Striped sweater

in NeedleWorkMondaylast month

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!

I've been wanting to start a new knitting project for a while now. I've been wanting to learn how to crochet granny squares for a long time. But this requires concentration because for me this is a completely new type of needlework. And at the moment I just want to enjoy the process. So I decided to knit a striped sweater from leftover yarn.

What is special about this project for me? The fact is that I did not plan in advance the alternation of stripes by color. I have three types of yarn. How they lay in the fabric simply depended on my mood at that moment of knitting.

I just look at the existing canvas and decide what stripe color I want next. And so I knit a sweater.

You see in the photo that knitting is very simple. I can do this without looking at the knitting needles and this is what I wanted. My hands just have work to do while my eyes can look at the computer or at friends.

In the process of knitting like this, I do not focus on the end result, but only on the pleasure of the knitting process. The canvas grows somehow imperceptibly.

The sweater will ultimately be as much a surprise for me as it is for you. In addition, there is one more detail: at the beginning I thought of knitting a regular sweater with set-in sleeves. But halfway through the canvas, my sweater protested and changed the model. He categorically refused sleeves and stated that he wanted a model somewhat similar to the “bat” model. 😁

This made my job even easier. I knit even when my husband and I are learning a foreign language (yes, we decided to learn this language because we do not live in the country in which we were born and it is difficult for us to navigate without the ability to understand people).

Well, of course, I have some knowledge of this language, but that’s not enough. Therefore, I am deepening my knowledge of this. When the material is familiar to me, I just listen and knit.

The front of the sweater is almost ready as you see in the photo. And I didn’t notice even when I knitted it so quickly.

This project is special for me precisely in its unpredictability. The fact is that I am a person who does not like impromptu things in life. I feel calmer when life is planned and goes according to plans. But of course, such a point of view does not correspond to reality, which is constantly changing. This really unsettles me and I realized that I need to work on it. The fact that this project is exactly like this is proof of my progress. 😀
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!


Indeed life is sweet when everything goes according as planned but then again, if we keep getting all that we want, how do we improve on ourselves to be better. Sometimes when I think about it, I realise that it is the challenges that make us better because for all the times I get a soft landing, I don't feel the need to put in much effort which is not a proud moment for me lol.

Your sweater looks beautiful by the way, hopefully one day, I get to learn knitting too. 🙂

it really is! but we still don’t like difficulties))) thanks a lot! I'm sure you'll enjoy knitting

Looking forward to learning 😌🤲🏿

 last month  

It's great that you can combine knitting while learning a new language. Multitasking brain! Congratulations. What language are you learning?

I've now resumed my English classes (my original language is Spanish). Even though I read a lot of English daily here, I feel like I'll never finish learning haha.

Happy Monday, thanks for sharing your project ❤️!

learning English is a good idea! I wish you success in this! My husband and I are learning Hebrew because we now live in Israel, although we are originally from Ukraine.

Wow, what a nice project, the sweater look so beautiful, you did a great work, I love the outcome.

Thanks a lot! I'm pleased!

I guess your post is a reminder that to stop learning my language although the circumstances surrounding my learning a bit different from yours.

This knitted sweater is coming together beautifully. To think that the pattern isn't planned is just mind blowing because the pattern still looks very appealing, regardless.


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If you like this language or need it, then you should continue to study it. at least this is our case! Thank you very much for your comment! I'm glad you like my project

I certainly will.