Holo everyone!
Today's a big day for our reveals, we have a big family of creatures we want to present to you!
While things have been going forward a bit slower than preferred lately, we've been working hard on the things we can help at times like these. We'd like to mention that these creatures aren't polished yet but we thought we'd use this downtime to host a naming contest and at the same time reveal them as they are for now!
The year of the dragon
Alright, as you can tell, these will be our dragon creatures for the alpha and beta version of the game! They come with quite a few evolutions as well! This is also our first normal creature that can evolve into many different types which explains why the first evolutions have such similar facial features.
How to participate in the contest
1. Place a comment under this post with the dragon type you're attempting to name.
2. Include the name, try and make sure no one else has named it that yet.
3. This counts as one entry and you'll be limited to 3 entries per dragon type.
4. The above means you're eligible for up to 18 name suggestions in total, you can place all or more than one in one comment and we'll curate and tip you accordingly.
Normal Type: Hodor
Hints and Tips on what we're looking for!
These dragons will start out with a normal type dragon, which can evolve into grass, water, ground, ice and fire types. Those types will then have two further evolutions (we will reveal the next evo's in the next post) so something to keep in mind when naming these that the names need to fit with each other somehow but also leave room for evolving the names but feel free to be creative with how you do it.
To make it clear, there'll be 1 normal type, the "starter", then there will be 1 evolution from the normal type into Grass and the Grass type will have two further evolutions, although we may not reveal the last one yet as we may save that evolution for a later expansion of the game. We will however reveal the next evolution of all types in the next post and keep this contest running until they are shown as well in case you want to "wait it out" and attempt your name suggestions for when you first see the next evolution stage.
Aside from comment upvotes for naming attempts, we will be giving out 50 Hive per picked name for a total of 300 Hive. This means that if we pick your suggestion, and you were the first to suggest that name, we will tip you 50 Hive on the winning comment as a reward and your suggested name will be used in our game forever. (Unless we're forced to change it due to unforeseen reasons such as insinuations/hidden meaning/language/trademark/etc)
POSH will also sponsor 10k zing per winning entry up to a total of 60k zing!
Alright, now let's move forward with the types! Starting with the base creature:
Normal Type
Grass Type
Water Type
Ground Type
Ice Type
Fire Type
Alright, that's it for today, stay tuned for their second evolutions coming up soon!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section or in our Discord.
Let us also know which type you like the best so far!
here are 18 names closely related.
normal type: plainfang--> primeclaw--> mythscale
grass type: greenscale--> thornwing--> forestwing
water type: dewheart--> rainclaw--> oceanheart
ground type: pebblefang--> stonescale--> mountaintrail
ice type: snowwing--> frostscale--> blizzardflare
fire type: sparkclaw--> flamewing--> hellfire
I think naming a creature is exciting! I see that many are participating.
I will mention my ideas for:
Here is my list.
Normal: Zylo
Fire: Blazo > Pyrozo > Volcano
Water: Marino > Hydrozo > Tsunaro
Grass: Verdlo > Florabo > Sylvano
Ground: Terrano > Geomaro > Titanro
Ice: Glacio > Cryono > Aurorix
Ice type: Glacialis
Fire type: Flamealis
Normal type: Dragalis
Grass type: Leaftalis
Water type: Wateralis
Ground type: Sludgeralis
Ice type: Avalandrache
Fire type: Ignisdrache
Normal type: Dradrache
Grass type: Foliadrache
Water type: Marindrache
Ground type: Mudrodrache
My entries:
Normal: Nymphon, Fragon, Lidon
Grass: Gibon, Grodon, Lydon
Water: Watoon, Loloon, Flodon
Ground: Hoston, Hipon, Eldon
Ice: Isilon, Frozon, Crakon
Fire: Torpon, Ashon, Flamon
My names for some sick Dragons, hope you like at least some of them!
