Today I want to sew. I want to sew so badly, so that I pondered the whole morning how I can avoid writing this post. Shame on me.
Dreamy: me working on the go... nice photo, but not the truth :-D
Usually on Monday mornings I stand up, do a bit of sports (no fear, really tiny amount, like 3 minutes) then I drink my tea and have breakfast. After this I always notice that I forgot to update my photos from the week and plug in my phone so that it can work silently in the background. This seldom works smoothly and so it is accompanied by a lot of brutal German swear-words. (Imagine me with light blond hair, which is pinned into an immaculate braided hairdo, wearing a dirndl shouting commands alternately at my phone and router. Works wonders … I can only recommend this method for getting your devices to obey.) After this Adrenalin rush, I am awake enough to write the #needleworkmonday post. Funnily I do this standing - I am much more creative standing than sitting – and as I do not have an adjustable desk, I put my tablet on the toaster for writing. Don’t laugh, works for me.
The writing itself is like a frenzy. I start, I write, I am done. I do not correct my text during writing, I do not stop for snacks or drinking (but constantly dream of coffee as the coffee is in the cupboard under the toaster and I can smell it) and I do not censor my thoughts. Interestingly this writing process mostly results in the same length text. Perhaps my attention span is roughly 1000 words long? Or is my creativity tied to a certain word per minute ratio? Fascinating topic (yawn) I will not research now, as I still have this sewing drive. So, the Monday… after writing the post in one go, I then must work on the photos which I (hopefully) have made the days before.
If you ever wondered… I make my photos mostly in front of our kitchen window :-D We have white paper blinds which help to avoid harsh shadows but also let in enough light to take a nice photo of my knitting, sewing or crochet projects. The one downside is, the cupboard is too small to drape for example a dress and I do not have one of these empty designer kitchens. Means I must move things away for the photo session and I am a bit limited in perspectives (I guess you do not want to see apples and nectarines on every craft photo, or do you?)
Photos taken, I have to change their format, cut them and then decide which of these photos are presentable and will hide my flaws (and naturally the flaws of my craft projects :-DDD). And although I write about this step in a light tone, I find it always worth some thoughts. I want to be honest on my blog and be a role model for showing aspects of my appearance which are in my eyes not beautiful, like my double chin, or my sway back, or my big thighs, my wrinkles and and and… This is in no way a judgment about how other bodies should look, I am only writing about mine. So, I want to give you photos which I personally don’t always find beautiful. But I also want to have a blog which is frequented (yes, fame please!!!) and conventionally „beautiful“ is a big attraction to get attention online (in no way could I ever be „beautiful“ but you know, a bit of light here, a bit of smoothing there, add a nice filter and the right perspective and you have a completely different appearance). Dilemma. Also, I always must be aware that I may make myself vulnerable by giving to much uncovered truth. Grave thoughts at a Monday morning… (beware may contain irony).
These creatures are all screaming because of my ugly photo
Just because I am curious: How do you like photos? Do you want to see polished images or do you prefer them more natural?
Photos finished, I correct my text and upload all on @peakd The last touches are inserting the links, resources and photos on the platform. Tada #needleworkmonday post is finished. If I have prepared everything beforehand (projects and photos) I roughly need half a day of working (4 hours) to get it online, excluding the ages of tireless work on the actual needlework projects :-D
By now you have an idea how my Monday mornings usually go, but today… sigh… I want to sew, not to write!!!!! Last week I have shown you my half-finished Eden dress and as the weather is warmer and perfect for it, I need to get it finished. I already have attached the skirt, but the neckline and the seams are still waiting for me. I honestly wanted to tell you today about the fitting process and show you some nice photos of me wearing it. But I did not get it done. Sorry.
So, here are some unfiltered photos of me trying the fit of the dress. But I will not write more about it till I finish it for real.
Before and after photo of the shortened dress-body
Thank you @crosheille for initiating and @muscara, @shanibeer, @marblely for hosting the #needleworkmonday. If you want to see more beautiful projects with yarn, fabric and most of all needles, follow @needleworkmonday. Or even better grab your needles and keyboard and join the #needleworkmonday community.
