Life as a Podcaster~ it's a fluffing blast

in NaPodPoMo2 years ago (edited)

life as a podcaster.jpg

source Image by Parkinson from Pixabay modified by @tengolotodo

Hello Hello Super People

Do you read directions?
Do you read instructions?
Are you a man?

If like me, you answered NO NO YES, then you are a bonafide numpty.

More on than in a minute! - But first ....


NaPodPoMo + DreemPort Challenge

This is the reason that I started a Podcasting journey!

Record a trailer they said!

Who is they?

You know who they is ... Dreemie herself @dreemsteem

So I got out my spade out (Americans call it a shovel! Now that is another episode of It Takes Two To Tengo!) and did some digging around and found NaPodPoMo Trailer Tips from our very own Podcast Queen @epodcaster

National Podcast Post Month
November 1st-30th: 30 Podcasts in 30 Days

Did you know that NaPodPoMo has its own website

Fun ~ well Fun AND Awesome Fact...
In 2007, 50 podcasters participated in the first ever National Podcast Post Month aka NaPodPoMo. Created by Jennifer Navarrete and who is Jennifer ... Jennifer happens to be @epodcaster on Hive, now how fluffing awesome is that!


In my quick reading of a couple of posts I saw a reference to Anchor

I opened up Play Store and downloaded Anchor on October 31st

Bish Bash Bosh a couple of minutes later...


I had recorded a 59 second trailer!
It Takes Two To Tengo was born.

That was so cool. Talk about easy. Put phone infront of face, hit record button, talk, hit stop button. Then publish...

I tend to just do something without thinking of the consequences, which seems to lead to people thinking I have a relaxed laidback demeanor which right enough has saved my life a couple of times in far off lands.

So the name of the show reflects the fact there will be no theme to my podcast execpt that I will try to make them entertaining. If I make the listener smile or laugh then I will say it is a success.


I did some rummaging around online and found there was a Aureal community courtesy of @traciyork ... although there have times when I can not open up Aureal properly (neither can @nicklewis sometimes and as we are both in the UK I wonder if that is a UK thing...)

I digress .... The reason I mentioned Aureal, is that it is a Hive built podcast tool, front end and community. I connected my Anchor RSS feed to Aureal and now when I publish my podcast episode from Anchor it automatically publishes a post on Aureal community on Hive!

Coolness overload if you ask me.



My playlist if you like, one trailer and three episodes!

To say I am chuffed is an understatement. I have been complimented on how professional they sound!

I think that is baloney and put it down to having added background music.


One great thing about Anchor is the simple dashboard with their analytics as shown down there 👇👇👇


As you can see I have 81 plays, and that is amazing, today is the best day with 28 plays and there is still three hours left, nor have I recorded or uploaded todays episode!

👏👏👏 Well done Tengo!


The episodes to date ... click the blue links to listen

Trailer listen
Episode 1 Halloween It's Actually Scottish
Episode 2 Jamie's Kelpies
Episode 3 The Beloved Sandwich

My podcast is a little bit of this and a little bit of that with a little bit of you in between!

As I mentioned I like to have fun, life is too short for anything else for me.


There is a NaPodPoMo Mega Feed and thank you @epodcaster for clarifying to this bonafide numpty that my RSS feed had been included by you already.


First week summary

In four words .... I fluffing loved it!🎙🎙🎙🎙

Q Was it hard?
A No at all ~ It was ridiculously easy, however I will play around at the weekend to make it sound more professional (inluding me)

Q Was it exciting?
A It actually was, and I prefer it to writing at the moment. Interestingly enough though, my engagement on my posts has really dropped, but maybe that is what I need. I seem to have engaged like a madman and now could be the time to reign that in and focus on me for once and doing what I enjoy.

Q Did I think about giving up?
A Not for one second. I am a stubborn so and so, and when I decide to do something, I do it and don't give a flying fnck what others think!

Q Did I start to catch the fire?
A As soon as I downloaded Anchor and hit the record button for the first time I was hooked and a fire was lit!

Q Am I hoping it will get easier?
A No, it can't get any easier. However, and there is always a BUT, to improve needs some tinkering and research, BUT that will be fun to do. We aleays keep learning right?

Q Am I finding your groove?
A I most certainly am, it is fun, and it is also fun listening to other podders, I am not sure what podcasters are called?

Q Do I think that I can keep going?
A Does a bear shit it in the woods? Too right I shall keep going!

Q Do I think I will stop it when November is over?
A Just like a cow chewing the cud, I have thought this over and think I will more than likely continued with a weekly or twice weekly show. It will depend on the direction the show takes over this month!


There are some great podcasts that I have been listening to and getting some tips on all sorts of things!

So here in no particular order are a few podcasters and their podcasts that I am enjoying listening to!

@traciyork ~ AMA About Hive (or other things)
@epodcaster ~ Podcasting and the Blockchain
@acgalarza ~ Podcast Life Talk
@balikis95 ~ Balikis
@dreemsteem ~ beyond the SPECTRUM
@kenechukwu97 ~ A Better Me
@shadowspub ~ Nicheless Narrative
@iwannabeme ~ I Wanna Be Me When I Grow Up


This is my post in response to the NaPodPoMo + DreemPort Challenge Week 1 Summary Post from @dreemport

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo November 4th 2022


Haste Ye Back!



First of all, I love your Podcast' Title! Very creative! 👍

I appreciate your report, very nicely done! I need to learn more about the RSS feed and such things! Ay caramba!

