You might be a bit thrown by the fabric with the camera on it and wondering why we are talking about focus right?
No worries, let me explain. 😉
We love creating challenges that help encourage improvement and growth. One of the things I know we as creators have in common is the goal to advance our skills. We are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our work and to be more productive.
There are many times we come across really great publications that show us a creative design and amazing final results. The problem is that some of these articles don’t show us the projects clearly.
You’re familiar with what our expectations are when it comes to quality. The way we showcase our work plays an important part in this. The way you display your work should be just as important as the amount of effort you put into creating it.
We challenge YOU to Focus Your Needlework!
We want to see your BEST photos of your finished projects!
This will be a runway for your needlework. A showcase for your handmade items. The glamour shots of needle crafts.
Okay, you get the point. 😄
Put your best foot forward and go all out! It’s time to lay out the red carpet for our handiwork.
קH𝕆т𝕆 tเ𝕡ѕ
The first thing I think one should realize is that you do not need to have a professional camera in order to produce clear quality photos.
If you are using a cell phone you can simply use the free editing features that are already installed or download a photo editing app that can help focus in your photos.

• Begin with making sure you are in a good lighted (natural light is the best…by a window or open door during golden hour) area to photograph your projects
• Find creative ways to display them instead of placing them directly on the floor or thrown over your bed (creative angles/perspectives too)
• Pair your projects with other items that enhance your photo and make it more interesting
• Take multiple shots: some up close and focused and some farther away to get the full item details

• Use the sharpening tool for a crisper clear image and to remove any unwanted blur
• The noise reduction tool can help get rid of the fuzziness of your photo which helps your projects look more comprehensible and precise
• For added excitement to the eyes enhance the colors to brighten/bold them
• Use the healing/erase tools to help reduce unwanted marks and blemishes that take away from the beauty of your photos
• Have fun and think outside the box
Editing tools are available to help make our presentations look more attractive and superb. Don’t hesitate to use them to heighten your photos.
It’s time to take our needlework exhibits to the next level. Let’s show Hive how well we can feature our work by upgrading our photo quality!
For this challenge you can create and share any type of needlework project you’d like. It can be as simple or as intricate as you wish. The way you capture your projects is everything for this challenge. We won’t be judging how amazing your project is but instead how amazing your photos are (however it still helps if your projects are nice too lol). 😍
You can only submit once per week (a total of 3 times - see details on duration of contest below). Each time you submit an entry it must be of a different project.
1. Your project must be needlework related or any form of fiber arts that deal with knotting, braiding, felting, lacing or any form of manipulation of fabrics and yarns.
2. Must follow posting guidelines as outlined in the FAQs.
3. Must post your entry directly to the NeedleWorkMonday Community!
4. Please include in your title the words Focus Challenge so that we can clearly identify your post as an entry.
5. Include #focusyourneedlework as one of your tags.
6. Must leave a link to your challenge entry below in the comments of this post so we won’t miss it!
This challenge starts now and all entries are due on Friday June 23rd.
Every week during the challenge our team will choose the top submissions we feel put in the best effort on their project photography. We will announce each set of winners every Monday for the duration of the challenge (the last winner’s announcement will be on June 26th).
All rewards will be distributed from the payout of this post. Each week winners will receive a reward for their efforts to showcase their work through amazing photos! So please give it your best! 🤩

We look forward to seeing your entries! Have Fun Focusing Your Needlework!

Love it!!
...everything grows and falls with the photography, in the end.
And just recently I had a conversation with @clareartista about how it would be nice to improve the photography part of our work, I guess some extra inspiration is never too much😊
Oh wow it's perfect timing then. It's just as important to showcase our work just as well as we create it. I hope this inspires all to step up their photo game.
For sure!! (I am curious what we all gonna get to see🙃)
Me too!! 🤓🤩
Woo-hoo! :) A new contest in our community that will represent a good opportunity for all of us to learn how to improve our posts. Undoubtedly, photos are a VERY important part of a publication, the first thing enters through the eyes :) Good luck to everyone and we hope to see a lot of beautiful needle work ❤️!
Hello happy day, totally excited about this great initiative, here I share my participation. Greetings
Wow!!!! this is a real challenge!!!!! it's not that easy. I'll have to put in the effort! 🙄😀
😄😆 Come on Tali!! You got this!
