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RE: The products of imagination and skills

No worries 😊
Yep, unfortunately it did.
In the middle of further planning now. We hear this week what happened job wise as there are 3 options.
Job for the company that took over, external job or no job… exciting times. Whatever happens we are planning a move middle of December 😳 that’s soon indeed 🤓
But will be fine… let’s think positive.

Yes, try not to be to hard on yourself… take some breaks in between, even if it is just a few moment 😎

I know, but we will visit Spain, no worries. Still have friends here and some murals to maintain. 😉 we will meet one day 😎
Thank you so much @mipiano have a great day and week too 👋🏻🍀☀️


I know, but we will visit Spain, no worries. Still have friends here and some murals to maintain. 😉 we will meet one day 😎

night night 👋That would be wonderful @littlebee4 😇

It surely would be, or if you would be in the area of our new place…
We will meet one day somewhere for sure 😎

Night night, sleep well 👋🏻😴