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RE: SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! - [Dragons]

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Awesome battle. Serpentine mystic is a favorite card of mine. I try to fight with affliction in so many of my battles. It’s one of the under utilized effects which is good for me! Lol

Sorry I had to take back my Robo dragon, I got another one in a chest and got mine up to level 3 so I needed to use it. If I get another one I’ll lease it to you again!


Not a problem. I don't use Dragon all that often. Appreciate the gold foil fire and earth cards. I get a ton or extra DEC from those.

Yeah, I love the gold foil bonuses! I love winning on my alt account that's got mostly gold foils, sometimes my entire lineup is gold lol extra 60% dec!