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RE: Super failed attempt at making a blouse [ENG/ESP]

If I get scared when they inject a remedy, I don't want to imagine if the needle of the machine goes through me, haha. Tell me one of the comments on the reel said that the machine is one of those that you indicate how many stitches or something like that and the needle came and went in his finger 😱. Thank you very much! Regards 🤗

Es que si me dan miedo cuando uno le inyectan un remedio, no me quiero imaginar si la aguja de la maquina me traspasa ajaja. Digame uno de los comentarios del reel decia que la maquina es de esas que le indicas cuantas puntadas son o algo asi y la aguja iba y venia en su dedo. Muchas gracias! Saludos🤗