Let me tell you that your recent photos knitting by the seaside really inspired me. You're already on the right track. 🤗🤗
thank you very much my dear! I am very pleased to know this. 🤗 you are always attentive to me 😀🌺🌺🌺
Of course!! 😘🤗☀️
Hello ladies, here's my Entry. 🥰
Great idea!!!
And thanks for reminding me this younger version of me, haha :)
It's funny cause I work on the same project these days (I am on my loom right now looking at some triangles, haha) but this time I am taking the photos myself, so this could be interesting :)
Hahaha!! I was wondering what you'd think of me pulling up that photo. I've always loved the work you do and how it's photographed just adds to it. 😉
Well if you decide to enter I’m sure looking forward to seeing your photos ~ 😍
Thanks sooo much!
I will definitely try :) See you soon!
I hope that I can make some improvements to my photography, but am frustrated right now with technology, and having to make-do-and-mend between phone and laptop: editing photos is the last thing I feel like doing, when I'm putting a lot into the uploading and writing too... But I'll see if I can do some 'photoshoot' efforts and get out in the street or garden to get better lighting - and it's probably best if I stop using my phone camera, as it really doesn't take good shots... Looking forward to seeing what we all come up with! Thanks for the challenge, @needleworkmonday ! 😇
Trust me I get it. There’s already a lot of work and effort put into organizing and making our publications. As a blogger, I see it as a full package deal. If I’m going to do the handiwork and make the post, I’m going to also put my all into making sure the items I present look amazing…and through the photos we share this can be accomplished.
If one doesn’t go the full mile to make sure their photos are up to par I feel like they’re cheating themselves. I’ve been here long enough to know that putting effort into everything you showcase (writing style, organization and neatness of your post, creativity etc.) pays off GREATLY in the end. You can be a great writer, and a great crafter of your hands but yet still have a hard time building regulars to come visit your posts. From speaking to many of people about this, it’s because the photos aren’t helping to pull in and intrigue readers (love at first sight type of deal) but instead frustrate them because it’s hard to see clearly what’s being shared. It’s a turnoff when someone has to struggle to make out a photo.
I say these words to encourage you and anyone else who feels the same way that reads this response. I know it’s a lot of work but if you are looking to grow here this is a necessary step to make that happen. You can always reach out if you need any help or advice on how to improve your photo quality. 😉
I hope you’re able to take on this challenge and have fun with it. I hope even more that you’ll be pleased with your efforts ~ 💖💓
P.S. If you have to stick with what you have (your cell phone) you can try some of the editing apps to see if that helps.
Aw, bless you dear @crosheille - I so aèppreciate your firmness on this subject, and much appreciate being pushed a little in the form of encouragement... Yes, I have problems with my phone which mean that I cannot use any more Apps: it crashes with even the minimal Apps that I do have, and this makes communications (and taking convenient photos!) very difficult. I transfer the snaps to my laptop, but they don't improve so much, even with Pix or similar to adjust colour and so on... Plus, yes, a huge amount more work, and I am not too enamoured with using the computer so much to adjust things: I'd rather get a good photo first time. But yes, my phone camera is degrading in quality over time, ultimately, and the edges of the images are getting fuzzier and hazier...
Following your post and challenge, I am realising that it is a form of hiding away, which I am guilty of: I do possess a proper camera, and it is also jamming sometimes, which made me stop using it - but I am motivated - and suitably disciplined!! - by your call and the community's engagement (thank you for tagging me in your comment dear @kesityu.fashion !) : together we can really lift each other up - plus, communities online really do require regular tidying up and guidance, to keep them focussed!
I've had a more subdued energy recently too, since having multiple physical and family challenges to get over... Now is a time to start bringing some more methodical energy into planning, building and improving things: perfect timing for your challenge: I took out my proper camera (Nikon D3100) and took some (MUCH-better-than-usual!) images this morning: still have to adjust the settings before taking the photos, but am excited to have this goal to focus on: this is my infamous apron-dress, which I am finally finishing properly - possibly - by adding the right straps which will make the bib sit right...
Thanks for your beautiful strong energy dear CroSheille!
Whew! I'm relieved to hear you say you appreciate my firmness because I never want my passion about this to come off as I'm being aggressive ☺️. I truly see so much potential within our community and enjoy helping others develop their skills. I just want to see us all do our best and I know that so many benefits will come from improving our photos.
