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RE: Unvalidated Reward Brawls

in Splinterlands2 days ago (edited)

There is quite a bit to unpack here and I can’t do that with one comment. I will show you/others some data on validators later.

I am running a full validator node. You will need a domain and need to set up a virtual machine somewhere in the word. It is profitable at current prices. It’s not going to make you rich but does have an incentive to be interested in it. Again it’s easy to go overboard with your server specs and overspend. Many have done that and they won’t break even at current prices. More on that at a later post. Still very early days to comment.

Next the game aspect. Agree 100%. Company recognizes it too. Several community members are actively testing cards so that major missteps does not happen. @bjangles and @vugtis is involved I know and there could be others. They can tell you.

Brawl need work and incentives. No one is working it. It was @cryptomancer but now he is 100% land. When can game make enough money to hire a dedicated dev to enhance brawl? Open question for @davemccoy

I am missing other things but a travel day for me. I will read again on the airplane


When can game make enough money to hire a dedicated dev to enhance brawl? Open question for @davemccoy

Hey AZ! I'm happy to answer:

When we can demonstrate that we have solved the equation for bringing in new players.

This will not only bring the actual new players, it will also deliver confidence as everyone will understand where we are headed with these new players.

Confidence in the future increases the desire to own assets. This creates demand for the products we provide = more revenues = profits = ability to invest in EXACTLY what you would like to see.

We have many such opportunities to improve and expand our system, and they all have the same ultimate solution. In other words, attract and retain new players and the whole world of possibilities open up to us, our boundaries are nearly limitless!

attract and retain new players and the whole world of possibilities open up to us, our boundaries are nearly limitless!

The retention is key. A lot of the time it is based on earning potential, which is great for short-term, but not going to keep it for long. Same on Hive - write and earn only goes so far, especially in the bears.

yep we are on the same page Taraz! Glad we think alike :)

On the node front, I might fire one up later if I can be bothered. I know there is a cost to it, but it might be worth the effort just to get the practice in.

On the game front, it will be interesting to see if the next set is balanced and brings back competition. At this point, I am not even sure if I will buy if it is just going to be more of the same. Or at least, I will buy much more slowly. I have been heavily burned buying sets early.

Brawls need a overhaul for sure, and there has to be something unique for participating, even if it is a single collector card to keep interest up.

Thanks for the reply and have a good trip!

I would love for Gladiators to be completely removed from ranked play again - fortunately, we'll be seeing that soon enough with Modern but it seems the cat's forever outta the bag in wild.

Guilds & the whole of the brawling system need to be blank slated and completely reworked in my opinion - guild wars, live brawls, exclusive rulesets, exclusive land items, alliance fortresses that tie in with land... a million things could be done to spice things up - as we're long overdue here. I, too, wonder when we'll see some dev time allocated to the only social system we've got in-game.

Taraz is in the loop with the CA testing :)

Lastly, I wonder how many @vugtis tags it will take to get him to clickety clack his response into any sort of interaction on Hive!

I don’t think Vugtis knows how to check notifications! :) LOL

That is for his own good.

We all know how to reach him if we are desperate :)

I might have to introduce @vugtis @vugtis @vugtis to F.R.I.D.A.Y. :D