Thanks for mentioning my Podcast, @tengolotodo, very kind of you!


My pleasure Armando and thank you.
Yes we will all learn as we go along I think,but so far so good.

Nice one Ed, im gonna go and have a wee listen. Perhaps I will get in on this podcast malarkey at some point.

You should try it!

I will do. Im doing abit more videos right now, but will try for sure, watching you guys is very inspiring to get started! lol

Thanks Steve, they are fun to do, and something I think I will do weekly in the future, as @acgalarza says you should join into.
Although I see you have been doing plenty of videos.

Keep up the good work Ed, just listened to the first episode! Onto the 2nd now. 👍

The music gives it a pro touch, Super Ed but the best about your podcasts is that are fun and entertaining as your stories usually are.
I've listened to them on Anchor, can't do it on Aureal.

I love that you love what you're doing but hey watch out, if you don't write I'll get my bossy boots right away 😉.

hehe you and those bossy boots!
Yeah tonights was not so good! I think the beans were playing on my mind jaja
The music is the best bit, oh okay Aureal seems to be hit or miss and it works tongiht for some reason Super Eli

Ok, so now I am really feeling the pressure given that it's that easy...

On engagement:

  • I have to make a plan to come back and listen. It's a long story, but I don't like ear buds or ear phones and it's 5.30 am and there's a sleeping person next to me. Sometimes I don't make it so no comment
  • it's not so easy to go back and read again and pull out and paste Sometimes that resonates for a comment

Just my tuppence worth!

Soo far, why does my auto correct chuck out soo every time I write soo for crying out loud. My phone is being daft. Aureal just doesn’t work for me at all😌

The day of the daft phone! Sounds like a horror film 🤣

B-movie without a doubt!

Alright, this is cool, I am glad you are pulling through it all, I hope I am not missing out on anything. Does my podcast says my name on it 😂😂 and are we to like do the piling up of our podcast every Friday? 🤣🤣 I didn't hehe..

On the megafeed I am not sure, so I am putting my podcast name and episode number because how do we know who is who?

Hehe.. That's true, loving your podcast by the way ❤❤.

Yay! 🤗
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I absolutely identify with and love this line: I tend to just do something without thinking of the consequences, which seems to lead to people thinking I have a relaxed laidback demeanor which right enough has saved my life a couple of times in far off lands.

Thanks so much for listing my show and for subscribing. I've not figured out how to subscribe to other people on Aureal yet - but I do like that it gives you a notification. I've loved listening to your episodes thus far though

Ah man, making the Scottish accent sound "professional"! Love it, listening along now with my morning coffee! Nice one!

Ah thanks for that, not so sure about the 'professional' part hehe, am doing my best though!

Hahah... The 82 year old that came into your Podcast in the 5th episode is the most hilarious part of the podcast 😂.

This is amazing, lad. Nice one from Matilda. Hehe

The best part of starting a podcast is when you finally get noticed for your effort and good work. I remember the comments and reactions I got from friends and family, which was what kept me going to date.

Oh you are so right, my friends and family are the ones loving it and now asking what this Hive is!
Appreciate your comment and reblog.

Not a problem. Keep up the good work.

I will do my best!

I'm sure you will 💯

This makes me wants to start my podcast.
@dreemport brought me here.

You should try it, it is very much fun to do!

Alright I will endeavor to

okay excellent :)

Deadly man, such a cool idea. I'd like to get into the ole podcasting, not that I would have much to say, although, I'm sure as the days go on it would get easier to do it! Keep it up.


Thanks man, it is fun and you would be surprised how much you can talk when needed. You guys have the gift of the ole blarney so it would be a blast!

Hahahaha fair point man, I'd say if I got it started I could easy talk!

I'm going to look into it and see what happens with it. Even if I aim for 5 minutes or something, I might put a little list together and see if I can set up a few episodes.


Yes 5 minutes is a doodle, you can record in five minute burts and put more that one into an episode.
It is far easier than we all thought, the apps etc do it all for you!


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@samsmith1971(7/15) tipped @tengolotodo (x1)
killerwot tipped tengolotodo (x2)

Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

It takes two to tengo.... Hehehehe .. When I first saw that, I was like, it should be tango😅 but I see you twisted it based on your name. Lol
I love the dashboard too and I can see podcasting isn't difficult for you since you have been into it before this 30 days challenge. That is amazing, Tengo 😚
I came here through Dreemport.

hehe my first time podcasting was on 31st October, the 1 minute trailer that we had ot do for the dreemport challenge Princess.
Yes I did a take on the name hehe and I do like it, it is fun.

I love the name. So good 😎

hehe thank you:)

You're doing really well partner, I've been so lazy to listen to all of your podcasts but I hope I do soon. Keep up the good work, I can see you are getting into it deeply and I love your voice of course, hehe.

Well it is easier for me to record a podcast than write a post hehe and easier just to listen to podcasts than to read posts now partner, so I know the feeling:)

Smiles, I'm happy you do partner. I'm happy you are feeling very comfortable with podcasting now 🥰.

Yes it is and thank you partner:)

Smiles, you are always welcome partner, it's always a pleasure 💙.

Fabulous Ed... I have listened to a few of yours... ep5 is a cracker... that ol' Matilda is hilarious - what a saucy ol' lass she is hahaha. I need to find everyone's on Hive now and go and upvote them! 😲 !PIZZA !ALIVE

ah Matilda she is some lady woman ol bidy!
Thanks Sam, they are fun, and this week I will see if I can actually get a structure to them