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RE: ESP|ENG Mi nombre es Tiempo, Justin Tiempo | My name is Time, Justin Time

in Writing Club3 years ago

jaja sometimes I see that and laugh CJ
and talking of Spanish and laughing I saw on a post of yours, I think in the ReadCash threads one you put TIA and I was laughing oh tito ed has tia CJ now!
then of course I twigged Thanks in Advance!


LOL! Is there another meaning for TIA for you Tito Ed? I hope it isn't something fishy, haha!

jeje tia is Spanish for aunt CJ, whenever I see tia or TIA first thing I say is aunt...

Oh! Hahaha that is why it made you LOL! It didn't occur to me. But yes, sometimes other people here call their aunts Tiya (localised term for tia) 😁