Tutorial: Sexy Combination Bikini /// Sexy Bikini combinado [ESP / ENG]

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

Bienvenidos a mi Blog!

Café en mano y sonrisa en boca 😁

Welcome to my Blog!
Coffee in hand and smile in mouth 😁.

Buenos dias y bendecido dia Jueves nublado y lluvioso por estos lados, espero que todos se encuentren bien de salud, a ustedes mis queridos amigos virtuales y blogueros entusiastas y emprendedores, les envio un fuerte abrazo y muchas bendiciones.

Estoy convencida que experimentar en este ramo de la costura me ha traído buenos beneficios, a continuación te muestro el paso a paso de la Confección de un Sexy Bikini combinado.

Good morning and blessed day Thursday cloudy and rainy in these parts, I hope everyone is in good health, to you my dear virtual friends and enthusiastic and enterprising bloggers, I send you a big hug and many blessings.

I am convinced that experimenting in this branch of sewing has brought me good benefits, then I show you the step by step of the Confection of a Sexy Bikini combined.


Lo primero buscar los materiales necesarios y por supuesto los patrones, en este caso son personalizados a mi talla.

The first thing to do is to find the necessary materials and of course the patterns, in this case they are customized to my size.


Disponemos el patron sobre la tela, ajustamos con alfileres y cortamos con mucho cuidado

We place the pattern on the fabric, adjust with pins and cut very carefully.

Lo bueno de realizar tus prendas con una tela que sea elastizada para ambos lados, es que aprovechas al maximo la tela sin desperdicio

The good thing about making your garments with a fabric that is elasticized on both sides, is that you get the most out of the fabric without waste.


Ya hemos cortado todas las piezas, ahora nos disponemos a unir con nuestra máquina

We have already cut all the pieces, now we are ready to join them with our machine.


Unimos con alfileres y pasamos costura recta

We join with pins and pass straight stitching

Vamos a coser el refuerzo, esta es la parte donde tenemos que tener mas cuidado, no es tan complicado solo poner un poco de atencion al momento de colocar las telas

We are going to sew the reinforcement, this is the part where we have to be more careful, it is not so complicated, just pay a little attention when placing the fabrics.

Es momento de colocar la elastica, en este caso vamos a usar sesgo elastico, elegí color negro para combinar con la tela

It is time to place the elastic, in this case we will use elastic bias, I chose black to match the fabric.


Ajustamos con alfileres y cosemos con zig zag, en mi máquina uso la puntada 3 tiempos, estiramos y cosemos

Adjust with pins and sew with zig zag, in my machine I use the 3 times stitch, stretch and sew.

Para la pretina no me alcanzó el sesgo, improvise y coloqué una elastica para ropa intima de color blanco, me di cuenta que era buena combinación y continue

For the waistband I couldn't afford the bias, so I improvised and used a white elastic for intimate apparel, I realized it was a good combination and continued.

Unimos los laterales con costura recta y repasamos

We join the sides with a straight stitch and we go over


Así está terminado mi trabajo y quedo hermoso, jejeje 😁

Me gustó el resultado de este Sexy Bikini combinado

This is how my work is finished and it looks beautiful, hehehe 😁.

I liked the result of this Sexy Combination Bikini.


Hasta aquí mi publicación por el día de hoy, será hasta una próxima oportunidad y hasta que compre mas materiales, espero sea de tu agrado mi post de hoy, inmensamente agradecida por la oportunidad de interactuar cada día con personas tan maravillosas como tú, bendiciones.

So far my publication for today, it will be until a next opportunity and until I buy more materials, I hope you like my post today, immensely grateful for the opportunity to interact every day with people as wonderful as you, blessings.

  • Todas las fotografías aquí presentadas son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Blu Studio X10
  • Mi idioma natal es el español, realice la traducción con ayuda de Deepl.com
  • All the photographs presented here are my own, taken with my Blu Studio X10 phone.
  • My native language is Spanish, I made the translation with the help of Deepl.com.

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Hola @leslieq78, me gusto mucho la combinacion que hiciste y el diseño tambien, felicitaciones.

This is beautiful, I think with this detailed explanation you've given, I believe I can give it a try on my own one of these days 😁😁😁😁

Thanks for sharing @leslieq78

These look brilliant, dear @leslieq78 ! Well done indeed! I am beginning to plan a design for underwear (knickers) also, and look forward to beginning soon: I'm finally done with spending money on underpants, which then fall to bits after a year or so... I'm determined to make a pair which can endure longer and which will be even more comfortable and fitting nicely :-D

Hi, thank you very much for your appreciation, this is really a good way to save a little money and you get the satisfaction that you do it yourself, good luck with that, I hope to see your designs soon, I send you a hug.