Kira I saw that you have not yet accessed the Leofinance Threads, which is a Web3 Twitter. There is an adoption campaign for this platform and I am participating. You can learn more about it from this post (Our Adoption Campaign | $10,000 & 200k HivePower prize pool!).
If you can help me is to enter through my referral link and do some quests:
The first step is to post your first Thread, to do this just access the site and log in with your Hive account (all letters of your nickname must be lowercase to be able to log in).

Then just do the daily quest in Zealy!
Thank You Very Much!
I already login in leofinance before but I'll check this out later when I'm home
Thank You Kira!
Yeah you definitely should join us, use @elderdark's invite link! There's a huge prize of 10k USD and some small prizes for participating. I hope you join us!