Monday. Sometimes just the mention of this word gives us not-so-happy thoughts... as you know, it is the first workday for many so that part of life is not that attractive. The weekend passes just too quickly and we are again at the beginning of a new, several-day working cycle. But, we can also look at it from a more positive and colourful side. Work is creating. Developing our skills and creativity, even if we think it is a repetitive and stressful experience - the work.
So, just a few moments ago I subscribed to this community, NeedleWorkMonday. And what a coincidence as both Monday and Work is mentioned in the name of it. The needle part...? That is the part from where I started my search for where to publish this post that will show some crocheted stuff I saw at one market. It happened a few weeks ago, at that eco-event I visited. I already mentioned it, as there were many other stalls offering a lot of handmade items, and live music on both days (Saturday and Sunday). I had a lot of fun, I enjoyed so much the whole weekend.
The stands that especially caught my attention were the ones that had knitted and woven products on display. For me, knitting and crocheting have always remained an art beyond my abilities. And art, as you create from some threads a whole new product using your imagination and knitting technique. What I am missing from this process?
Imagination? I am a musician, so imagination does play a huge role in my interpretation.
Technical proficiency? I am definitely missing this part. To express it with the most honest words - I have no clue! 😅 I have never learned to do it well.
I had the opportunity, as my grandmother used to make us knitted sweaters, scarves, and hats. One year, I tried to learn it from her. I was shown the basic rules and steps. I got the needles and knitting wool and started my learning process. It was interesting, I can't deny it. But the results were never good. Well, it was a disaster, even for a scarf. I always messed up something, so there were holes or clumsy nodes. Also, I never knew how to finish my piece, and how to make the last node. And it was just a basic rectangular scarf thing.
The same happened with my crocheting skills. One of my aunts was very good at crocheting, she made a ton of tablecloths, curtains, little decorations, and even cardigans. I stayed at the pre-beginner level, for me it was more difficult than knitting, so my career finished before it started 😂 Imagine me crafting a top of a bikini like this one - just in dreams...
I truly admire those ones, all of you in this community who can make magic with the needles. Your fingers are skilful already for crafting any of these pieces. Well, my fingers are dexterous for the piano, maybe it would not be impossible to give me another chance. What I know is that at the moment when I was still a child I didn't develop this skill. I guess, my focus went to music.
Still, I enjoy so much seeing all this and observing the crafted items. It needs a lot of time and work, patience and imagination. Maybe you already have some patterns but definitely, these products have to be visualized in the mind before they are made. Isn't it true? These clothes, pillows, chandeliers, dreamcatchers, earrings, hairpins, and hanging plant pot holders are the fruits of your imagination and crocheting techniques.
The same applies to crafting these little toys. They were showcased on the stands that focus on animal protection. They sell handicrafts and use the collected funds to help organizations that take care of abandoned animals. Mostly cats and dogs, but one stall was for the protection of horses and ponies.
The offer on this market was colourful. Everything was so cute and made with attention and love. From tiny little decorative items to more complicated stuff, all need time, effort and artistry. An admirable skill that is leaving me in awe. Work like this one is something pleasant, even on Mondays :))
Very beautiful work!
I can't knit.
I can only cross stitch 🤭
Oh, I could do that too. I forgot to mention. Cross stitch, my other grandma was good in that and I made a few simple works under her guidance 🥳
This means that we are good students, since we learned how to do simple work 🤣
How you were with learning how to knit and crochet, I was the same way when it came to my mom teaching me how to sew. It did not come natural to me and I didn’t understand a lot about it. I felt everything I tried to make was horrible lol. This is why I stick with crocheting because it comes more natural to me and I actually enjoy doing it. I have so much more respect and appreciation for people who do this type of art because I understand the time, skill and imagination it takes.
Thank you for sharing these photos of beautiful craftsmanship. You can share things like this anytime here, we enjoy them! 😍
Thanks for subscribing to the Community ~
So, we all have our strong and weak areas, but at least you can crochet 🧶 ;)
I am sticking just to piano playing 😂
When I saw these stalls with handcrafted items, especially the crocheted and knitted stuff, my heart was melting down. The time that is spent to learn and master this skill, all the work, imagination and effort is so admirable 😇
Thanks for letting me know I can post this kind of event in the community, I was a bit insecure if you, Katty or the other moderators would be ok with this :)
Good to know that it is 😊
Hahaha! I’m sure you enjoy it too. I never learned to play the piano as I wanted to when I was younger. My family always told me I had the fingers for it. 😄
Of course! Sometimes people share works of their friends and family members here too. You don’t have to be a needleworker to post needlework here. We also encourage things like this. We love seeing crafts from visits around the world. 😉
I love crochet, it is one of my passions and it is also an excellent teraphy for the stress and anxiety.