Ohhh, if you don't have a hive account and want to comment then visit my Wordpressblog Bliss and Blisters and write me there.
wonderful blog and get thinking...For all who like a bit of puzzling: @romeskie is hosting a crochet mystery. Visit her
Ah, so shortening the bodice on the Eden dress resolved the problem? It looks much better :)
I love your kitchen window sill, perfect light and place for photographs. Many of my pictures are taken in the kitchen which has little natural light. I prefer "natural" (interpret as you wish) pictures, almost like notes, as if you (me) are at a friend's house and being invited to look at the latest project without (too) much regard for fruit bowls, toasters, coffee and potplants. If I were there physically, I would be filtering out any stray items (in my mind) and focusing on the main thing - dress, fitting, seam - I like a similar thing on posts. I do admire, though, the beautiful photographs created by people like @marblely and @jluvs2fly and @erikah and so many other skillful people in the needleworkmonday community.
I hope you are at your sewing now :)
I try to take my photos outside. But I, too, take photos in front of a window - I have a table for folding my clothes in my bedroom. My photos with dark background were taken there.
Uhhh a dark room 🤣 The dark side of crafting... sorry, I had a lot of coffee...
Thank you @shanibeer :) I give credit to my phone. Without it, I would’t be able to get those shots at odd angles 😅
I say thank you too (to your phone :-D) as I love your wonderful tutorials. Your photos are so good and clear!!!
Wow, thank you ro mentioning me, it's a pleasure to see my name here, although I'm always in a hurry and only using my smartphone. :)
No, sadly the shortening was the answer to another problem :-DDD I forgot to shorten my paper pattern and I again made the bodice of the dress much too long. The fit of the bust area is now a bit better because of the neckband... I guess I will write about this tomorrow (if head is ok... I had a week of headache 😱🤢🤮😱)
And I love to hear feedback on photos and polishing, as I myself am so torn: Intellectually I love more informal “authentic” photos but I very often catch myself that I subconsciously prefer more polished photos for example when deciding on patterns on Ravelry. The photoshopped and styled professional photo aesthetic seems to be ingrained in my taste - and I do not like this.
I also love the cordial and honest exchange in our community, especially as we all cannot see so many other people because of covid.
Currently my mind is again running around the idea of sewing a collection (Emily Hallman’s blog made me think again), but I have such a wild mixture of (scrap) fabrics and crazy yarn... But the biggest problem is me being lazy (or impatient or ... English towards are missing) I too often sew when inspiration hits (or knit simply to relax) so I the concept of an collection is super interesting (to make dressing easier for me) but also hard work, because of planning etc.
Oh sorry,... I seem to be unable to answer short.
Now I will leave the tablet and walk to the garden as the neighbors will gift us water from their tank (its so dry here)
I hope you are well and had a wonderful weekend 🌈
I have always suspected you take your photos in your kitchen window. Lighting is always perfect. And there's no other spot in the house with the most beautiful lighting than the window in the kitchen.
You are so fun and funny which makes you even more beautiful. I love the dress! Tonamswer your question, I like beautiful photographs but I also love it when people show the "behind the scenes". Gives someone the idea of creating beauty out of turmoil. That sort of thing.
And oooh. Thank you for mentioning my contest. I hope a lot will participate.
Thank youuuu and yes, the kitchen is a perfect setting. Sadly its also very warm in summer :-DD (but the bedroom is worse, the hottest room in the apartment. The bedroom is in an annex and has a flat roof and the sun is shining on it the whole day, its like a green house 🥵)
It is so nice to get feedback on the photos, taste can be so different. I guess I am bit like you in liking both sides, the styled and the authnetic. But especially in the “styled” part of shooting I have to learn a lot as I have no clue of photoshop or other photo apps :-DDD I fear I am better on the “behind the scenes” :-D
I won't tell you that I write most of my stuff while lying on the sofa ;)
Go forth and sew! (I have to do that as well, I don't have enough project bags for my WiPs. And the solution is making more bags, of course...)
Echt jetzt? No idea how you manage to write while on a sofa, I find this difficult but I am willing to learn (but I fear my neck is not so cooperative:-DD) Project bags, sigh, I have bought fabric for them perhaps a year ago, but I still have not made them. I want them simply to be finished an usable... but as long as I cannot wear the item my sewing motivation is not very high (sadly)
Are you making bags with zipper or strings?
