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RE: “Mavericks House” Discord Channel Pre-Proposal

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

I'll repeat what I sent you in DM

  • Some of the most toxic people in mav chat would pass all new criteria with flying colors, so they would be part of the 'new' mav chat' too.

  • Some people who are accused of trolling because they've sold out, have sold out everything but their SPS - so they would be part of the 'new' mav chat' too.

  • A lot of reasonable voices would be locked out, leaving even more room for the toxic ones who meet the criteria

I can see you added the 'moderators' to your proposal, but I still think the guidelines you mention

Trolling, belittling and personal attacks are unacceptable behavior.
Constructive criticism is welcomed, as long as it is projected in a professional manner.
All Mavericks will be expected to be respectful to the Moderators and Team members alike

already exist right now. And as you know, it's not easy to get mavs to comply. Tbf, having to moderate mav chat is an awful job. As a free moderator, you don't get paid enough to deal with all the crap you get when you moderate strictly in mav chat. And now they get an extra job while they're at it?

I still think stronger moderation in mav chat and respect from the mavs for the moderators would go a long way in what you're trying to accomplish with this.

In conclusion, I'm 100% against excluding people, on top of the fact that I think this won't achieve what you want it to.

For the record: I would still be a mav if this ever passes, although I'm not sure I want to be a part of this and might give up the role if this ever happens

EDIT: Also, the 'staked SPS' requirement doesn't seem like a good measurement to see if people are invested in the game or not. What if someone sold his SPS to invest in cards. What if someone has 6 figures in cards, land and stuff, but less than 100k in SPS?
Is this person less invested than someone who has 100k SPS and nothing else?
Or, to use your words: less important ?


And what will happen if this measurement doesn't have the wanted result after a while? Up it and make it 500k SPS? 1M SPS?
I think it's a dangerous road you're taking here. If I would like to troll in mav chat, 100k SPS is a lot easier to achieve atm than buying 1000 packs.

As I said in my message: I still don't totally get what you want to achieve. I know you listed the benefits, but I truly wonder if you really believe that setting this requirement will create an environment with less salt and more 'new and fresh ideas'... As I said before: the only thing that will happen is that you exclude a good number of people who invested in 1000 packs, as was required, and are still invested and might have those ideas you're looking for, and nothing else.

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