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us. All these crochet proyects look amazing.Hello @mipiano, welcome to NeedleWorkMonday.
Thank you for your welcome @kattycrochet 😍
I know that it is very rewarding in terms of reducing stress, and when you finish a project and it turns out nice, the happiness is even greater!
The eco market and these crafts looked so sweet, I just had to share them here :))
I've heard mention this is very relaxing and is something you can do while you're doing other things like watching tv or listening to music.
There's always room for more hobbies. Practice makes perfect as they say.
I agree. Practice makes perfect, so bad the time for practice is not available right now... for any hobby 😅
Maybe when I retire one day... :D
The products looks so good, I like knitting but I do have limited time to do any now.
Thanks for helping me feed my eyes with good designs
Time is many times limiting us to do the things we like. But I hope you can get some free time and enjoy some hours of knitting 😇
It's amazing how peoples imaginations could come up with stuffs like this... So creative.
Still hoping for the time I'll be skillful in one of these and show it off haha, I'm almost skill less 😅
These are amazing, nicely taken... Thanks for sharing and happy Monday to you ❤️
Yes, our mind is a huge territory full of ideas and imagination, we just have to reach those creative parts and develop with a learning process. It does require a lot of time and effort.
Happy Monday to you too and thank you for your visit 😊
That's right, you're welcome
Hi, @mipiano 🌸
I don't find this knitting thing easy either, no matter how hard I've tried 🙈 Nor do I know how to finish 😅I gave up trying to learn a long time ago.
How nice to know that you are a musician and play the piano 😻 I think it is a beautiful instrument and what makes it more beautiful is who plays it, who generates the melody. We all have special gifts, different, but special. And you have it 💟 Have a nice day.
I am glad I am not the only one who used to struggle how to do the last line and node. 😂
I gave up quickly and never tried later. Decades passed from then but who knows what the future holds. Maybe one day I try it again 😜
Piano, of course. That is why my username includes that "piano" part ;)
And you are right, we all have different skills ;)
I share that work is art, and you can really enjoy doing it
I love this place and the beautiful things they sell
I appreciate that you have shared these beautiful, tender and colorful images
Enjoy the beginning of the weekHello dear friend @mipiano good day When I worked under a dependency relationship I thought the same about Mondays, since I became independent and do full time in #hive that changed forever
Mondays can be hard, but my Mondays are not that different from Sundays... as I work on Sundays too hahaha (ok, just in the morning) :D
I am happy for you that you have that independence now 👌
These crafted products are a kind of artwork, and I do agree with you in that.
Thank you and may you have a successful week too 😇
Crocheting is something that beyond my ability as well. Like, I believe we all have different intelligence and talent that is already embedded to us since we are born. Thus, to those people who does crocheting are so good diligent. They made it for hours and of course, their hands are probably shaking or cramps. I like those designs as well. Gosh!
Yes, we do have different talents and predispositions, but without work, and hours and hours of practising they will not develop. It is the same in music or painting, sports, and we see in knitting too :))
I liked those cute caterpillars from the first photo... and the majority of other stuff too :)
Hi @mipiano, it is impressive how the creativity and talent of people creates beautiful works, the caterpillars are very nice, really everything is beautiful, each area has many things to admire, you made a great tour.
Those cuties - the caterpillars were my favourites also. And the bikini top. Well, the rainbow too, and the chandeliers hahaha. I can't choose 😁
I am glad you could come to this little market tour with me. Greetings 😎
Yep, Monday is here again… a working week as well. We can’t avoid it hehehe at least for now. But you are right let’s look at it positive. Let’s have fun, create and learn…
The market was indeed beautiful. And to see this part of it. With all the arty knitting works.
Some are pretty cool.
I like to create and luckily I can knit and crochet too. Even macrame like the hangers of the flower pots.
