Jungle Myna(Acridotheres fuscus)

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Acridotheres fuscus18 12 2024Hakimpur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.


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Lat/Lon: 25.2662889.00412

A Beautiful Surma colored Shalik Bird. It moves everywhere. It does not like to fly high. It is often seen sitting on the ground around Cows and goats and getting down to the ground to collect food. It likes to move in groups. Because of the small crest or hump on its beak, in our area they are called Khopati Saro Birds. The English call them Jungle Myna. Google Mama says, its scientific name is Acridotheres fuscus
Thank you everyone.

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ObservationAcridotheres fuscus
CetegoryJungle Myna Obsession
LocationDinajpur, Bangladesh