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RE: Unvalidated Reward Brawls

in Splinterlands2 days ago

I would love for Gladiators to be completely removed from ranked play again - fortunately, we'll be seeing that soon enough with Modern but it seems the cat's forever outta the bag in wild.

Guilds & the whole of the brawling system need to be blank slated and completely reworked in my opinion - guild wars, live brawls, exclusive rulesets, exclusive land items, alliance fortresses that tie in with land... a million things could be done to spice things up - as we're long overdue here. I, too, wonder when we'll see some dev time allocated to the only social system we've got in-game.

Taraz is in the loop with the CA testing :)

Lastly, I wonder how many @vugtis tags it will take to get him to clickety clack his response into any sort of interaction on Hive!


I don’t think Vugtis knows how to check notifications! :) LOL

That is for his own good.

We all know how to reach him if we are desperate :)

I might have to introduce @vugtis @vugtis @vugtis to F.R.I.D.A.Y. :D