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RE: “Mavericks House” Discord Channel Pre-Proposal

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Maybe we should have a way to request that they get grandfathered in if they were in it before and not being in it like that would be considered rude or a slap in the face in some cultures i believe so passing it for ppl going forward would be fine and if its ppl being dicks in the channel then just ban or kick do what they would do anyway but i would let ppl like luna stay especially if ppl are saying that she had a really positive impact. Doesnt make sense to me to kick her out and i dont know her but if other ppl feel that strongly she probably and others in her situation be allowed to stay if they request it. Maybe a override for exceptions is a good way to do it. Anyone being just assholes will be warned and banned anyway so i would if i were doing this just grandfather everyone and weed out the ppl just constantly being a ass in the chat and going forward change the req for new ppl if you want to 100K sps is cheaper than 1000 packs at least right now and if sps does get say 2-5X more expensive consider adjustments in the future. Also give everyone a way to view the mav chat but maybe not talk in it if they dont meet the req so ppl can at least read what is being talked about

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  Reveal Comment