Taking advantage of all the material: girl's panty made with patchwork. / Aprovechando todo el material: panty de niña hecha con retazos. 😃❤️

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

Hello Needle Work Monday friends! I hope you are very well today. Greetings from Argentina 😀. This time I want to share with you a project I did a few days ago: it is a pantyhose for my little goddaughter who was visiting my house. I have wanted to make some underwear for her for a long time, and this time it seemed appropriate to focus on this, because I wanted her to wear a garment made by me. Hope you like ❤️.

¡Hola amigos de Needle Work Monday! Espero que esten muy bien hoy. Saludos desde Argentina 😀. En esta ocasión les quiero compartir un proyecto que hice hace unos días: se trata de una panty/bombacha que hice para mi pequeña ahijada que estaba de visita en mi casa. Hace tiempo que quería hacer algo de ropa interior para ella, y esta vez me pareció adecuado enfocarme en esto, porque quería que se llevara una prenda hecha por mí. Espero que les guste ❤️.

Hive DIY (1).png

I usually make underwear for myself, or for adults. Only once before had I made a garment for a girl, but I did not have as much experience as I do now after more than a year sewing daily. The good thing about underwear so small is that it does not need too much fabric and any scraps that we have left from previous projects can be used.

Generalmente hago ropa interior para mí, o para adultos. Solo en una ocasión anterior había hecho una prenda para niña, pero yo no tenía tanta experiencia como ahora después de más de un año cosiendo a diario. Lo bueno de la ropa interior tan pequeña es que no necesita demasiada tela y se puede aprovechar cualquier retazo que nos haya quedado de proyectos anteriores.


To make this garment, I took some scraps of flowery fabric left over from doll wear projects. Since I didn't have big enough ones, I had to cut the front and back pieces in half.

Para hacer esta prenda, tomé algunos retazos de tela floreada que me sobraron de proyectos de ropa de muñeca. Como no tenía unos que sean suficientemente grandes, tuve que cortar las piezas delantera y trasera en mitades.


The first step is to join the pieces together to form the complete front and rear. This fabric is very friendly, so there was a neat inside seam ❤️.

El primer paso es unir las piezas entre sí para formar los delantero y trasero completo. Esta tela es muy amigable, por lo que quedó una costura prolija del lado de adentro ❤️.


Then, it is time to join those pieces with the part of the internal reinforcement of the panties. This type of technique is called "pocket reinforcement": it consists of placing the front and back pieces rolled between those of the internal reinforcement and sewing with a straight stitch at both ends.

Luego, toca unir esas piezas con la parte del refuerzo interno de la bombacha. Este tipo de técnica se llama "refuerzo embolsado": consiste en colocar enrolladas las piezas del delantero y trasero entre las del refuerzo interno y coser con puntada recta en ambos extremos.


In this way, when the garment is turned over, the seams are hidden giving a more neat touch to the complete piece.

De este modo, al dar vuelta la prenda, las costuras quedan escondidas dandole un toque más de prolijidad a la pieza completa.


Later, we must close the seams on the side of the panties and it is time to stretch all the edges 😃.

Posteriormente, debemos cerrar las costuras del costado de la bombacha y ya es tiempo de elastizar todos los bordes 😃.


I had forgotten how difficult it was to sew in such a small space, I had to be very patient with this step. First, the elastic is sewn on the front of the garment, completing the 3 circles that have been formed: the two for the legs and the one for the waist.

Me había olvidado de lo difícil que era coser en un espacio tan pequeño, tuve que tener mucha paciencia en este paso. Primero se cose el elástico sobre el frente de la prenda completando los 3 círculos que se han formado: los dos de las piernas y el de la cintura.


Once all the elastic is sewn, it must be turned inside the garment and sewn again. In this way, the edge of the fabric is hidden under the elastic.

Una vez que cosimos todo el elástico, este se debe girar hacia adentro de la prenda y volver a coser. De este modo, el borde de la tela queda oculto bajo el elástico.


And after all, this is the final result ❤️!
¡Y después de todo, este es el resultado final ❤️!


Finally, a photo of my companion during the entire sewing process 😻.
Por último, una foto de mi acompañante durante todo el proceso de costura 😻.


Making this garment was relatively easy, since being small takes much less time, and since I now use my machine at full speed, I finish everything much faster. Now my goddaughter has her garment ready, the only one made by me with all my love ❤️.

Hacer esta prenda fue relativamente fácil, ya que al ser pequeña tardas mucho menos tiempo, y como ahora uso mi máquina a máxima velocidad, termino todo mucho más rápido. Ahora mi ahijada tiene su prenda lista, única hecha por mí con todo mi amor ❤️.

Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading ❤️.
¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer ❤️.


With love. / Con amor.
Lau 💕.

(All the images were taken by me. / Todas las imágenes las tomé yo).


😂 Your are really creative

 4 years ago  

Thank you ❤️

Muy linda y sencilla de hacer.

 4 years ago  

Gracias Mariela, así es!

Hola muy linda tu creación, la tela es hermosa, el empate que hiciste en la parte delantera quedó perfecto; ya que unió las rosas. Saludos!

 4 years ago  

¡Gracias! Fue por casualidad, no me había detenido a pensar en como quedaría el dibujo jajaja.

Quisiera señalar que tu alfiletero es demasiado tierno jajaja ❤️

 4 years ago  

Gracias 😍😍. Me lo regaló mi hermana.

felicitaciones, te quedó muy hermosa. 😊

 4 years ago  

Muchas gracias 😍

I am suprised, noone commented it yet:

You could probably get much better rewards, if you were also wearing them in the photos 😁

 4 years ago  

HAHAHAH well maybe not this particular garment because is for a child... but I make other for me in lace that would be good for the photos. Although that's definitely not the content I like to create.

I will share with you something funny that happens: I don't know if it is known worldwide or what, but there is a site called "Only Fans" that is characterized by the possibility of making money with content (photos, videos), mainly erotic or sexual. Well, few people know that I have this blog (they can't really understand it), but they know that I make money creating content, and I happen to make lace underwear and stuff... I think nobody dares to ask me if money is I get from Only Fans but I'm sure many think so.

Only Fans is known worldwide.

a young lady making magic internet money - I am sure a lot of people would assume it would be from Only Fans.

I was just trying to be funny, though :)

 4 years ago  

Yes, of course I understood it as a joke. Although you are not the only one who mentioned it, I do not know if the others were saying it as a joke too 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.

I tried reading the comments, but my Spanish is not that good.

 4 years ago  

Not in this post, in others and once by Discord 😅