I see the common in small and big

in Space2 years ago

This is our Milky Way Galaxy.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESO/R. Hurt

And this is the snail that I photographed today.

I think there is a similarity here. Spiral galaxy and snail spiral.

I often think about the boundless space. Yesterday I watched a video on YouTube where two major astrophysicists were talking about space.

They talked about radio signals, about the civilizations we're looking for. Will these civilizations be hostile to us? Will more advanced civilizations be able to find us and be able to fly to us.

This is one of my favorite topics. I guess I read too much space fiction in my school days :)

In a conversation between two astrophysicists, I was surprised that our civilization is very clearly visible from the nearest millions of star systems. Hypothetical civilizations can even see all our cell towers, hundreds and thousands of light years away.

They can send probes here at 1/4 the speed of light and get a good resolution photo of our planet. They can listen to our radio and TV programs.

But will intelligent civilizations be able to reach the Earth if the distances are tens and hundreds of light years. Most likely, in the future there will be an exchange of information by radio beam.

And you friends, would it be interesting to watch a video from another planet, to find out what life is like there?


Уверена, обмен информацией будет телепатический, всему остальному нужны "проводники" и "переводчики", а, состоится он тогда, когда мы научимся управлять силой мысли. Жаль, не в этой жизни:))

Определённо мы могли бы чему-то научиться у других планет. Осталось только правильно получить эти данные и правильно их интерпретировать, чтобы воспользоваться.)


What if their technology is different from ours?

I think the signal will be sent in a simple encoding understandable to all intelligent civilizations.

There is no proof of intelligent civilizations, It's just imagination. A television antenna can't catch the satellite signals so my point remains the same If their technology different from ours?

It is quite possible their systems missed our signals or our system missed their signal. When we talk about the space there are thousands of imaginations:)

Have you been following the Dimitry Rogozin story?

Yes there's a lot of similarity between snail 🐌 and milky way 😸

Yes, that would be very interesting! And at the expense of the snail, I read that it is a very mathematically correct form, the merkaba, it seems, is called

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