I’m so glad this call along with the engagement and acceptance of the need for improvement is motivating you. You’re absolutely right, together as a community we grow and get stronger and also get closer to our goals due to determination. So glad you are disciplined and willing to take on this challenge of extra work and effort. Believe me you won’t regret it. 😉
YES!! Oh wow that’s a lovely photo! I love the lighting coming in and that you can see the entire garment. Yes, just play around and practice with the settings and you’ll eventually get a find for your likings. Practice on the zooming and focusing and in no time you’ll have it just as you’re shooting for. I am so excited to see you pulled out your camera. Now, here’s to hoping it doesn’t get jammed and continues to work properly for you!! 😃😉😆😍😘🤗
Always nice talking with you Clare!! ❤️
Cheers @needleworkmonday, great point to improve posts; The photographs are essential for a good presentation of the final product, I am not very good at photography, I hope to get some inspiration and ideas in this great initiative.
A popular phrase says: An image says more than a thousand words, in the digital age images are vital.
Yay cheers!! 😃🤩🥳
This for sure!
I hope you get lots of inspiration and ideas ~ 😉
This is awesome @crosheille!!😍😍😍 And I love it really. 🥰 Though I must confess that it's been soooo long since I make a post in here since I was so busy with the flowers, I mean making flowers. 😅 But, yeah, challenge accepted. And I'm thrilled already.😍 I'm already thinking what will be my object of interest. So many things running on my mind now.
Anyway, thanks for thinking this challenge, it will really help me push into finishing all the MTOs sooner so I could participate. 🤗
Yay I'm glad you love it Jonalyn! I think this will be such a good practice for our community. I seriously get sad when I see such an awesome work but it's hard to see it which makes it hard to fully enjoy it.
I hope you get finished in time to participate. I’m always curious to see what you’ll do ~ 😁🤗
True, they could have get some votes if only they could showed stunning pictures. I'm a little bit guilty of voting and reading first those who have showed great pictures. ✌️🙈 But I'm hoping that through this challenge, many will realize and somehow will try to give their best shot when taking pictures of their projects.
I totally identified with what is stated in this publication. I have felt before that my photos are too simple, with a white background in the back but I kept thinking that this way I would not detract from my creation.
I appreciate all the advice given on how to take better pictures.
This challenge is very motivating and also urges us to improve our publications.
I love a good white background @artsugar. A lot of my cover photos have a white background to help keep the main item at focus. I agree that it's the best way to help not distract from it but sometimes it's okay to experiment and add a bit more color to help spice things up. You'd be surprised at what adding a few other elements could do for your publications.
I'm glad you feel motivated!! 😃🤩
Ahhh...good. then I'm not so bad. Hehehehehe. I have to enrich the scene a bit more. I don't usually edit beyond a little bit of lighting or contrast and I don't know how to handle these tools, but it's time to learn.
Thanks for your contribution to my comment.
I love what am seeing seriously, still contemplating if I will be chance to participate in the contest, have been away for sooooooooooo long trying to put somethings into place do I could be more frequent here as before 😞😞😞 but nevertheless will sort my self out somehow, it’s great to see that everyone is still giving there best as always to put this our great community @needlework on the frontline map of @hive am so excited can’t wait to participate.....
It's good seeing you around @smilestitches. Would love to see some more of your beautiful designs, it's been awhile. Looking forward to seeing a post from you soon ~ 😉
Now I know that am bad at photography and this challenge is basically for me.
Learning one or two editing skills is a really fair one for our blogs.
It add more light and life.
Kudos for the thoughts in this line.
It is one of the most difficult parts for me, although I admit that I have improved in this last time.
I find it an excellent challenge 👍
I can understand that. If photography is not your thing it can be difficult to improve on. I say take it step by step and look for something each time that you could do a little better. Whether it’s the lighting, the creativity in the setup (background etc.), the clarity/sharpness of the photos…each thing you can improve on will payoff in the long run. The main thing is that you’re at least trying. 😉
Good luck to everyone. I look forward to seeing the entries. I will feel ever more inadequate in my own photographic skills as you hone yours. :) Maybe some day I will hire a pro and get some nice pictures of my own work.
@needleworkmonday Excelente oportunidad para hacer lucir los espectaculares proyectos que se presentan en esta comunidad, nos pondremos manos a la obra para participar, Saludos 🤗
Wow, I think this new proposal is great. A good approach to our work allows us, the viewers, to delight in our projects. So, hands to the needles!
