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RE: Which creature do you like? / 最推しのクリーチャーはどれですか?

in Holozing Community4 months ago

HoloMax basically means a creature is as close to max stats it can have as possible. Every creature will have different range in their abilities (HP, ATTACK, AGILITY & DEFENSE), for instance:

Wrackoo may at lvl 1 have

minimum 80 HP, max 120 HP, if it has 80-86 HP, it is considered a green rarity, the stats determine the rarity, so to get one with 87-94 HP means it has blue rarity, then further it has purple rarity, then orange rarity and lastly if it happens to have 119-120 HP it will have Holo rarity.

The rarity is determined by the average rarity of all 4 stats, so if you have a creature that has HP and ATTACK and AGILITY at Holo, it will then count as a Holomax on average and it will get the "holo hue" you can see on Wrackoo here:


Every creature at almost average holo rarity stats will have that hue that tells you it is at that rarity, this is so players don't accidentally defeat a creature if they encounter one that is at max stats as they should attempt to capture it, while in all other encounters you won't get info on its stats, this is the only exception as holo max creatures will be very rare.

You will then also be able to "train" a creature to improve its stats, so if you get one that is somewhat close to max stats, you will have to "train" it the hard way by defeating counter creature types, i.e. wrackoo as grass-type would have to constantly fight types that counter it such as fire-types to gain "hard xp" to improve their stats as much as possible when it levels up. If you always pick "easy fights", i.e. water vs fire you won't get as much stats upon level up and your creatures average rarity may even drop slightly as you level it up.

Radiant lastly is just a "genetic mutation", this is not based on stats at all but just random. However, getting a radiant creature will also be rare and especially capturing it, so having a radiant creature which also gets to max stats will be extremely rare.


Okay, so if the average of the 4 statuses is the median, is it purple? If it is HoloMax (rainbow color?) If I want to make it to HoloMax (rainbow color?), I have to raise the status to the top 5% of the range.

But on the other hand, if I catch a wild Radiant and train its status, I can make my own Radiant HoloMax!

It may be hard to raise the status, but it is a dream come true that you can become a HoloMax if you train yourself!

This system seems to be very addictive for those who are addicted to it!
I can't wait to play it! I'm looking forward to test play!