String - I still haven't learned how to sew zippers. And one advantage of drawstrings is that you can hang the bag with it on a hook.
Ah so that is how you do it. Hehe I’ve always loved your impromptuness and candidness in your posts. You write with such honesty and I can just imagine having a conversation with you as I read your posts. It is so wonderful to get to know you here through your writing.
Your photos are amazing. Just continue to do what you do, filters or not, I love them all 😍
When it comes to needlework, I usually prepare my photos first before writing because that is how my words flow to share my projects. Darn boring for readers 😴. I use any light I can find but most of the time, it is not natural light. It is either the kitchen or dining table or floor and I would walk around with the project to find the least shadow haha.
The dress looks really good. You found your fit :)
I use photos more as a reminder what I want to explain, but often because I write a tad impulsively I have to make new ones after the writing process :-DDD
I love how you tackle your needlework posts: I find your post always a pleasant and balanced mix of sound explanation and personality. You already know that I admire your editing skills (and even more your hand-sewing tolerance).
The search of light is a real one... my kitchen window only works up to 14 o'clock and with sunshine. But your photos look well lightened and not yellowish, so you are doing something right with the light.
And a real conversation would be so nice... perhaps I dream of this while writing (but I blend out my extreme miserable verbal skills, I only can read and write English, if I have to speak, I petrify)
I had fun reading this post .. your window sill is the perfect place to do some art works and beside the view must be so wonderful! I find the body of the Eden dress ok now. Hahaha, just for interest , I´d like to know your curses in german as I also have some too! Lololol!
Yes, I am really lucky to have a place to take the photos, but the view... ahem... although I often make photos of lush green trees or meadows, I live in the middle of a super dense populated area. All cities are fairly big between 400.000 and 1.000.000 million inhabitants and they are grown together, it’s more like one huge super city, not single ones. The view out of my window leads into a courtyard without flowers, only farer away you can see a small forest :-D Therefore I am especially grateful that we found this garden to rent.
But with the German course you mentioned I am not sure if I understand you right? Perhaps you can explain a bit more? <3
There is a misunderstanding on my part. I was replying to your content part that says
Funnily, I wanted to know the curses (not course) you have in mind as I also do it if my finger is pinched by a needle... etc.
Oh noooo I will blush intensely if I have to write this down. German swearing is not very creative a lot of 💩💩💩 (Scheiße, Dreckmist) or the German equivalent to the English F-word (ficken) and sometimes a strange mix of all together like FIckscheiße, but this last one is so bad!!! I would never say it when others are around.
Oh noooo, I am honestly writing this down - shameeeee 🤪😆🤢
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Thank you so much for your curiation work and for supporting my post <3
Working standing and not sitting is something I'd love to practice but just like you, I don't have an adjustable table, nor free space to place one in the house. However, it's a good idea and did you know you can burn more calories like that? It's scientifically proven. I see you've found the perfect solution for that. I may need to find mine 😁
The dress looks great and I'm always admiring you for being so grave and skilled. Well done. Looking forward to see what you're going to come up on Monday 😉
More calories??! I need this :-DD Perhaps I should stand a lot more :-D For me its more because of my back, neck and hips, they dislikes to sit for longer periods. I hope you find a solution for a good writing spot 🙏
Thank you so much for the compliment about the dress and my skills, but honestly, I am not skilled in sewing, I am a dazzler... I only use stretch fabric, a forgiving fit and simple patterns. But i so want to learn more!!! But I really need a teacher which is during covid times not doable (the sewing course which I stared is stopped for a unknown period). I dream of sewing blouses and fitting trousers and and and 😍
Sitting for a long period is never good, nor healthy, so you are right.
Are you kidding me? You're a hero! I hate stretch fabric and gives me the freaks! I'm afraid of it, so you're a hero in my eyes 😁
I believe you can learn all that in time, just be patient.
Strange... I fear woven fabric. It is so misbehaving on my body, it simply wont fit 😱😂😱😂 I now believe someone should mix our genes and than a super-sewer will emerge :-DDDDD I really find stretch fabric easy to sew, but I guess it could depend on the sewing machine, some seem to be easier on stretch fabric than others (I have a pfaff machine and it is said to have a top and bottom feed and this makes the stretch fabric glide better, said the description)
You are so funny, you know that?
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