Normal type: Horrm, Prigon, Dragal
Grass type: Leail, Grelaw, Natusk
Water type: Floam, Wyurii, Rivang
Ground type: Earaw, Mounorn, Spiyon
Ice type: Flaip, Glacint, Bergystal
Fire type: Pyring, Hirlura, Talot
Normal Type: Drakon, Drazing,
Fire type: Dragire, Drablaze, Ablagon
Grass type: Draland, Lindwurm,
Water type: Drasea, Waveonid, Seagon
Ground type: Dround, D-Rock, Eargon
Ice type: Dreeze,Chillon, Frogon
They look really nice, and I like the subtle differences between them. Here are my entries. I tried to keep them simple so it will be easy to use for the evolutions.
Normal: Dregg
Grass: Droot or Drass
Water: Drop or Drew
Ground: Dearth or Drock
Ice: Drow or Drelt
Fire: Drame or Durn
My 2do entry:
Fire Type: Infernyx
Grass Type: Virethorn
Normal Type: Velornyx
Ice Type: Frostryx
Water Type: Aquorath
Ground Type: Terrapyx
3er entry:
Fire Type: Cyndrith
Grass Type: Folixis
Normal Type: Astralyx
Ice Type: Glacirith
Water Type: Tydris
Ground Type: Quarvyn
Here is my participation:
Normal Type: Zephyrox - Luminth - Quorath
Fire Type: Ignivyr - Cindralith - Blazewing
Grass Type: Thornaris - Florvyn - Lushbrax
Water Type: Maelvyr - Riptideon - Vortyros
Ground Type: Terravyn - Quarrith - Gravelon
Ice Type: Frostspire - Glaicern - Icaryx
Wow! here are the names i came up with
Normal type: Noragon
Grass type: Vinescaligon
Water type: Dracotide/Dragotide
Ground type: Geodrake/Drageodon
Ice type: Glacigon
Fire type: Infernogon
3rd participation:
Normal Type: Draknyx
Fire Type: Pyroclasm
Grass Type: Verdrax
Water Type: Aqualeth
Ground Type: Geomantor
Ice Type: Cryovex
They all look so cool!
Here are my naming attempts.
Normal: "Chewy"
Grass: "Ploof"
Water: "Splashy"
Ground: "Grifto"
Ice: "Artania"
Fire: "Flauros"
These are kind of on the spot thought random names, but I think these would fit these awesome creatures very well.
Normal: Slate
Grass: Jadiz
Fire: Moltor
Ground: Wyrmite
Ice: Frostongue
Water: Fluidity
Hi @holozing here my names with Z of #zing
normal type: zivern-zarcoal-vazilisc
grass type: viridiz-azolotl-woodenz
water type: leviaz-lodontez-pozeidonte
ground type: bezemoth-maztodont-fortiz
ice type: odinz-icyfangz-frozt
fire type: apolloz-hellheimz-redoz
I will mention my ideas for:
Normal type: Drakonis, Veritas , Equinox
Grass type: Floragon , Verdantide ,Leafsong
Water type: Aqualis, Tidalrush , Marinaar
Ground type: Terravern , Quakehorn , Dustfang
Ice type: Frostclaw , Glaciera , Cryostorm
Fire type: Infernoir , Pyroscorch , Emberlash
here are my suggestions
Normal type: Dracking, Dracness, Dracly.
grass type: Sproutly, Verdant, gaely.
Water type: Levian, azurelean, waveon
Ice type: frosty, Blizzten, Borealis.
Ground type: bouldin, quaken, titanitar.
Fire type: Blazen, ignizen, ashter.
The 12 names I need to complete my participation:
Normal Type: Nyrix - Nyrixon
Fire Type: Pyros - Pyrosin
Grass Type: Leafor, Leaforix, Leaforith
Water Type: Tydrion - Tydrionis
Ground Type: Rocryn - Rocrynor
Ice Type: Shardis - Shardyn
Love it!
