Jungle Myna

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Acridotheres fuscus17 02 2025Hakimpur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.


A beautiful bright surma-colored bird of the Shalik breed. A descendant of the Myna bird. Like the Myna bird, they are also considered pets by humans. They also talk and whistle. In our area, we call this bird the Khopapa Saro or Khopati Saro bird. By searching on Google, we found out that the English name of this bird is - Jungle Myna and the scientific name is - Acridotheres fuscus
Thank you everyone.

Link to original community

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/262084046 pl in

Use Camera 📸🤳 Samsung galaxy F22
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthmm
ObservationAcridotheres fuscus
CetegoryJungle Myna Obsession
LocationDinajpur, Bangladesh