Ya Win Some, Ya Lose Ten…

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Sometimes…life gives you those little signs to just…walk away. To take a break for a bit. Just, go focus on something else at the moment. Literally AnYtHiNg!!! This was one of those moments.


Ten straight loses in a row with a few brutal ass kickings, immediately after a little winning streak. I was feeling a little lucky and high on myself, but reality knocked me back on my ass with the quickness….ten…friggin…times. It was at this moment when I realized I should step away.

Does anyone else have these days? Ones where you find yourself tearing it up fairly well. Maybe putting together some win streaks or breezing through the rankings, just to find that all of a sudden, you can’t seem to pick the right team if your life depended on it?!? I can’t be the only one…

All good though! It just shows me that I have a long way to go in this game and that I should never let my guard down because other folks, are always grinding to become better. I felt pretty good after last season reaching the furthest I’ve made it yet…into Diamond III with a Win ratio of around 52%. This season is beating my ass as I’m sitting under 46% Win rate. Yuk!

Congrats if you were one of those 10 loses, as you managed to start the day off irritating the piss outta me!!! 😜

Tomorrow is a new day...


I defiantly get tilted in this game sometimes. especially when I'm just trying to complete a quest and can't get that final win.

Right?!! The quests sometimes have me just stringing up losses. I need to not actively try for them but to let it come naturally. I know that…but I don’t practice it. Dumb!

I've heard it's harder!

Actually I took a few cards off the rental market to have a play after several months off but just bounced around in Bronze for so long I put them all back up for rent again!

It is tough out there.

Just as I was feeling myself a bit for advancing the furthest last season, this season has put me back into my place with the quickness.

Gosh, this is SO me!

I'll feel like I've got a good system down for match-ups when suddenly a dozen losses lay me out. I feel your pain, and I'm here for it.

Unfortunately, I had to grind through it last season only to realize I was so focused on pushing rank that I didn't make sure to rent enough power ahead of the ending rush. Had to settle for a lower league because rent prices skyrocketed beyond my budget.

As much as I hate to see you struggle like this, I’m kinda glad it’s not just me. Lol

I figured we all have these days or moments but it’s hard to swallow at times when I submit a team I put time, thought, and planning…just to get steamrolled for the 11th time in a row. Lol

Lol….and I won?!? Today was NOT my day. I just kept getting my ass handed to me over and over again. Thanks for being the bright spot for me that made me not rage quit! 😂

hahaha yeah you won so fast!
You use Yodin + Ifrit hahaha

I love my Yodin! It’s my favorite card that I am going to level up fully soon. I even have a badass Yodin shirt that I might rock today in your honor. 😂

Pretty sure I've hit longer loss streaks than this. :D Especially lately. Beginning of this season was extremely rough. I climbed to Diamond III pretty rapidly and it was awesome. At season reset I de-ranked hard. My win rate went from almost 57% to less than 55% where it still sits. :(

Clearly having a gold level Chaos mostly deck just isn't going to cut it for much more than I am at. Haha.

It really gets irritating when you start losing because of luck more so than game choices. I have had times where I miss 5/6 attacks even though I have a 90% chance to hit. Or they land 3-4 attacks in a row despite having like 10% chance to hit. Now that is infuriating! 😡

I think I’m making a new rule that if I hit a spit of 5 losses in a row, I step away for a bit. Otherwise I find myself just overthinking each match and keep the loses piling up.

May be a good idea... I just now lost/draw like 12 out of 13 times in a row. :( Managed to get to Diamond II rating (not enough CP though...) Since then have fallen back to 2900... So many losing streaks...

Dan! Look at you. I’m still floating in Gold I. Still aiming for that bling though. Lol

Good luck this season.