Family Acrididae

in Nature Observer11 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Family AcrididaeJanuary 16 2026Central Bireuen Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

A few days ago when I went to the rice fields with my brother to clean up some of the weeds growing on the edges of the newly planted rice, it became a very common thing for people to do in order to avoid the weeds growing and blocking the growth of rice, so to reduce this impact many people in my village flocked to the rice fields to pull out the weeds.

So when I was in the rice field area I also saw a lot of locusts flying around, some were small and some were large, I was able to teach some locusts but I didn't manage to catch them, because the ball has two legs which are their strongest legs to jump.

But I managed to approach a small mantis that was perched on a coconut tree on the edge of the rice field, Fortunately this small mantis did not fly away when I wanted to photograph it, so I managed to photograph this mantis in several pictures.

Although this grasshopper looks very small, my eyes can still see the beauty produced by the shape and color of this grasshopper, so even though it is small it still looks beautiful.

Maybe this is all I can tell in this post, see you again.

Camera usedVivo s1
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyFamily Acrididae