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RE: Making new raised beds for onions and garlic.

in Build-It4 years ago

delightful denizens of the digital domain

Ah what gorgeous alliteration to start with! I'm hooked!

I love love love allium - although I dont eat much because my hubs is intolerant. Still I love to grow garlic, which I've been super sucessful at - just have never been able to grow leeks or onions (spring onions are fine, and he can eat those!)

I have seen the square foot gardening method but I've never done it - I'm so slap happy with my gardening lol.

I've never been good at peppers or eggplant either, but since I've used wicking buckets in the polytunnel they've been awesome. Probably extra water and fertiliser and heat. But stoked I've nailed it as I reckon I love jalapeno as much as you love onion, if not more!

I love how this post shows your bed making - great post, really enjoyed it, thankyou!

Oh, ps, I'm in Australia and we plant garlic at Easter ready for November!