NEEDLEWORKMONDAY-De los errores se aprende. [We learn from mistakes.]


En febrero tenía un evento familiar, la fiesta de 15 años de mi sobrina, esto era una ocasión para usar uno de los moldes que había comprado en un curso hace un buen tiempo, así que gaste algo de dinero en tela y me dispuse a hacerme un vestido, como verán en el título de este posteo algo no salió bien en este proceso jajaja y hoy quiero hablarles un poco de eso, porque no todo es éxito y prendas que quedan bien, a veces las cosas fallan, y hay que enfrentarlas haciendo un poco de catarsis jajaja, sobre todo ahora que paso un poco más de tiempo puedo verlo de otra forma.

In February I had a family event, my niece's 15th birthday party, this was an occasion to use one of the molds that I had bought in a course a long time ago, so I spent some money on fabric and set out to make myself. a dress, as you will see in the title of this post something did not go well in this process hahaha and today I want to talk to you a little about that, because not everything is success and clothes that look good, sometimes things fail, and you have to face them by doing a bit of catharsis hahaha, especially now that I spend a little more time I can see it in a different way.


Compre un molde de vestido en línea hace un tiempo, el vestido se veía muy bien pero como no uso tantos vestidos iba a hacerlo para alguien más, la ocasión no se dio y como tenía este evento decidí hacerlo unas 3 semanas antes de que esto suceda, así que compre mi tela, y me puse a cortar, ya tenía todos los moldes listos.

I bought a dress mold online a while ago, the dress looked very good but since I don't wear that many dresses I was going to make it for someone else, the occasion didn't come up and since I had this event I decided to make it about 3 weeks before this happens , so I bought my fabric, and I started cutting, I already had all the molds ready.


Viéndolo ahora hay muchas cosas que fallaron y una de las primeras fue la medida del vestido, por alguna razón tome una medida que era mucho más grande que la mía, en mi duda esta que salió mal, jaja ya que recuerdo haber tomado mis medidas, anote las mismas en papel y busque mi talle, a la falda le di más vuelo porque quería más frunce, pero el top lo deje con la medida que era la correcta, pero hubo algún tipo de distracción ahí y no lo sé algo salió mal.

Looking at it now there are many things that went wrong and one of the first was the measurement of the dress, for some reason I took a measurement that was much bigger than mine, in my doubt it went wrong, haha since I remember taking my measurements, I wrote them down on paper and looked for my size. I gave the skirt more flare because I wanted more gathering, but I left the top with the correct measurement, but there was some kind of distraction there and I don't know, something went wrong.


Mas allá del talle el top no era tan simple de hacer como yo creía, el armado era un poco una bomba de precisión, la vista debía estar armada perfecta y si esto no estaba así generaría más problemas después.

Beyond the size, the top was not as simple to make as I thought, the assembly was a bit of a precision bomb, the view had to be perfectly assembled and if this was not the case it would generate more problems later.


El top se arma así, primero entretelamos las vistas, después las cosemos, se arma el top, se arman los breteles y después se ensambla todo, esto parece simple pero bueno no lo es tanto jaja, resulta que cuando coloque la vista con alfileres había algo un poco mal, unos cm que sobraban, lo planché, lo acomode, pero no había caso, así que lo fui cosiendo de a tramos, pero el error estaba ahí.

The top is assembled like this, first we interweave the views, then we sew them, the top is assembled, the straps are assembled and then everything is assembled, this seems simple but well it is not so simple haha, it turns out that when I placed the view with pins there were something a little wrong, a few cm too much, I ironed it, I adjusted it, but there was no point, so I sewed it in sections, but the error was there.


Encontré entre muchas comillas una forma de zafar con esto que me tomo muchísimas horas, no tenía ganas de cortar nuevamente las piezas y ahí cometí el error numero dos después de talle, no volver atrás cuando era posible, con cortes, descosidas y mucho esfuerzo logre acomodar la vista un poco y se veía decente, pase los tirantes que sostendrían los botones y todo estaba listo para la primera prueba preliminar.

I found, among many quotes, a way to get away with this that took me many hours, I didn't feel like cutting the pieces again and there I made mistake number two after sizing, not going back when possible, with cuts, unstitching and a lot of effort I managed I adjusted the view a little and it looked decent, I passed the straps that would hold the buttons and everything was ready for the first preliminary test.


Cuando me probe el top era inmenso, no eran unos centímetros solucionables, eran unos 18 cm de más jajajaja eso no es un talle o dos, son como 3 talles más grande, pero las medidas las había tomado bien, entonces descarté todo por ese día y decidí seguir al otro día con más calma, ya había usado todo mi sábado en hacer eso y no había logrado mucho.

When I tried on the top it was huge, it wasn't a few centimeters that could be solved, it was about 18 cm too long hahahaha that's not a size or two, it's like 3 sizes bigger, but I had taken the measurements correctly, so I discarded everything for that day and I decided to continue the next day more calmly, I had already used my entire Saturday doing that and I had not achieved much.


