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RE: New Creatures Reveal + Naming Contest!

in Holozing Community • 7 months ago

Not polished eh 😆? I choose not to believe that haha.

Anyway here are my entries!

Normal type: Roaragon
Grass type: Meadogon
Water type: Aquagon
Ground type: Terragon
Ice type: Frostagon
Fire type: Blazeagon


if you were to zoom in enough you'd understand what we mean :D

Hmm the only issue I see here is the quality of these artworks. It looks like they are in low resolution so the lineart does not have that sharpness that you see in the final versions haha.

That's all I could find xd.

Yeah I wasn't being clear, in high res when you zoom in you may see certain lines cross over or colors not being where they should be etc, that's why we have our in-house artist @hiddenblade polish them for future use. Meaning if at some point we wanna create big resolution wallpapers, high quality physical cards, things like that, we need to make sure another hand has gone over them and polished them properly from the first artist.

Even though we pay the illustrator quite well they don't seem to want to "polish" it properly (even after many asks and offered a raise in commission). For now, since funding is tight we've had to delay the polishing process to focus funding game development but we still wanted to introduce new creatures and will continue to do so for a while even though they're un-polished and most won't notice it in these banners.

Ah I see but I have to say you have to squint your eyes to find those issues so I guess you guys are in the good now haha. Maybe it's because I'm watching it on my phone I can't really find it unless I'm looking for it. On the tab I might easily notice it because the screen is big. Good thing that most people use phones for casual use so I wouldn't worry about it unless like you said above these are available as wallpapers. Getting a second look through the in-house artists was a great idea. A new pair of eyes will always find some issues if any.

I'd have to share the high res ones for you to notice I guess. :D

Haha I guess.