Yeah! It is really exciting.
Thanks for all those tips you have given us. It is a great opportunity to learn how to improve our work.
I am really excited about this and hope that everyone can learn from the experience!! Yay! 😁
I love this challenge, as it will help we needle workers buckle up in the photography aspect, after all we must display our finished work to be eye catching, but most of us will need lots of grooming on this, myself included.
Eye catching is a very good description for what we're trying to accomplish here. Putting more effort into how we feature our work is so important. The first thing people notice is not just your project but how awesome the photo looks. If your photos are blurry, dull and not neatly displayed you risk the chance of people totally overlooking your post and your hard work.
Looking forward to seeing how you glamorize your photos. Have fun! 😉
Recently I started using a good camera. It will be my challenge. Thanks for the tips, @needleworkmonday team! Talking about nice photos, I really miss @neumannsalva! She also writes humorous text :)
I look forward to seeing many creative photos.
You're absolutely welcome! It'll be good to put this new camera to good use. 😍
I second that. We miss our @neumannsalva. We look forward to her return. I know she's been busy with real life things but I know she'll get back to posting as soon as she's able. 😘
yuuupiiiiiiiiii, what an incredible challenge, I love to compete and see what we are able to do with our hands. now we are going to learn a lot more about photography.
So glad you're excited! I really hope this motivates everyone to put their all into their displays. 😉
Have fun! I know you will 😄😆 ~
thsi si what I am having problem about. I hope I'll get over it and join this wonderful contest
Maybe this challenge is what you needed to push yourself a bit and get creative. 😍😃😉
Join in and have some fun! Hopefully you'll learn some new tricks by the end ~
I still have long way to go and a lot to learn
Woohoo! I am happy with this contest 🥳 I know it will be worth the effort. Thank you so much for this great initiative 😻 that will put our creativity even more to the test. I wish the best to all my colleagues 💟
I have a question, please: the publications should focus mostly on showing the work that was done (the result) and not on how the piece or garment was made (step by step)? @crosheille
Yay! Glad you're excited too! 😃
Yes! Although we will take into consideration every photo that is displayed, we will most be looking at the final result photos for sure. 😉
Thank you very much, beautiful 💟
Awww ☺️🤗!! You're very welcome ~ 😘
Happy Needle Monday. May you all be blessed and prosperous.
Here is my Focus Your Needlework Challenge link.
This is my entry:Hello, I think the #focusyourneedlework Challenge is extraordinary. You have to try to dare to improve.
Here is my (first) entry for the challenge: finally getting my big, proper camera out and getting the mannequin up to the top street in the morning sunlight for photographing!https://peakd.com/hive-127911/@clareartista/focus-challenge-seemingly-never-ending-finishing-of-details
A bit of a challenge first, but now I am super excited to share it, and hear what you have to say😊
so here is my entry... and attempt of taking photos differently🙃 https://hive.blog/hive-127911/@kesityu.fashion/cherry-trees-and-golden-fabric
My entry 💟 Kisses 😘
Hi needleworkes happy needlework Monday this is my entry to the FOCUS CHALLENGE contest, I hope you like it. 🥰❤️
Hello, here my first focus post
My entry
Happy community day, I wish you a week of success and blessings.
Here I leave my entry for the challenge.
My entry
This way leaving my participation, https://peakd.com/hive-127911/@doriscova8/focus-challenge-diseno-y-tejido-de-un-lindo-panito-a-crochetdesign-and-knitting-of-a-cute-crochet-scarfesp-eng
My 2nd entry...
Ciao dear Needleworking friends and @needleworkmonday - here is another post I've just published, connected with the #focusyourneedlework contest: https://peakd.com/hive-127911/@clareartista/focus-challenge-a-dress-shirt-and-bordered-underskirt So excited to have completed these two garments, and to be uplevelling both my sewing mastery and my photography!
My Entry for this week.🥰
I enjoyed this challenge so much and never thought that this week will be the last. I regret not joining the first week. 😅 Anyway, thanks for this challenge Crosheille. 🥰 We had fun.
Hello everyone! It's been awhile since my last post here. I hope you'll like this. Here's my entry:
Hello my loves. Here is my second participation in the focus challenge 🥰
@needleworkmonday hace un par de días publiqué mi entrada, disfrute mucho mientras cumplía mi reto, Saludos 🤗.
Mi entrada al Focus Chachenge.
Suerte para todos.