A la hora de coser siempre se generan desperdicios, por más que uno sea prolijo es difícil que no haya sobrantes, pero yo no tiro nada, mis retacitos son un tesoro que guardo para manualidades, donde con un poco de ingenio logro usarlos, en realidad la base siempre es la misma, generar el cuadrado, a veces es rectángulo, pero es formar un paño más grande para así lograr hacer algo con ellos, esto es algo que trabajé bastante y hay cosas que ya sé que funcionan, como cosas para casa, las agarraderas se usan bastante así que en eso estoy.
When sewing, waste is always generated, no matter how neat one is, it is difficult not to have leftovers, but I do not throw anything away, my scraps are a treasure that I save for crafts, where with a little ingenuity I manage to use them, in reality the base is always the same, to generate the square, sometimes it is a rectangle, but it is to form a larger cloth in order to be able to do something with them, this is something that I worked on a lot and there are things that I already know that work, like things for the house, the potholders are used a lot so that is what I am doing.
Para esto voy a usar 3 capas de tela, ya que las que hice anteriormente son finas, si bien tienen dos capas de tela eso no fue suficiente para evitar quemarse y hay que usarlas dobles, entonces no sirven para sacar cosas del horno, así que esta vez decidí probar con 3, pero son diferentes entre sí.
For this I'm going to use 3 layers of fabric, since the ones I made before are thin, although they have two layers of fabric that wasn't enough to avoid burning and you have to use them double, so they're no good for taking things out of the oven, so this time I decided to try with 3, but they are different from each other.
Estoy usando denim de mi proyecto de camisa que quedo del año pasado, una fibrana verde, fibrana blanca y trocitos de satén en verde, que está conmigo hace años jajaja es de mi primer trabajo pago y aun sigo usando los restos, primero que todo corte todas las piezas ya que va a ser un patchwork.
Arme primero lo que va a ser la parte superior, que tiene las 3 telas que voy a usar, así el diseño se va a ver, y eso lo hace un poco más atractivo, es divertido armar esto, es como mi propio rompecabezas.
I'm using denim from my shirt project that was left over from last year, some green fiber, white fiber, and bits of green satin, which has been with me for years hahaha, it's from my first paid job and I'm still using the leftovers, first of all cut all the pieces since it's going to be a patchwork.First I put together what will be the top part, which has the 3 fabrics that I am going to use, so the design will be visible, and that makes it a little more attractive, it is fun to put this together, it is like my own puzzle.
Corté lo que será la capa intermedia, que es una fibrana blanca, esto va a ayudar a que cuando se agarren cosas calientes la persona no se queme, es la única tela que está en un trozo completo.
I cut what will be the middle layer, which is a white fiber, this will help prevent the person from getting burned when they grab hot things, it is the only fabric that is in a complete piece.
La capa inferior son dos trozos de denim, que como eran pequeños los cosí para que tuviera la misma medida que el resto de las piezas.
The bottom layer is two pieces of denim, which were small so I sewed them together to make them the same size as the rest of the pieces.
Como no quería acomodar mi máquina overlook lo que hice fue hacer costura zigzag para unir y una costura de refuerzo por encima, para que esto no se descosa por deshilacharse y además queda decorativo.
Since I didn't want to accommodate my overlook machine, what I did was make a zigzag stitch to join and a reinforcement stitch on top, so that this wouldn't come undone by fraying and it also looks decorative.
Una vez que todo estaba a la medida lo tome con alfileres para empalmar las 3 capas de tela y cosí por todo el borde, menos en una parte, deje la abertura para darle la vuelta.
Once everything was sized, I pinned the 3 layers of fabric together and sewed along the entire edge, except for one part, leaving an opening to turn it inside out.
Cosí con más denim una tira que será la que ayudé a colgar esto del mueble que tenemos en la cocina.
I sewed a strip with more denim that will help me hang this from the furniture we have in the kitchen.
Doble hacia adentro haciendo un ruedo en la parte que deje abierta, sostuve con alfileres, acomode la tira bien hacia adentro para que no quede súper larga y cosí por todo el borde.
Fold it inwards making a hem on the part that I left open, I held it in place with pins, I arranged the strip well inwards so that it is not too long and I sewed along the entire edge.
Quedo lista para usar en la cocina de casa, nunca compramos de estas agarraderas, las hago yo desde hace tiempo jajaja, es una buena forma de utilizar mis retazos, tengo ganas de hacer algunas más, pero para mi amiga que no tiene, sé que le sería útil, pero eso será para otra ocasión.
I'm ready to use in the kitchen at home. We've never bought these potholders before. I've been making them myself for a long time, haha. It's a good way to use up my scraps. I want to make some more, but for my friend who doesn't have one, I know it would be useful, but that will be for another occasion.
Hasta la próxima ❤️ Yowi.
See you next time ❤️ Yowi.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí
All photos were taken by me
This is such a great idea, you did a nice work, thanks for sharing
I'm glad you liked it :3
Excelente idea para usar esos retazos que van quedando, y nada mejor que diseñar algo para nuestro uso diario, te felicito feliz semana
si,me ayuda a ir reduciendo poco a poco los sobrante, que tengas un gran dia :3
This is so creative and brilliant. I think you just gave me an idea about something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. This potholder is really nice and looks durable. Great job.
Thank you very much :3 It's a good way to recycle scraps, I hope to see what you came up with soon :3
A well put together pattern, I had initially thought it was a purse lol.
Thank you, I want to make more objects with this same idea, I feel that the basic idea can be applied to anything.
Yeah the simplest matters most. Like you don't have to do too much to achieve beauty.