RULESET: Counterspell
Description: All monsters receive the Magic Reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy monsters that attack with magic receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Magic monsters with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The Amplify ability increases damage.
Battle Rulesets:

Counterspell: All monsters receive the Magic Reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy monsters that attack with magic receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Magic monsters with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The Amplify ability increases damage.
Aim True: Melee and Ranged attacks will always hit their target.
This applies to magic attacks even if the Phase ability is in play.
See True Strike ability.
Armored Up: All monsters get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game.
Use Void Armor to ensure that magic attacks strike armor first.
Use Shatter or Piercing to destroy your opponent's armor more effectively.
See Protect ability.

Active Splinters:
- Fire
- Tarsa
- Radiated Scorcher
- Antoid Platoon
- Uraeus
- Tenyii Striker
- Supply Runner
- Dr. Blight
I didn't use a monster with Amplify for the Counterspell because Fire is the only active Splinter and my opponent will most likely to use a Melee Team.
I put Radiated Scorcher in first position because it has a 4 Speed and my plan is to break armor of opponent's tank.
Antoid Platoon as my main tank, Uraues and Tenyii Stiker to burst his backline monsters.
Supply Runner for Speed and Health buff.
Lastly, Dr. Blight for Affliction for anti-heal, just in case.
Position 1:
Radiated Scorcher - as a sacrifice but he has 4 Speed for a high possibility to attack first and break the armor of the opponent's tank before he dies.
Position 2:
Antoid Platoon - my main tank because of his Shield ability and it has a Scavenge
Position 3:
Uraeus - one of my main damager in this battle because my plan is to kill my opponent's backline monsters first.
Position 4:
Tenyii Striker - my main damager and I put it to middle to protect it from sneak.
Position 5:
Supply Runner - one of my support because of his Swiftness and Strengthen ability.
Position 6:
Dr. Blight - in case my opponent used a monster with heal. Also, I have a feeling that he will also use Antoid Platoon. I'm relying on its Poison.
Round 1

Good thing I put Radiated Scorcher at the first position and my plan really worked because I broke the armor of his tank before he died by Mordeus.
Round 2

I didn't expect that my opponent will use Scavo Hireling which helps his Forgotten One to survive this round. Luckily, my Antoid Platoon also survived this round.
Round 3

my sneak monsters killed his Scorch Fiend which is great because it removed the debuff on my monster. The round ended with 3v2 battle.
Round 4

Luckily, my Uraeus Poisoned his Scavo Hireling before he died which is crucial because if it doesn't Poisoned, I will lose this battle for sure because there will be 1 Health left on his Scavo Hireling and my Tenyii Striker got Stunned in this round.
Round 5

My Tenyii Striker got Stunned again and its really a close match. That Poison from my Uraeus really helps a lot in this battle. The round ended with 2v1 battle.
Final Round

My Tenyii Striker died and good thing I Poisoned his Mordeus because if not, I might lose if my Dr. Blight got Stunned. Because it has Piercing ability and my Dr. Blight will die in 2 attacks.
Battle Summary

Overall, my plan worked out pretty well. Though, I didn't expect him to use Scavo Hireling which leads to a close match. I'm not really scared to use Dr. Blight because there is a low possibility that he will use a monster with Amplify like Venator Kinjo.
Those Poison from my Uraeus to his Scavo Hireling and Poison from my Dr. Blight to his Mordeus wins it. You can also see my Win rate which is 46% only (via Splintertools). GG!
Battle Results and Rewards

Rating: +23(3586)
RP earned: +76,088
SPS earned: +2.057
Dr. Blight is one of the best cards in the entire game. It can define the victory of a battle. Excellent Battle, even with Magic Reflect Dr. Blight shone!
Exactly! And his abilities are really great!
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

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Thank You Very Much!
I already login in leofinance before but I'll check this out later when I'm home
Thank You Kira!
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