than you think :p, but I can agree upon "salty expensive outdoor stuffs" as I couldn't find a proper rubber boots for less than 30$ 🙄

For how long are you staying on the bike tour?:D
That is a cool stuff to do (last post explained me why silk dress won't get along with this wood adventure) 😂

...maybe I am also a bit too dramatic at least when I write😂
I have no plan yet on how long... as long as I can/want pretty much:)
...but yes sadly for the silk dress, my sewing machine has to stay home alone for a while...

It's time to find some that fits in the pocket. 😂

Yes, please!!

 2 years ago  

Nothing better than needing something and having the ability to create it for ourselves. I liked how this bag turned out: protecting our electronics is very important and it also has a lot of personality with that bright color. Great work! Happy Monday ❤️

Thank you!! 💕

Nothing better than needing something and having the ability to create it for ourselves.

Yes!! 100% wouldn't know how I would do without:)

Wow, this looks classy. I.also love the color orange. Great process

Thank you, that is very nice to hear:)

You are amazing, the laptop pouch is beautiful and I love the color too. Thank you for always sharing your project with us.

Hahah, yes it is a bit of a crazy colour:)
Thank you for your lovely words!

Oh, I was so glad to find that I'd missed a post and now could enjoy it, dear ! What a beautiful bag you made! I love it!! I love that you take up less conventional materials and make something so professional and wonderfully functional: bravissima!

That is so lovely to read!! Thank you🧡😊