Grain Neutral
Vugtis said this morning "My life in nutshell : click - sleep - click - sleep"
That is the essence last couple of days since the Land 1.5 was launched Tuesday Nov 28, 2023, 11:00 AM CST at Splinterlands. Like everyone else involved in the game I was very excited and started staking quickly on late Tuesday after I got back from work. The trouble is the hurry didn't help at all. I used some of the 'fast-population of plots' using Peakmonsters and that was a mistake. Although it did auto-fill quickly, but I didn't think about the optimal cards to use. For example, I did fill up lot of common natural plots which generate grains with max common reward cards. That was a mistake, because it still takes the max 50K DEC to fill a plot but the production was way too low. Soon I ran out of reward cards, but I had many Epic and even Legendary Natural plot left to fill!

Generated with AI ∙ December 1, 2023 at 7:29 AM
Current Status
Here is my current status, only about 8% of one region filled up and I am out of cards and DEC!
Not only that, there are much bigger problem. More than half of these plots, especially the natural grain plots are sub-optimally filled, as I mentioned earlier, due to my mistake with Peakmonsters. What is worse that I have ran out of my good cards, and my Keeps are not turned on!
- Castles have a set cost to harvest - 10,000 grain.
- Keeps have a set cost to harvest - 1,000 grain.
- Castles and Keeps do not have a 7 day capacity timer. Instead, they may hold up to 1,000,000 of a resource.
- Consider prioritizing the setup of your castle/keep prior to the first harvest. If any plots are harvested prior to your castle or keep setup, the rewards will get burned.
- Setup your Castle/Keep before the first hour expires and players start harvesting if you want to collect those taxes!
I have forgotten to pay attention to this simple fact above explained very clearly in the Land 1.5 post. As a result 6 of my keeps remains 'dud' still now!
Why do you think I am writing this post and not filling them up first. Well as I said, I am out of both cards and DEC! I can potentially scrape some DEC, but cards, I have to get from my scholar accounts and those kids are not going to like me!
But at least I am grain neutral right now while I wait, which was not the case first few days. I had a stash of 7.7 M Grain which I received during pre-sale. I have transferred 700K to my region #10 Highmoor in Pristine Northwest (this is the only area I am developing), From that I have about 530K grain left from the original 700K. So I have burned through 170K grain in 3 days! Its no big deal, but this is not a sustainable scenario.
So, to mitigate I have turned on few more Legendary grain plots with some meta battle beta cards from my scholar accounts, which I think is a good idea as beta cards will be less relevant in battle. Most of my scholars do not play wild anymore anyways.
The way to check grain neutrality (there is no simple way!), if all your active plots are cleared (this is very important!), is to look at the grain before harvest at the upper right corner. In my case it is 530K, and check after harvest. If that number stays about the same you are grain neutral.
Also you can add the 3 different grain requirement to harvest from Grain, Research, and SPS respectively. In my case the numbers are 47656 + 30353 + 65015 = 143024 Total grain in need. However, I have generated 157910 grain.
Now I have 1 castle and 4 keeps turned on. The total cost to harvest those are 10000 + (4*1000) =14000 grain. Total grain cost therefore = 143024 + 14000 = 157024. Now there is a bit gone in taxes, part of that is a waste (burn), part I get to collect for myself. However, that is as close to grain neutral I can make it!
Now if you excuse me, I better turn on the rest of my keeps!
Wow these numbers you have are insane. One thing I dont understand is... where you get your totems ? People speak about equiping these but there are no claims for me nor any totems to buy.
I only bought 5 plots but got extremely lucky. Two rare plots, one common occupied and one keep.
Got the totems from the original land claim. Now of course you can get fragments. I haven't gotten any fragments yet though
Thanks for your help on this. I am trying to balance the few plots I have. Have a couple under construction too, which upsets the applecart a little. Time will tell how neutral I am.
I have 41K DEC left! Never been this DEC poor!
Bought more? ;D
8K DEC. Started Hive PD. No other choices left.
Im drooling now just looking at those numbers, all I can do now it's watch you guys play land.
why just watch, I think levelup does have a program is that right?
Don't really have extra right now to be able to sustain his program.hehe
LOL. Is he being a loan shark? :)
nah bro, it's just that being a middle class I need to know my priorities.hehe
Sorry to hear your trouble with the Peakmonsters application. While I only have 5 plots, I quickly realized that in order to maximize things the way I wanted it, that the PeakM app was not going to work.
I did make some mistakes with how I handled my Time Crystals because I should have used them on the weaker PP plots that I filled up at the end rather than the higher PP plots that I filled up first. I also filled another 5 plots for a Marshal in region 110 who delegated me 5 plots for one of my alt accounts.
I haven't harvested anything yet, honestly I haven't even checked anything since setting things in motion Tuesday night. At this point, all I really want are those rShare prefix bonuses to help marginally increase the reward chests earned for ranked battles. All in due time.
Now to focus on Rebellion! I'm excited to start completing my GF sets!
I used TC on all plots. However, seriously mismanaged how to populate the plots.
So there will be a three day penalty after you move monsters around, but maybe it makes sense to get some good work in and then spread the workers around more thinly. It drove me nuts using the interface just populating 5 plots on 2 separate accounts. I can only imagine how much work it would be to fill out a full tract or region with cards from a single account.
yeah, since I have a lot of empty plots of nearly all types, it is perhaps just easier to populate new plots, but this time more carefully, as opposed to reshuffle already poorly populated plots
Whatever works mate. I wish you hearty and healthy harvests. When will you get around to working your KoG plots in region 95?
I don't have any KOG plots. How is that harvest going?
I don't know. Once I set things in motion I haven't checked anything.
I have my one magic plot maxed out for SoP. I have my highest rare PP plot mining grain. I think I have a 2nd PP plot on grain and then 2 other plots mining SPS. Pretty basic stuff for me, 1 rare, 1 common magic, 3 common natural. I'm mostly invested for the 15% share bonus for being part of the runeguard by staking 5 runs to my 5 plots.
I guess maybe I'll check now.
I haven't been able to collect any grain yet. I am still waiting for my farms to be built. I ran out of DEC, so I need to fix that too. I have a feeling I am going to have to come back and review this again after my farms are actually up and running.
Oh! I am now out of DEC and out of stakable cards!
So the pain is real and across the board.
Ouch! I accidentally staked some of my cards and didn't pay attention to the splinter penalty, so I removed them, but didn't realize there was a three day unstake. Still waiting for them to become available again!
I have always wanted to participate in this game, I see that you are an expert, it will be a mandatory consultation when I do it, I hope to understand many things to be able to advance quickly... Greetings
It costs money, substantial money!
I currently have 6 rare plots, 4 working grain 1 research 1 sps. Was curious if at somepoint you had extra plots youd be willing to trade for my grain production?
Your explanation is making it seem like the game is very simple
You will make a great teacher
Keep it up!
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