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RE: [ESP-ENG] Sencillos zarcillos en Alambrismo / simple tendrils in wire rope

in Hive Diylast year

You can't delete anything from the blockchain. Even if you remove the content, it can be retrieved. If you republish it, it can be seen as abuse. Unfortunately many are deleting their post and posting the content again hoping for more votes, so now it is considered abuse.

So if you did such a mistake, leave it as it is and better luck next time.

 last year  

That's what I wanted to know, if I could post it again, good of me to ask first.
Thank you.

Eso es lo que deseaba saber, si podía publicarlo nuevamente, que bueno que pregunte primero.

You're welcome @emmaris and please always ask, if something is not clear. Better ask, the get into trouble :)

 last year  

thank you very much for your help and guidance :)

muchas gracias por su ayuda y orientación :)