So, 15% selling is not so bad, but what percentage of total sales does that represent?
I keep getting told that it is the redfish authors selling everything they get that is creating the down pressure on the price, can you make a visualization of how that 15% stacks up against the rest of the sellers?
And, who is doing the buying?
Somebody is keeping the price above my mortgage the pets and back up the truck price of <.1usd.
I'd be interested in knowing if that price support was coming from the people that already have game breaking amounts.
It certainly isn't coming from the folks selling to pay for lunch.
I'm gonna bet that the exchanges anonymize too much of the data on who holds the ~1/3 of hive on exchanges to be able to accurately determine who is doing that holding.
If it is still 1/3, that report was demonetized years ago and no longer publishes.
Look into this post and the last plot
So, if I understand the chart correctly, 73.6% of the top 2500 posting authors hold more than they sell, but my question is if the top earning accounts sell more than all the others combined?
50% of the daily inflation intended to attract newbs goes to the top 20 curating accounts and their preferred authors.
The restivus split what they don't take, or burn.
This chart only shows those with up to 20k hp, I'd like an overall picture of how the selling of the top earning accounts compares to the restofus.
Not to bring shame on the greedy, but to shed light on the subject for the unknowing.
I've been asking this question for a long time, and all I get in answer is that the greedy minnows and redfish are keeping us in the poor house.
Dalz frequently publishes the top earning accounts. They don’t sell. Selling does increase exponentially as we go down the HP ladder. So what people are telling you is indeed true. Supported by data.
Yes, and this is an issue, imo.
Hive is already centralized to a game breaking amount.
All hail, the ninjamine!
Why would anybody buy in above a nickel when the price to power ratio is not profitably favorable to changing who is allowed to influence the shot calling even a little bit?
TMM said it one day, he came to the conclusion that no matter how much hive he accumulated he would never have enough to impact the status quo.
Then he negotiated for a witness spot he should have had all along, iyam.
I'm glad he found his balance, he is an asset to the ecosystem.
But, the restivus would benefit by a new whale experiment.
IF people make sock puppets, hw's can be paid to find them.
Linear rewards kinda moots that anyway.
Getting back to the original design, without the ninjamine, and exponential rewards is probably not gonna happen, and the game has suffered for it.
And, again, I am not trying to embarrass anybody, I'm just trying to highlight a friction point that I feel has been holding us back all along.
Being outgunned 1000mv to 1mv is one thing, but to be looking into a 20k mv black hole that can never be escaped is another.
We are supposed to be community governed, but clearly that is not the case at this level of power disparity.
Not 20K, I went down to 4500 HP