Volviendo a trabajar manos a la obra / Going back to work hands-on

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

Hola a todos costureros 😊 estoy volviendo a hacer cositas, este último tiempo todo fue un poco tormentoso y tuve bastantes problemas personales, no todo salió bien, pero tengo que afrontar que la vida puede tener momentos difíciles y parte de superarlos es la meta en todo esto.

Hello to all seamstresses 😊 I am doing things again, this last time everything was a bit stormy and I had many personal problems, not everything went well, but I have to face that life can have difficult moments and part of overcoming them is the goal in everything this.


Muchas veces coser para mi es terapéutico, coser me mantiene concentrada y enfocada, también es una meta, ya que mi fin es lograr algún día tener una colección y ver gente en la calle usando mis creaciones, para eso debo volver a trabajar mucho y practicar muchas de mis costuras.

Many times sewing for me is therapeutic, sewing keeps me concentrated and focused, it is also a goal, since my goal is to one day have a collection and see people on the street using my creations, for that I must go back to work a lot and practice many of my seams.

En esta remera lo que probe fue un tip que había encontrado en un tiktok, donde tu ayuda a coser bien una cinta al bies, pero no está cortada al bies así que ahí ya estamos en un problema, pero igual lo intente.

In this shirt what I tried was a tip that I had found in a tiktok, where you help to sew a bias tape well, but it is not cut on the bias so there we are already in a problem, but I tried it anyway.


La remera es una remera básica de manga continua, lo primero que hice fue coser hombros para poder armar el cuello con la cinta, el tip es con una cartulina de 4 cm de ancho (el largo no importa mucho), para hacer la cinta se dobla la mitad y esa mitad a la mitad, cada parte debe tener 1cm, entonces el ancho de la tira tiene lo mismo, la idea de esto es meter el cuello envuelto en la cinta, con la cartulina te vas ayudando para que se mantenga y vas cosiendo muy de a poco.

The shirt is a basic shirt with continuous sleeves, the first thing I did was sew shoulders to be able to assemble the neck with the tape, the tip is with a 4 cm wide cardboard (the length does not matter much), to make the tape fold half and that half in half, each part should be 1cm, so the width of the strip has the same, the idea of this is to put the neck wrapped in the tape, with the cardboard you help yourself to keep it and you are sewing very little by little.


Es un método efectivo la verdad, pero no me funciono del todo y mantener que el cuello sea redondo fue muy complicado, al terminar tuve que hacer algunos arreglos para darle una mejor forma a todo esto.

It is an effective method to be honest, but it did not work for me at all and keeping the neck round was very complicated, when I finished I had to make some arrangements to give it a better shape.


Si bien no fue perfecto tampoco era mi idea, sino que necesitaba distraerme y no presionarme por algún tiempo y cumplió, aparte también aprendí cosas como que este tip no funciona en telas elásticas 😊 voy a seguir intentándolo en otras cosas, y motivarme a aprender más.

Estoy contenta de volver a compartir cosas con ustedes 😊

Although it was not perfect, it was not my idea, but I needed to distract myself and not pressure myself for some time and it complied, apart from that I also learned things like that this tip does not work on elastic fabrics 😊 I will keep trying in other things, and motivate myself to learn more .

I'm happy to share things with you again 😊



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gracias por el apoyo :3

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Beautiful thanks for sharing @youyowi

Thank you so much

 3 years ago  

ALthough you had problems with the TikTok tip the shire came out lovely, it has a very special neckline and you can always say it was your intended design :-) And with the bias tape… are both materials you used stretchy? Because using woven fabric as bias tape will not work on a stretch fabric. But you perhaps know this already (and I simply overlooked it in your post). I am by far not skilled in sewing, but I like to use stretch fabric as it is much more forgiving in the fit. And I mostly use a different technique for the neckline. I cut a strip of stretchy fabric for the neckline which is smaller than the neckline. If its very stretchy I multiply the length of the neckline by 0,7, if its less stretchy by 0,8 to determine the length of the neckband. I fold the neckband. Lengthwise in half and sew it on stretched.
Here is a video where several techniques are explained… not sure if it helps. Maybe I misunderstood and you wanted to create a different kind of neckline :-)