Needlework Monday always was a truly unique community, long before there was a communities feature and a communities incubation programme to provide support - people who liked knitting and sewing and working with yarn and fabrics got together to enjoy sharing their work and tips and inspiration. We had fun 😍.
With process posts, I'm looking for insights into someone's creativity or technical skill - how they approached a problem or came up with a solution or why they did something - with some written explanation about their thinking and a few well-chosen photographs. These are interesting and really help to develop learning and thinking.
A feed of endless process posts with endless photographs giving blow by blow accounts of how to make this item or that item doesn't excite me much. I'm much more interested in reading about a new technique you've tried - did it work? what were the problems? what were you pleased with? what will you not do again?
And comments and interaction on posts are definitely what makes it a community 😍. Long ago when I was new and had a tiny account, it would take me days to read everyone's post so I could comment and leave a 0.01 vote 😂. Support the community - leave a comment and whatever small vote you are able to contribute to others!
I'm sorry and disappointed to learn that people are canvassing for votes. It's horribly anti-social behaviour and I'm embarrassed for you. Personally, I will be downvoting anyone I see doing this.
This community is about joy, learning, making friends and celebrating our passions and experiences. If this is about you then I hope you will stay with us or join us if you are new. Welcome to @kattycrochet 🙂, great to have you join @neumannsalva, @romeskie and @lauramica in the Community Builders team 😍.
Yes to all... Sometimes I wonder how people can write so many post in a week, while I need so long to comment and read after I wrote one post (ok, part of this because I write in snail style, but the rest is - I fear - the missing individuality in answering and commenting)
And double right to the photo dumping :-DDDD Don't misunderstand me, I love nice photos, but nevertheless, I also find it kind of exhausting to scroll through 10 photos and only some lines of text. I notice that I no longer want to comment on such posts, as I find hard to connect and to write something personal.
In my eyes posts/topics/conversations need to evolve over a bit of time and nowadays I find it hard to see this "evolving" in some peoples posts. I like to think ideas through with different people and talk about them, as I wrote above (in my comment), looking up photos or read a pattern seldom leads to such strings of thoughts and conversations
And completely unrelated: so happy to have you here <3 <3
Yes ... I was reminded of this post about authenticity by @ybanezkim26 - authenticity is what we are looking for and respond to.
What can I say? 😵
I agree with your analysis:
I remember our conversation that contributed to It is molten Henrietta, run!
I am blushing 😘
tokens.I agree with your words about our Beautiful community.
Greetings!Hello @shanibeer thanks a, lot for your nice welcome.
Greetings @kattycrochet pleased to meet you 😍
Please to meet you too.
Thanks a lot.
What a wonderful response @shanibeer! It’s so true that before the feature of communities came we had already established this community. 😊🥰
I am looking for those same things in a post as well. As you said we have always been a unique group. You can clearly spot the difference from someone really wanting to share what they’ve learned (mistakes and all), how they reached their end results and when the author loves sharing a little more about themselves so we can get to know them better, compared to a more robotic type approach of getting it done to get in a posting goal for the week. We never wanted this to be about posting for a vote or throwing in some photos so we can say “this post is sharing the process.” We really want to see effort in this and not just a repetitive mediocre one.
Yes it is quite disappointing this is going on but I’m really hoping it will change now. If it continues the support we give those individuals will definitely have to be reconsidered and we’ll have to find new ways to show we will not accept this type of behavior and attitude.
Thanks so much for sharing your input, I have always valued your insights ~ ♥️
I'm sure it will. Needlework Monday has always been better than that 😍