Normal Type: Nyras
Fire Type: Flareon
Grass Type: Sylvas
Water Type: Maridon
Ground Type: Rocgon
Ice Type: Frystan
Here is my 18 names
Normal Type - Mushu, Puff & Draco
Grass Type - Elliot, Pracul & Chusi
Water Type - Apalala, Attor & Knucker
Ground Type- Askook, Belindo & Hyperion
Ice Type- Tyson, Orman & Ryuu
Fire Type - Kai, Firnen & Apep
I suggested Short name to pronounced easily and Friendly.
#holozing #contest
Here are 18 names:
Normal Type: Lynoth--> Lynothar--> Lynotharix
Grass Type: Thrylea--> Thrylanth--> Thrylanthos
Water Type: Aquilyth--> Aquilythar--> Aquilythra
Ground Type: Georith--> Georidon--> Georidox
Ice Type: Glacis--> Glacilith--> Glacithorn
Fire Type: Emberix--> Emberonix--> Emberflare
2nd participation:
Normal Type: Xypheris
Fire Type: Embergeist
Grass Type: Thornspire
Water Type: Tydralis
Ground Type: Cragspire
Ice Type: Shardveil
Hello everyone now I want to share with you my water dragon fan art. Their names are:
oh this are actually lovely illustrations what do you mean they are not finished ???
this are really lovely
for their names i just decided to giver
ive got a lot but lets just say fro my first entry names:
they are
Normal Type: Grodom
fire type: Frardon
Grass type: Gradom
Water type: Wardon
Ground type: Grydom
Ice type :Cryodon
This is My first entry:
Normal type: Auron
Grass type: Greenlight
Water type: Azure
Ground type: Earthwarden
Ice type : Frostbite
Fire type : Emberwing
A second one:
Normal type: Noxara
Grass type: Jade
Water type: Aquarion /Nereus
Ground type: Thornak
Ice type : Glacius
Fire type : Ignitus
My idea is to repeat the last vowel of the element type. As for Normal, it will be based from Dragon.
Normal: Draagon
Grass: Graagon
Water: Wateegon
Ground: Groogon
Ice: Iceegon
Fire: Fireegon
Naming these animals is very difficult. But still we all on this platform are working together to name these rare animals. Here I am naming six favorite animals. I hope you all enjoy these rare animal names.
Normal Type: crabels Talon
fire type: angrygron
Grass type: grassdron
Water type: wheelhoo
Ground type: Anguis tryptic
Ice type :sea terbul
Animals are supremely sentient. I am overjoyed and inspired to see these new animals. I hope that the creator will bestow all of you with all abilities. However, the behavior of these animals' claws may derive much from their ability to defend themselves. When these animals touch various medicinal plants. Then a kind of poison is created inside their nails. Which above all gives them the ability to protect themselves and fight other animals.
Since they are all related, one idea is to use a family of things. My first thought was gemstones. Red dragon -> ruby, green -> emerald, blue sapphire, etc. You could add dragon-y suffices like rubyscale, or emeraldclaw. The base/normal type is possibly the most challenging, as you kind of want a blank slate. That made me think of blank piece of (white) paper, so Pearl might be a cute name for the starter.
I really like these names:
Normal Type: Zygon
Fire Type: Ignis
Grass Type: Herbon
Water Type: Hydron
Ground Type: Geodon
Ice Type: Glacion
Not polished eh 😆? I choose not to believe that haha.
Anyway here are my entries!
Normal type: Roaragon
Grass type: Meadogon
Water type: Aquagon
Ground type: Terragon
Ice type: Frostagon
Fire type: Blazeagon
if you were to zoom in enough you'd understand what we mean :D
Hmm the only issue I see here is the quality of these artworks. It looks like they are in low resolution so the lineart does not have that sharpness that you see in the final versions haha.
That's all I could find xd.