El domingo decidí seguir, y se me ocurrió una idea genial, que solo era genial en mi cabeza y a veces mi cabeza me traiciona y mucho jajaja sobre todo con estas cosas, en mi mente si ponía un elástico en la espalda que hiciera frunce del sobrante todo estaría bien y pues bueno ALERTA SPOILER eso no funciono tampoco jajajaj, pero claro que no iba a funcionar, desequilibraba todo con la tensión del elástico, no sé en qué estaba pensando, por suerte ahora es un momento divertido.

On Sunday I decided to continue, and a great idea occurred to me, which was only great in my head and sometimes my head betrays me and a lot hahaha especially with these things, in my mind if I put an elastic in the back that would gather the excess everything would be fine and well SPOILER ALERT that didn't work either hahaha, but of course it wasn't going to work, it unbalanced everything with the tension of the elastic, I don't know what I was thinking, luckily now it's a fun moment.


Descarté el top des vestido a mi bolsa de retazos sin energía para continuar, la verdad es que no necesitaba ese vestido, pero si lo quería, no todo debe ser necesario, pero me puso bastante mal el no poder hacerlo, también pensé en que no soy experta en hacer vestidos ¿cuántos vestidos hice en mi vida? Pues bueno ese era mi cuarto vestido, era super posible que saliera mal, de hecho, sería algo magnifico si hubiera salido bien jajajajaj, pero ya sabemos que no.

I threw the top of the dress into my bag of scraps without the energy to continue, the truth is that I didn't need that dress, but if I wanted it, not everything should be necessary, but it made me quite bad not being able to do it, I also thought about not being able to do it. I am an expert in making dresses. How many dresses did I make in my life? Well, that was my fourth dress, it was very possible that it turned out wrong, in fact, it would be something magnificent if it had turned out well hahahaha, but we already know it won't.


Me voy a encargar en otro momento de recuperar la tela, cuando mi ego y yo nos recuperemos de ese gasto, aunque me sobraba tela y tenía ideas de vestidos, ya que la falda del vestido no tenía problemas no quise hacer nada más, hay mucha ropa bonita que tengo y de hecho me arregle con algo lindo para la fiesta sin problemas.

I'm going to take care of recovering the fabric at another time, when my ego and I recover from that expense, although I had leftover fabric and I had ideas for dresses, since the skirt of the dress had no problems I didn't want to do anything else, there is a lot nice clothes that I have and in fact I dressed up in something nice for the party without problems.


A veces tomar este tipo de riesgos es necesario para aprender, para dar un paso atrás y saber que a veces se puede hacerlo mal, intentare nuevamente con este vestido en algún otro momento porque me gusta el diseño, pero ahora no es momento para eso.

Sometimes taking these types of risks is necessary to learn, to take a step back and know that sometimes you can do it wrong, I will try this dress again some other time because I like the design, but now is not the time for that.


No todo es tan malo, de esto salió esta larga reflexión, así como también un top que voy a mostrarles en otra ocasión ya que estoy trabajando en eso, pero con mucha más calma y me voy a animar a venderlo para quien lo quiera en mi Instagram personal, simplemente porque hasta ahora vengo disfrutando mucho de hacerlo.

Not everything is so bad, from this came this long reflection, as well as a top that I am going to show you on another occasion since I am working on it, but with much more calm and I am going to dare to sell it to whoever wants it in my Personal Instagram, simply because so far I have been really enjoying doing it.


aclaración esto esta drapeado sobre el maniquí, sostenido como alfileres jajaja así que podría fallar, pero quien sabe, quizás encuentro el modo de hacerlo bien.

Hasta la próxima ❤️ Yowi.

clarification this is draped over the mannequin, held like pins hahaha so it could fail, but who knows, maybe I'll find a way to do it right.

Until next time ❤️ Yowi.

Group 195 (1).png

Frame 87 (1).png

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí
All photos were taken by me


I’m glad that you were able to fix things even though the first measurement was quite bad
You did well with this and make sure you keep it up!

I’m so glad that you didn’t give up when things failed but rather you learned from it and took the necessary risks
See what you’ve been able to do. I’m so proud of you dear
The dress is so pretty and whoever gets to buy this on your personal instagram is lucky

Thank you very much :3 I think it's part of the job, not everything will always be pretty.

You’re welcome
Yeah exactly

Sometimes, all we have to do is stop for a while and get it back when we feel inspired. Of course, there are things that don't turn out the way we want. But it doesn't mean that we have to stop and never look back on it. We just need a break.

Well, I look forward to the dress that you will share soon. God bless you.😊

Thank you very much, I think that sometimes it just happens that nothing goes well, we learn and continue, it will soon be ready :3.

From the look I think it will be only top but finally from up to down is really beautiful, no one is above mistake, we learn from mistake, if there is no mistake there will be no correction, I'm probably proud of you for long going without stopping on the side of mistake, well done dear

thank you so much

You are welcome Dear

 last year  

Como que te pasaste 18 cm de la medida jajajaja lpm. Bueno lo partis a la mitad y haces dos tops para mi (?)

jajaja te juro que no se que paso, para mi medi con una regla en ruso no se, una bronca me dio jajaja

One thing about sewing sometimes you need courage and grace 😜 to continue because it seems you should give up but no you continue
The dress looks nice ☺️

Thank you very much, the dress is still in process hahaha. maybe something nice will come out of there