Pretty sure I've hit longer loss streaks than this. :D Especially lately. Beginning of this season was extremely rough. I climbed to Diamond III pretty rapidly and it was awesome. At season reset I de-ranked hard. My win rate went from almost 57% to less than 55% where it still sits. :(
Clearly having a gold level Chaos mostly deck just isn't going to cut it for much more than I am at. Haha.
It really gets irritating when you start losing because of luck more so than game choices. I have had times where I miss 5/6 attacks even though I have a 90% chance to hit. Or they land 3-4 attacks in a row despite having like 10% chance to hit. Now that is infuriating! 😡
I think I’m making a new rule that if I hit a spit of 5 losses in a row, I step away for a bit. Otherwise I find myself just overthinking each match and keep the loses piling up.
May be a good idea... I just now lost/draw like 12 out of 13 times in a row. :( Managed to get to Diamond II rating (not enough CP though...) Since then have fallen back to 2900... So many losing streaks...
Dan! Look at you. I’m still floating in Gold I. Still aiming for that bling though. Lol
Good luck this season.