Yeah I wasn't being clear, in high res when you zoom in you may see certain lines cross over or colors not being where they should be etc, that's why we have our in-house artist @hiddenblade polish them for future use. Meaning if at some point we wanna create big resolution wallpapers, high quality physical cards, things like that, we need to make sure another hand has gone over them and polished them properly from the first artist.
Even though we pay the illustrator quite well they don't seem to want to "polish" it properly (even after many asks and offered a raise in commission). For now, since funding is tight we've had to delay the polishing process to focus funding game development but we still wanted to introduce new creatures and will continue to do so for a while even though they're un-polished and most won't notice it in these banners.
Ah I see but I have to say you have to squint your eyes to find those issues so I guess you guys are in the good now haha. Maybe it's because I'm watching it on my phone I can't really find it unless I'm looking for it. On the tab I might easily notice it because the screen is big. Good thing that most people use phones for casual use so I wouldn't worry about it unless like you said above these are available as wallpapers. Getting a second look through the in-house artists was a great idea. A new pair of eyes will always find some issues if any.
I'd have to share the high res ones for you to notice I guess. :D
Haha I guess.
Wow, this is a great idea, and it adds a lot to the community, since we can interact and contribute to the structure of the game...
Normal Type: Dracongray
Grass Type: Greensdeadly
Water Type: Waterpoison
Ground Type: Draconquake
Ice Type: Infernal Ice
Fire Type: Lethal Fire
Ohh amazing, here are some ideas that occurred to me
Normal Type: Draknor
Fire Type: Pyronor
Grass Type: Floron
Water Type: Aquanor
Ground Type: Terranor
Ice Type: Cryonor
This is my entry :
Normal Type: Ryoko
Fire Type: Karyu
Grass Type: Suiryuu
Water Type: Mizuchi
Ground Type: Ryushiki
Ice Type: Kuraokami
Grass: Pastore (like pasture, but different, and more hardcore, because it tore a limb (blade of grass) off and beat you with it)
Water: Liquisha (like liquid with a sha at the end)
Ground: Rockelle (kinda like the name Raquel)
Hello greetings to all! I want to share with you these names for the Type Grass creature:
In its normal form: Zylvalium, inspired by fantastic forests.
For its evolved form I like the name: Zylvanthar or Zylvantharium, names evocative of ancient forests.
Normal Type: Astryke, Quillash, Nytrid
Fire Type: Cindrake, Flaros, Vulcaris
Grass Type: Mossquill, Thryvine, Bramblaze
Water Type: Torrentix, Nebulor, Abyssyl
Ground Type: Gryndor, Rubbleth, Terrafyn
Ice Type: Frostbane, Glacivor, Icetalon
^^ my entry
Oh excellent ones for the revealed creatures, here is my participation:
Normal Type: Zarix
Fire Type: Emberon
Grass Type: Verdon
Water Type: Oceon
Ground Type: Stonix
Ice Type: Cryodon
I would call this fire-type dragon Radon, which in Japanese is a contradiction Pteranodon
In Japanese Radon also corresponds to Ladon, a monster from Greek mythology that looked like a dragon or a bird of fire
The first form would be: Radon
And its second evolutionary form: Ladon
Well we will make my first entry to the contest.
So cooooooool! I like this set of Holomons!
Here’s my entry:
Normal Type: Graco
Fire Type: Pyrigon
Grass Type: Sarradon
Water Type: Poseigon
Ground Type: Barragon
And my favorite would be the Ice-type… I’m calling him…
❄️ Glaccy ❄️
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @acidyo ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.https://reddit.com/r/holozing/comments/1erpv7i/new_creatures_reveal_naming_contest/
Looking great. Throwing out same name too :)/
Normal: Snaphira
Ice : Articule
Fire: Blazeleon
My entry for water type
The update is amazing. The dragon looks amazing. I like all the dragon types.
I would like to name one of the fire type,
fire type: Fryofire