yeah, since I have a lot of empty plots of nearly all types, it is perhaps just easier to populate new plots, but this time more carefully, as opposed to reshuffle already poorly populated plots
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yeah, since I have a lot of empty plots of nearly all types, it is perhaps just easier to populate new plots, but this time more carefully, as opposed to reshuffle already poorly populated plots
Whatever works mate. I wish you hearty and healthy harvests. When will you get around to working your KoG plots in region 95?
I don't have any KOG plots. How is that harvest going?
I don't know. Once I set things in motion I haven't checked anything.
I have my one magic plot maxed out for SoP. I have my highest rare PP plot mining grain. I think I have a 2nd PP plot on grain and then 2 other plots mining SPS. Pretty basic stuff for me, 1 rare, 1 common magic, 3 common natural. I'm mostly invested for the 15% share bonus for being part of the runeguard by staking 5 runs to my 5 plots.
I guess maybe I'll check now.