It’s fun to do. But you need to have some patience and lots of free time to do so. Hahaha 🤣
Don’t remember the last time I made something. I think it was about 7 years ago… hahaha to busy moving after that !LOL
The works in this market are so colourful and skill fully created. Beautiful.
Have a lovely Monday! Thanks for sharing @mipiano 👋🏻😊
Yes, just positive, let's consider it as an opportunity to learn and improve and do it with creativity! And my day was full but went easier. Probably as I started with looking at these photos while writing the post this morning :)
Colours from here made the day colourful. :D
Oh, you can do it? Oh, but no time for it, well, when you finally move to somewhere where you know that you would stay for at least come years hahaha then start again. Btw, I have some missing parts where in the end you are going to move... You don't have to say if it is a surprise but the other day you mentioned the plants and 🛩 and I got confused 😅
Have a great Monday evening you too @littlebee4 and actually good night. Tomorrow is a very long day, double shift 😅 but will try to remember these colours 😇
Indeed… all positivity ✨😊
That’s great to hear that even though a full day that it went easy. Could well have bee the reason 😎
Let’s hope that, after the move we stay for a while 🤞🏻🍀 I know more this week. The country has changed, but the new one we move too is great too. New adventures. I let you know where too when I am 100% certain. As our original plans to the US changed due to a company take over. And we were waiting for over a year now.
I already started planning again hehehe 🤭 bud
So busy times ahead, so probably a big move in December or January. Need to work out the logistics next week. 🤓
We do move out of Spain, so I can’t take the plants. As in the container for so long they won’t survive 😔 and I can’t take them as hand luggage either…
Good luck tomorrow 🤞🏻🍀 think happy colours and positivity ✨🌺 Thank you so much @mipiano 😊👋🏻 Have a wonderful evening and good night 😴
Answering a very old comment, sorry
So the country changed? Ok, ok, will wait for the updates when you are sure :))
December is so close already, I hope you manage well the things so far.
I am going with some crazy schedules, so difficult to keep pace with the tempo, but I will try not to be hard on myself 😉
If you are moving out from Spain, and we have never met... 😟 So close and so far away we are. Spain is not a tiny country... 😅
Have a great day and week ahead @littlebee4 😇
No worries 😊
Yep, unfortunately it did.
In the middle of further planning now. We hear this week what happened job wise as there are 3 options.
Job for the company that took over, external job or no job… exciting times. Whatever happens we are planning a move middle of December 😳 that’s soon indeed 🤓
But will be fine… let’s think positive.
Yes, try not to be to hard on yourself… take some breaks in between, even if it is just a few moment 😎
I know, but we will visit Spain, no worries. Still have friends here and some murals to maintain. 😉 we will meet one day 😎
Thank you so much @mipiano have a great day and week too 👋🏻🍀☀️
night night 👋That would be wonderful @littlebee4 😇
It surely would be, or if you would be in the area of our new place…
We will meet one day somewhere for sure 😎
Night night, sleep well 👋🏻😴
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(4/4)@mipiano, I sent you an on behalf of @littlebee4
It's very beautiful. My great grandmother is like 90 years old and still does amazing works with her needle.
Yay for your great-grandmother! 90 years 😍
Maybe you can learn from her knitting (or, maybe you already learned it ;) )
All are knitted. They are cute.. I like knitted cardigans for this cold season 😊
Yes, knitted cardigans or sweaters are nice. They can warm up in the cold evenings. It's still not cold in Spain, but the evenings will get colder in one or two months. These warmer clothes will come up from the bottom of the closet!
wow.... The knitted products are very good and look very neat.
Only people who have high skills can knit this Serapi.
For having those skills one has to practice a lot. And also have some talent for that and imagination 🙂
Practicing or taking a course is the main capital to become an artist.of course it will be perfect if we do it.
This post is certainly a beautiful way to make a Monday more cheerful!.... Lovely crochet work, here in my village we have a couple of exponents of this art (because at that level, it is an art I think).... I have loved those colourful caterpillars and eyes with beautiful goobles, they look lively and cheerful!!!.... ha ha ha ;).... The diversity of works is overwhelming.... It's a nice post.... Thanks for sharing @mipiano friend, have a great and blessed week!...
