I meant to reply to this long ago.
However, good job on the clothing. Looks great.
As for a solar clothes iron. Doesn't exist and would be a terrible idea. Heating coils use way too much electricity -- far more than would be feasible using solar electric. If I had to show you the environmentally friendly version ..well... I don't think it would be something you'd want to use but here it is :
you put hot coals into the iron and that heats it up. Old timey people were inventive when they didn't have electricity.
Not saying its a good idea but is AN idea :)
"I meant to reply to this long ago"
I totally understand how busy we can get both online and offline and sometimes it's difficult to keep up posts and comments.
I do have that hot coal iron when I started working. It is still available and I use it when I desperately need to iron and there is no power supply.
But these days we have alot to do and do not have the luxury of time to fan coal for work.