The Monday was cheerful, and what about Wednesday? I think we can still have some of those colours in our day, even today ;)
Yeah, the caterpillars were so so cute, loved them 😍
Thanks, and have a great week you too @jlinaresp 😇
Monday, I chuckled a little while reading the first line, because every day for me now is a sunday, because I'm out of work anymore 😅,And haven't gotten another job yet
Excellent art exhibitions, knitting like this is not easy to make
Have a nice day ma'am🙏
Well, Mondays are almost same as Sundays for me too, but for the opposite reason. Working every day 😅
I hope you can get soon work, that would be good, or you enjoy more the freedom? (Well, that second one is for sure something we would like to choose :)) )
Have a great evening you too @roronoa46
Hei ma'am, of course I choose to work, but my education is limited and it is difficult to find a job here, living expenses are also expensive, is there a job for me there
Quite impressive craft work. My mother used to love to knit and crochet, and she did it constantly - we had balls of wool everywhere in the house ! It reminds me of her - lovely to see this !
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Hahah, I can imagine those balls of wool around the house... And maybe some cats playing with them :))
I am glad this post reminded you of your mother 😊
The artistry on those products is on new different level. They've been poured with a lot of time and love. A truly masterpiece.
This kind of thing is not in my blood but I think I can do one if I learnes on how to do it hihi.
We've done it in my highschool days using recycled plastic bags and I just came up with a small pocket 😅compared to my classmates works, bags.
Many many hours probably, yes. And a lot of patience and love to do that.
Maybe it's not your cup of tea, so those projects in the school didn't come out perfectly, but it's also the thing in schools, there is no that much motivation. One can be more creative when decide to do a project itself and not because it was asked in the school ;)
I really agree to that one. It must be created with the heart as our guidance to pour all our passion into it and not just for grades.
This kind of work is truly amazing.❤
Looking at the first picture i said in the back of mind "Wow! @mipiano also knows how to crochet? thats a great skill." Then after reading I realized that you tried but didn't end well. I know some basic of it too because we have that subject back when i am high school. But i cant make like others did hehehe.
I am also amazed to those people who can do a lot through crocheting.
Hahahah, it would be great if I could do that. But nope, I was just the visitor on this market. ;)
Those are so cute and beautiful! Especially in the first picture, the stuffed caterpillars. Tbh, i also can't knit or crochet, but i just can do cross stitch. 😅
But still, even those things need a lot of patience and we should do that when we're in a good mood. ✨
True, the stuffed caterpillars are so cute, I do agree! And yes, cross stitch, I forgot to mention that I can do that, well, at least was able to do that on the past. Cross stitch is a lot easier ☺️
This is such a nice point of view to Mondays! make them colourful and creative :)
Hehehe, I am glad you liked this was of starting the week. Hope your week is going great so far 🤩🍀
Amazing collections, and the combinations payed off too.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Hi @mipiano! I really loved seeing the sample knitted and woven productsoffered at that eco-friendly event, all very pretty, cheerful and eye-catching.
I like to knit with crochet hooks. I learned with my grandmother, who knitted a lot, as did my aunts and cousins. It was something like a family tradition.
If you like to knit, you just need to practice and practice. We all started like that, making a lot of mistakes, knitting and unknitting all the time. Until we finally get the desired result. So if you like it, don't throw in the towel, grab your yarn and needle and start playing with them, and when you least expect it, you'll be knitting with as much confidence as a spider would.
Querida @tiaene, perdoname por llegar tan tarde a responder a tu comentario. A veces se complica todo y pierdo unos comentarios 😅
So you knit? That is nice and learned from your grandmother... it will always stay as a nice reminder of her :)
I know, as in everything, practice is the key to success, but also a bit of talent and feeling :) Time is needed too, maybe I will have it one day more so I can try out different hobbies. Right now I don't get even to practice my instrument, the piano and it makes me sad, but also I accept this phase :)
Hi. Thank you for sharing these photos, it gives me an idea for when I go to set up a stand. Although this variety you show us is another level, haha.
Now that I remember, I learned to play the keyboard (piano) before I learned to crochet. As both use the hands, I opted for crochet and left the keyboard for the Christmas season, haha. A big hug.
Piano playing for the Christmas season is good too :))
Only if I would know how to knit, for Christmas hahaha. But I can't knit.
I am glad this market gave you some ideas for your stand 😇